Patrick Hand
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Don't know if this makes me Faire, vs. Re-enactment...... but there be two photos of me on the Ojai Fair photo page....... http://www.goldcoastfestivals.com/piratefa...aire/pirpg4.htm I be the good lookin' one wit th' bottle O' Rum.........
Kinda hard to sneek up on another ship unless you paint it all black...... I know there were Chineese pirates... not sure about Japaneese, but I don't think they would be ninjas..... kind of a different profession.....
Monkey business I ain't saying nothing about ........"spank"..... nope not another word..........
COOOOOL...... I was taking some photos of an interesting old rock wall by the side of the highway, and found the bleached remains of two deer..... My bosses dog was very interested in the parts I brought home.... but WHY I brought a bunch of deer bones home.... I realy don't know.... Maybe I will use the leg bones to make a pyratie skull and crossbones thing.....
There was a discussion in Capt. Twill about waterproofing...... I just use oil based paint... but that is on canvas hats, someone mentioned somewhere (great help I be sometimes) that they did the same with a felt hat.... but it makes the hat very stiff.... In "Ships and Seamen of the American Revolution" it says... " A favorite among seamen was the tarplaulin hat made of canvas and waterproofed with paint or tar." I had paint.... I have NO idea how tar would work.... maybe Capt. Gary would know....
That ones interesting..... but are they guessing that they were sailors, because they had earrings..... But it is still interesting.........
back to ye old simplicity pattern.....
Patrick Hand replied to Gutterpunk13's topic in Thieves Market
I was looking for buttons on E-Bay, there is a seller who post there all the time selling 7/8" buttons reasonably priced..... why not go for MORE buttons .... (Larger buttons cost more) -
Katherine "Kat" Adams Can you get hat blanks with a wider brim than Jas. Townsen... I did a search , and only found one source.... but they have never returned my e-mails.... so I gave up on them..... On the Jas. Townsend blank I bought, I used boiling water to stretch and reshape the crown (used a coffee can ....) but I still want a bigger hat.... "A realy big hat"....... I've checked out some of the "Felt" pages..... but not sure it I want to make the whole thing.......... (I have made tarpline hats (canvas painted.... but I still want one outta felt...)
5 only........ OK.... Pirate of the Carabbean (I watch it all the time anyway) Little Shop of Horrors (I do play it all the time to listen to the music ) Saving Private Ryan (still like the D Day part) Princess Bride (I played it the other day to intertain a co-workers daughter.... It's scarry how much of the diolog I have memorized...) I don't have a copy of it.... but Rocky Horror Picture show Kinda wierd how "interactive" most of my choices are..... There was an interview with Richard O Brian and they were asking him what he felt about the "goings on" durring Rocky, and he liked the idea of the interaction..... I was at an S.C.A. event a long time ago, it was raining, so we ran through all the lines from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" OK.... so I'm wierd.... but it is a lot of fun......
But it's kinda an apples vs. onion kind of comparison..... Let me guess....... it goes something like this.... "who would win in a fight between pyrates and ninjas " " Hey you... in th' black jammies.......yah you....".... BOOM Gun Foo beats kung foo.....
toe curling (why do I always get the dirty ones.....? )
HuH ???????? Other than they both use voilence...... what other things do they have in common.... (OK carbon based lifeforms......) Samurai and cowboys have more in common...... I've seen spagetti westerns where thier lips didn't match thier words, just the same as in Japaneese Samurai movies.......
nope...nope....Definately NOPE...... not touching that one..... NOT ME !......
I have a kinda nice Middle Eastern flintlock PROP.... what I can't figure out is why they spent so much time making the internal springs and tumblers.... when the barrel is only a chunk of pipe... with NO breach plug..... I would never try to fire it...... it would be a hand held pipe bomb...
But what would have been a period movie for a pyrate Captain and "the girl" to have been watching ? And what were they fighting about .... overpriced popcorn ? Of course.... a ships sails would have made an excelent screen for showing home movies when out at sea......... Maybe pyrate wore earrings because they got into the theater for half price if they wore an earring on "Pyrate Nite" ..... It coulda happened.......
isn't that where Ents are born ? ....... "run Forrest.....run "
Yah... but I still have to see if any of the "hecklrs" wanna play pyrate..... I was un-allied, but would join with the hecklrs to torment those silly people running around in thier jammies..... Loud... boisterous... and havin fun.... Klingon or pyrate......
Lets Play... STUMP THE PUB (or stump Foxe!)
Patrick Hand replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Captain Twill
In one of the other topics, Foxe mentioned "draws" (underwear).... My guestion is..... what did they look like? -
Not sure if this form of shoe construction is correct for the time period or not..... But brogans were wet molded around a wooden form ( I think its called a "last"), and the soles were pegged (using wooden pegs) through the sole, the upper's leather and the insole, holding everything together... (one of the Foxfire books shows how this was done) In the Smithsonian... American history... in the Kids section there was a demo on how they made shoes, and the uppers were sewn to the insole,then everything was turned rightside out..... this would make a stronger shoe, but would require more labor to make.
.... eye patch..... ......skull...... ...My first association was "see through" because I made an eye patch outta wet-molded leather, and a plated skull... cunningly devised so you can see through it.... But if I said "see through" then Merrydeath would be sure abouut my dirty mind.... even after explaining why it was associated wth eye patch....
I saw a photo of a red gauze skirt over a yellow one, and am thinking of making one for my bosses daughter, she would be wearing a pair of pantelets (short bloomers underneath) I figure I will gather the gauze for both skirts into a single waistband, and then "distress " the hem. One side will be "hiked up" to show some leg.... but she WILL be wearing shorts under them anyway...... OK .... its not exactly bellydancing wear.... but it should allow plenty of freedom of movement.....
yah.... and the drip of persperation from under the latex forehead........... 2/38th Klingon Marine Inf. Capt. cheDpa vesti-pr'San also was the Captain of the Klingon pyrate ship "nomwI"
Are you a wicked wench who can't say no ? Another pyrate book, and this one is real.... "Love stories of famous pirates"
Second thing to pop into my head (nine was the first.... see Merrydeath WAS right....) Iron (and I don't even golf........)
I'm not sure if its period or not... but I DO know that leather soles on wet decks DO get slippery...........