Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
You forgot the part about them being realy baggy in the butt........ And it's linen... not cotton......
phile... I don't think ruba rue was gettinhg that philosophicle...... I think she was just just "venting" sometimes life don't work..... we get mad..... sometimes it do... them we think about it and white till ti gets bad again...... or mayby not.......or something like that....................
I just painted a canvas hat..it worked. but the weater was bad(cold) so the paint "took" slowly......... not shure if this ansures anything,.......
I wanna re create the ...(hawk what do they call a buch of men....) guys that went with Dampier when they tried to riad Panima,,(and it didn;t work)..........
I are duscussing a long period of time,, 100 years,,,,I am looking at the later period ,,,buccaneers.. Capt, Morgan.... to Dampher (1668-_ 1680) Delpier (just found the book ;it's an autoboiography.) so I can take t9 with a grain of salt...... gottta find his ori inal book..... anyway,,,, about 1880.. a bunch of buccaneeeds decided to raid the south sea (kinda funny now... the southe sea then west around Panama).... anyway... it was a total clusterfuck,,,,,,,,, they didin't get nothing... but they siailed around the world,,, so late period buccanneer.. is what I wannna do............... dang... to much rum..... can't type...... but I know what I want............ ,
aaaaaaaaaaargh/// givin th choice... wanna be bad... anyway...thaknx merrydearh....................
I thought she said her nylons...... so I wil go from there... (not funny otherwise.....) dang.... I hate it when they puke on my nylons also..... (OK not that funny....... being a guy type... so I don"t have to wear them (other than playing wierd,,, go figure,,,,,,,,))
cool.. I use to be Klingon myself..........Marine captain CheDpa vesti-P'san But the part I been thinking about.... on the board I FLIRT with merrydeath all the time.. I met her at PiP....(and she is a realy nice lady...) but I always figgurred we were just playing.... There are many very nice women that I have met online If somehow I get "lucky" cool...... but that is not why I type at them....... Am I a pyrate on line,,,,, well this is how I wanna be..... bout in real life I gotta to tone it down a bit,,,,,,,,,, just ask the "locals"..... I am the wierd pyrate around town,.....................
For you, that would be a LARGE cold........
Is that almost the same as my Confederate uniform..... when worn outside, you hardly notice the smell..... but inside it does get a bit "wiffy"
Hadda epifony(sp) tonight......" we are living in heaven right now......." then started to listen to "Hair" ... got into the music.... ( guess thats the way epifonys work................) gave the cat (wonder what happened to the other kitty,,, maybe the racoons got it.... don't know) lots of scratchies.... and Harly the BIG dog buncha scratchies also.... they like it more that any woman I've ever met........ (see... still single........) Pyrate... zen sh*t.... or ..... this stuff just happend............I HAVE NO STINKING IDEA........ but it is kinda fun......... Want to see what happens next...... YAY................... " some times life is so wierd that it is fun.......
Hey... I just want the stupid skin..... not an "experience" outta funsies.... now thinking about all of those water moccosin skins that I took when I was in the Army stationed in Ft. Stewart....... Nice black skin.... water moccosin would make a nice knife sheath,,,,,,,,,,,,, maybe save th' croc.. for a machetti scabard.................. Back on topic.... Looking at the hats.... I'm thinking that they might have been cut down felt hats... get rid of most of the brim ( the parts that were unneeeded...)... just keep the front part of the hat..... any other thoughts........
like I posted eirlier.... I like "playing " pyrate.... and I like trying to "do" it right..... most of the people close to me just "play" (and there is nothing wrong with that....it is fun) But I want to do both... play pyrate, and do a good as close to acurate buccaneere.... Hawk... Hawkens, and all .... why is there such animosity againtst authentic...?
DANG...,,,DRAT...... wrong thread..... Whoops.... I thought I was in the 6 word game........ dang................ Bet I look good tonight,,,,,,,,,,
postin ye may be.. and yer swag.... but here iffin not six words than ye be in th' bag.. play by th' rules... or ye a tur...... (ok... not six words... sometimes ya gotta do it to rhyme........)
Wouldn't have to wrastle the gator..... just shoot the sucker....
I just kinda got lost looking through some F&I reenactors pages (and I was looking for something else.... sheeeesh... gotta love the internet....) But something that I noticed in thier photos..... lots of them were wearing modern boots.... they were using a modern version of tarps to sleep under.... well I could go on "picking" them apart (not what I wanted to do...) but I am questioning levels of authentisity..... When I went to rendezvous, I slept in a weland style tent (not period, but it looks ok) there were a lot of non period things, but they "passed".... It the "10 foot rule" common, what levels of authentisity do others "play" at?
Nah..... not all buccaneers were French..... And they were hunting wild cattle and pigs... turning them into jerkey.... Living in the Carribean...... hummm...... I like that idea Hummm Lots of the members of Pirates of the Coast are from Florida........ boy, are THEY going to wonder about a wierd e-mail....
Right now...... I'm in a really good mood..... Spring had arived, so it's not as dang cold...... Kinda wierd to be in such a good mood tho..... My boss is going to a convention, and wants to take a Hot Sause bottle mascot...... and she is leaving Thursday morning (tonight is Tuesday)..... I have the stuff to make it, but only one day to make the bottle, with a very complex logo..... but I started glueing to base together, and it was like falling offa log.... went together easy..... start the logo tomarrow, and work all night if I have to...... Dang..... must be the bottle of rum she bought me...... (my boss understands bribery.......)
Getting a chunk of alligator skin might be difficult, but that would be cool.....
I keep looking at those pictures of the buccaneers. I'm trying to figure if maybe they were wearing "tight at the knee" breeches, and that is how the artist drew them... the one to the far right, has funny looking knees...... I will have to keep looking, but somehow, if buccaneers didn't wear breeches, wouldn't that have been mentioned more often? Or am I trying to make breeches"fit" in the time period? The Buccaneer on the left, from the sea atlas, I was looking at how the leg ends at the knee in a point, It dosen't look like there is a kneeband, or buttons. But his breeches are very loose..... wondering if a tighter pair would work.... Like I said, I will have to keep looking.......
starting bid.... $69.99 and no bidders..... hummmmm wonder why... Everyone knows "Real" pyrate hats were made outta rayon........
Hawkyns, thanks for the links,(bookmarked them...) Early Rustic Arms's prices (about $500 for kit form) isn't bad at all...(I will have to check out thier site more, for $200 more getting the gun "in the White" may be a better choice for me). what I've found so far are barrels for about $160, and locks running about $130-$160.... I was just checking out Hemp basic's web site last night.... at first I thought.... Ouch $15-$16 per yard, but just noticed that the stuff is 54" wide ... so not as bad as I first thought....... still would need at least 2 2/3 yards for a "long shirt" so about $40 ... that's not bad..... I'm just use to buying cotton at $1 a yard..... but I want to do this right, and thier natural hemp is about the color that I want.....
CLOTHING..... just the "long shirts" right now..... The first three prints in Foxe's post are fasinating. The other print that everyone has seen of a buccaneer (the one with the funny looking gun) all show what looks like "long shirts" . I'm trying to figure out what the buccaneer in the first print is doing.... it looks like he's reaching into a pocket? I figure it would be safe to start by making a "long shirt" with the body of the shirt gathered into a narrow neck band, the sleaves slightly gathered at the shoulder, not "puffy", but loose, gathered into a narrow band cuff. I'm guessing that a medium weight unbleached linen would be the closest to period. Medium weight, almost a light canvas, because they were work shirts, and would have to be able to withstand hard wear. (I wonder if it was period to reenforce the shoulders.... or is that a later period?) A medium weight would also gather as shown in the prints.... Unbleached, because from what I understand, getting linen white was a time consuming proceedure. So I figure that unbleached would be cheaper then, and would "blend in" more efficently for hunting. Or would they have dyed the shirts ?
I haven't tried using my flintlock to start char (have to knap some more flints first)... but the part that always puzzled me..... the gun used to start a fire HAS to be unloaded...... somehow using a gun as a lighter, and keeping it unloaded dosen't sound right.......