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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. ..... but the hat blank only cost about $15.00...... it's the trim and time that will cost you...... (I hope that typed out right....... )
  2. Yah.... but kinda like what Hawkyns is doing...... I wouldn't want to carry that much stuff in for a camp.... (it would look good tho......) As a wierd note: I got side tracked on my period camping stuff........ and it's all easy stuff.... a tarp, groundcloth, and a blanket (the Hudson Bay blanket is nice..... but not quite right for Buccaneer......)
  3. Cool..... thier web page has been updated......... http://piratesinparadise.com/index.html I needed the info early, so I can be sure to get there again this year ...... and they did.... cool... or aaaaaargh.........
  4. Dang.... I'm goinna have ta post th' picture someone took of me at Ojai last year..... (sorry don't have the page address right now.....) but I be the good lookin' one wit the rum..........
  5. The problem with the 7th Seas card game.... The rules need A LOT of work .... we played one game, I blew everyone outta the water, and they never wanted to play again...... It's about as bad as making a Klingon Deck for the Star Trek game..... you just shoot all the Fedie ships, build an armada and then blow up thier main world..... not much fun....... I guess thats why I don't buy any more of the card games. Magic the Obsession was fun untill you ran into someone that had 4 shoeboxes of cards.... (the Fairy Air force was a fun counter sometimes...but you had to play for a random card wager for it to work) Jihad was cool (with the "house rule" that you couldn't have more than 3 of any card...... but dang I only had one "Fame" , and my friend had 3 of them........) Rage was a bit to "Rock, Paper Sissors"
  6. But not nesicarily in that order............. An spellin' be optional............
  7. Cap'n Pete Straw.... I HATE SEWING BUTTON HOLES........ but dang..... it's just something that has to be done............. (to bad velcro wasn't period.....)
  8. Wellllllllllllllllllllll..... and a faster ship...... And some more cannons..... and maybe also some more guns...... and yah.... a new cutlass..... and more plunder....... and a bit O' rum would be nice..... and just a few more rich ports ter plunder....... and...... and....... DANG.......If all ye want (or wanted) was just more Pyrate fun.........
  9. I did a search for "Carbide Cannon", and found a web page that also had the original article..... Looks like it would be fun to make.........
  10. That looks cool, are there any other good web pages about carbide cannons..... (or should I just do a search myself....)
  11. Capt. Pete..... you better keep yer eyes pealed or yer boots be next.... .....
  12. Ach..... nothin' like th' smell O' wet sheep in th' morning........ But you will still be warm.......
  13. Like I said (well typed) he was a friend, and he needed to "show off " his work........ And his work was good. so it was a "special" price.......
  14. Rogue Mermaid Not sure if I should offer this advice or not..... But when I was riding a motercycle (Harley Superglide) I "pounded it into my (now ex) O' ladys head..... "If I have to dump the bike, you hold onto my back! " Never dumped th bike (luckly).... but after we broke-up.... she was riding with someone that had to dump his bike.... she held on, and only got road rash on her arm (tore through her leather jacket) and on her ankle (tore through her boots).... he ended up with two broken legs.... so his body protected her... (he still would have broken his legs.... but she could have been hurt much worse if she tried to "ride it" out herself) Don't wanna scare you, but this stuff happens when you ride..... you gotta be aware of it happining......
  15. I'm not inciting a riot....... but this should be an interesting arguement.....
  16. Kinda funny.... three or more tattoos and your "Heavely Tattooed......" I have a small star on my right wrist (did it myself.....) and a spider on my right forearm (also did that one myself...... left handed....) A Harley Shield on my right wrist.... sometimes I slightly regret it....but then remember that it comemorated a part of my life....... And a sitting fox on my right shoulder (Hudson Bay musket proof mark) When I lived in Tennessee, I had a friend that was starting a tattoo parlor, for $200 he would have covered my right or left arm with Klingon tattoos..... I had the money at the time , he did good work....... (it was such a "deal" because it would be "advertising" for him...) but I figured it would be too extreame for me....... now I'm glad I didn't go for it.....
  17. Blackjohn.... yah, I've seen thier page, but unfortunately, they are on the other side of the country....... A cow hide looks good, but is way to heavy..... I had one that wasn't very well tanned, with the hair on... that I used when car/garbage camping * but it rotted/fell apart I stopped by the closest blackpowder gun shop, and got the schedule for the next Rendezvous (July and October.....) I am getting better at explaining about "The Buccaneer Project" somehow by explaining how simular it is to early period Longhunters, makes it sound better.... the guy at the shop does 1840 Rocky Mountain..... but told me about a group (I think it is the same one that I already e-mailed) that does early period (F& I War) * car/garbage camping is when you drive onto the site, and unload all you stuff..... sometimes it IS fun, but I'm doing more period, and carrying my stuff in..... When I did Rendezvouse, other than my firewood and tent poles (they kinda frown on cutting wood on site) I would carry everything on me....
  18. GoF... I did stumble across the Historical Trecking group (and bookmarked it...) there are a few members that are kind of close, but I think when I told them that I was re-creating a Buccaneer, It might have scared them ... (or they didn't take "The Buccaneer Project " seriously)..... But I might run into them at one of the local rendezvous..... I figure part of the problem (for me anyway) is Taking the time and effort to put together a Buccaneer "impression", and the only place to "play" will be at rendezvous.... (hey...it IS pre-1840 ) A Buccaneer just dosen't Look like what people think of as a pyrate...... but it is an interesting time period. I don't think I will have any problems with the "buckskinners", they are cool, and I will only be a little "early" for the time period that most of them do. A buccaneer looks very simular to early Longhunter, just without any Indain infleunce.... I've gone to rendezvous befor, and always camp in the primitave camp. I will have to "back date" some of my gear, but I like making stuff, so it will be fun. Will have to make a new "tarp" I used a Wealand pattern lean-to that I made... it works well, but is outta period. One question, in an old "Buckskinner" magazine article, Mark Baker said that he couldn't find any doccumintation for ground cloths, but used one any way (he didn't wanna mess up his Hudson Bay wool blanket). I will probably use a linseed oil waterproofed ground cloth also, but wondered about others thoughts on the subject......
  19. Foxe..... obviously a tarpline hat..... but is it just the photo, or is the brim "thick"? The ones that I've made don't have a very thick brim.... just wondering........
  20. Capt. Pete...... now play with some hand rubbed linseed oil for the final finish..... (a bit of work...... but dang it looks good.......)
  21. Well I got a used Mountain bike..... hadda clean it up, add a few patches on the front tire......and adjust the seat height.... now I be riding....... I haven't ridden a bike in over 25 years...... so the shift pattern gets interesting at times......... I just hate finding out how outta shape I am........ and some of the interesting places that get sore...... (butt and wierd enough... my ribs.....) Also just for information..... if you loosen the handlebars to raise them..... it is a realy good idea to tighten them again befor you try to ride the thing........ "I fall down......." (luckly I was checking the breaks, so I wasn't going very fast......)
  22. I've been making, and getting everything together so I can go bycicle camping..... but I also have been getting stuff together so I can do period Buccaneer camping .... There have been a few post in beyond Pyracy from others that also do period camping....... figured a thread on period camping and how others gear works for them might be interesting........
  23. But that is why I sujested starting with semi-period shirt and slops..... if you wanna be a reenactor, your not out much money, and you now know what you want.... but if you wanna go play Pyrate, once again, you haven't spent a lot of money ..... That way, you can still "play", and take your time to find exactly what you want, and what is right for you.........
  24. ....Why do you think they wore wool ...... But wool is a bit more expensive....... Cotton cordoroy looks nice (not period, but cheaper) also check out upulstery fabric.... just DON't get anything that has a rubber backing........ If you have your heart set on canvas..... think about making a differnt style coat/jacket......
  25. There are times when research messes everything up...... In one of the "Foxfire Books" there is a chapter on how to make peg soled brogans. Hey with a straight last, I'd only have to make one last, then I could make a pair of shoes....... untill I found out that peg soles aren't very preiod...... Now do I just make them anyway (don't know how to sew the soles on...) or just keep trying to save money (yah right... after I get another musket first....) and buy a pair......
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