Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
Goingta play the last part of Sreck2 again,.... thestorming of th castle.... (I needa Hero).... dang I love that bit... kinda focusinng on it to much,,,,, I want some of that "happly ever after potion" cause I feel like an oger to often.............and I need a prinsess to save... (Fieona can take care of herself....... that kinda princess) THATS WHANT I WANNA FIND (funy Fieona is cute as an oger... and as a human.........but she is still sexy as both ) The storming of the castle has been running through my brain al nisght,,,, ... ok so just play it again, (even knowing that I will cry,.... Still a sucker for happy endings...)
What would you pay for a hand sewn sailors jacket?
Patrick Hand replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Thieves Market
It's an argumenent on "art" ................... what is art worth... the time that went into it for the finisehd work................. why bother because noone else does................. it is still art............. You have made something that is unique..... maybe a very small market... but it is still art.................. art is art............ the final... how do you feel about your "creation".......................... see art is art....... (and you only saw it as a period Sailors Jacket.......) -
not sure,.... but last time I looked... about a buck twentyfive..... (side joke .... I wanted to make some posters. and sell them on E-Bay ...... they would say ....LIFE,,,, and maybe say something...... but whenever someone said "get a life" you could say... I got one, and show them the poster.......)
Hetha,,....... I've had to play "bad a** for a very long period of time.... and I can do it (have no desirre to do so, there are "points" of os thatare very "week: but if yor ever "hit" them ,,,,,,, dang in front of the Court of Law.... dont wanna go there don't wanna play that game.....(ok bad typing) Any female (notice I didn't say woman) that is impreses by a man that can hit someone is not someone I want to be with....... I am a very big man... but I back down from fights... never seen on worth my time an effort...... But I pitty the stupid individual that starts a fight with me thinking I'm a "wimp"..... I will be the "hero" when the time is right... other fights ain't worth my time and effort.............. but the "One" that is "right"..... WOH..... I will win... andI will kill to win . (most people don't think that way.... thats why I don't fiight) A fight is a Killing situation..........that s the way I play it... Dang... I woulda made a GOOD pyrate........................
Cats iz cats................ sometimes they just happen in your life..... this one did (well it were two of them.... Fuzzbutton I think got eatten by the raccoons)..... Cats are a "Pill" kinda demanding ..... scrathce me weow........but they are cool to have around.... I miss Fuzzbutton,,,,,,,so this one gets more scrathhies... (can you ever give a cat to many scratshies?)
Have you ever been to th' BOG..... Clane Pershan....kiinda in the wet spot...... bout Pensic 22 (there abouts ) I am Atrig Bluehand,,,,, painted womens brreast (good job if you can get it) Dang.. Pansic famous............
Benjie F. says that wine is proof that God loves us....... I think Christine and Fancy and Lady Snow and alla the ladys in the Pub ..... be better than wine... (or Beer) and much beter proff that God loves us..... "dang those is some sexy thongs............ guess I bettre kinda let you ladys back to yourselves............. eeergh thanks............<crawls outth window,,,,> But thanks for you all being so nice............... even for a pyrate envador.....(sp) (who cares that I can't spell.... can't even see with alla prity inn my eyes.... ...See male type.... befundled.... ........... eeergh by.....
Hey hawks...... go for it........ but when we start calling you no lips hawk..... hey .... your own fault................
Awwwh man............... dang..... that sounds raly good..... so close... but yet so far......... (six to eight hours away) have to realy look and figure if I could make it............. <Mumbke grumble..... so close... but so long to get there...but it would probablybe worth it wanna...yah..canya..maybenot.... rats...but you wanna...yah...)
Dang... Dang.... you ever start a project.... when you start workin on it "boom" just happens... This one is kinda the same.... when I start it.... IT WILL BE GOOD.... (not braggin... just the way I do things) but just whaitin fer th' spark to start...... Thinking of the first "figure" to make a mold offa(I have bought enough "figures" and then "modified " them... I wanna make a mold, then press/cast a figure, then sell the figure. so others can make thier own mold and press/mold thier own figures..... The first one has to be simple.... so you can make and fix it yourself..... (and cheap) I"m just thinking that a figure with some "accessorys" and a "how to booklet" to make your own figures............. wellllll...... hey.... I sould get something for this............ I figure $10 if fair.... $10 for the figure w/ guns and swords etc... and $10 for the cannon (somehow the cannon wold is simpler... but it has to be two parts.) If you pay $3 + for a single figure..... and like working with minitures.... a "base" mold that you can "play with..... hey... you can make it yourself just as easly.........but sometimes the lazyness is worth the money............... (man.... I ain't going to make no money offa this... I just want to shaer the idea....) Dang...gotta love th' rum................. (I still like the idea......talk about it inna later post)
Capt. Mad Eye........Not to worry.... I hear they got them on sail/sale on E-Bay......
Red Maria Exactly my point..... the modern Caribs are no longer cannibals.... thier ansesters were..... "So who cares" make for fun diner conversations..... History is what happened..... not what is now....... (but now everyones "feelings" are so much more sensitive.......)
I'd rather sleep inside th' fort than spend the money for a hotel room (and have to walk so far......) I can "tote" a bed roll. and the lean-to.. (just have to buy some 2x2's and shave them dowm..... for tent poles (kinda hard to fly with) but inside Ft. Taylor is sheltered.......beautifull camping....... (the beach was cool also....) It would be cool if we could "camp" inside the Fort.... <Still going to go even if I can't camp inside th'Fort....> (Wot if Ft. Taylor, charges a "special event fee" of $20 per night to camp there ?(inside or outside the Fort) still cheaper than a hotel room...
A rant on the S.C.A. ........... (both good and bad) I have done a buncha different periods of "living History".... I have meet some Scadains who just wanted to "party" and some who WERE into the history of the idea............... Some people who were "semi hard core" ... (the people wanna play a bit more authentic)"..... but in the S.C.A. .... hey it does kinda work........... (I am no longer a member... not that I'm mad at anyone.... just no group up here...( The closet group that I helped "found" got taken over and then discarded by one jerk ..... happens...) I am NOT anti- SCA..... if someone just wants to play.... cool.... but it is a great resourse for potential reenactors also........... how much do you wanna play.... (that sorta thing) Now the Rant.... in "The Known World Handbook" there are patterns for making a "T" tunic...... (taken from a BAD stage costume book) When I finaly found out how an authentic tunic was made (AND less cloth..... eeeerght) I was greatly "PISSED" (not drunk but MAD) ... Aaaaargh.... the thoughts... right now don't type out right....................... (maybe they "ment" well.....)
Or your cat LIKES to chase dogs............ Dang... I inherented a bad a** pyrate cat............... (just dumb luck or somthinlikethat.....)
....Guess I'll just go look something up on E-bay, then watch Shrek 2 again....
Listened to Shrek2 today (had the moniter turned off, so I'd work instead of watch it.... ) Missed it when it came out in the theaters, but my Boss lent me her DVD of it, so I've watched it 3 times so far..... Kinda glad that I didn't see it inna theater.... From the time the Farry Godmother starts singing the "I need a Hero" song.... from that point on.... I lose it <sniff> ... dang, I'm a sucker fer the happy parts in movies....... Makes me wanna grab a cutlass and go out and rescue someone........
<Jumping through the window> PANTY RAID..................... Hey..... where's Phill and Capt. Morgan and the others....? <looks at watch> DANG....... I think I'm a bit early......
And a full one at that..... <sigh>
You better not, or they will do the same thing to you that they did to the Arawaks........ But whats for desert ?
You might wanna check the address again... cut and paste didn't work either.....
Don't have tack to attach the leather cuff to the hook, but I figured I'd show what the hook looks like so far..... https://pyracy.com/gallery/details.php?...636&mode=search
Pictures tomarrow...... have the hand part of the hook covered with "sculpy" so it "fits" now have to put on the leather sleeve,,,, awh... pictures will show itall........................
see part of the problem.... can't kill them... (or spank en) no respect... when you were a kid. no way in hell you "talked back".................... but now th law protects the "bad seed"................the law protects the idiots...............not the people we want to be aloud to bread...... .. going to hell in the hand basket......Other than there are the Pyrates who will say... whatthefuckis that... heck wit it...... the idea don"t type out right................ so .... How am I feeling right now........ kinda beligerent........wanted to be feeling horny.... but no one to feeel horny to................. dang.. pyrate.....................
...Craby....inna.real CRABY MOOD..... I'll be a jerk, say whats bothering me.... then drink some rum, and watch Shrek 2 again and get over it...... Merchants are good, I have no problem with that, but why do we get one or two post from someone selling something, and thats it...... Don't get me wrong, there has been some good stuff offered for sale, but they don't "hang around"...... mumble grumble..... arrgh.......... Thanks for lettin' me get that offa my chest, I can understand the "wrong" parts of my arguement..... but it still makes me craby....... Tyme fer that rum an movie........