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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. One fictional character shares your first name. (Personally, I think your name is extremely cool...) There are 34 people with my name. I wonder if that includes me or not? Did they subtract one for me asking? They must have as Duchess got 0 responses... or am I overthinking this? She only share's it if someone gets hers wrong! Personally I think its bunk.
  2. None. I am a non-entity.
  3. Patrick is Debonair!
  4. So is that a threat or a promise? I rather suspect that our current definitions of sanitary and such vary a bit from what they used to be. But you'd need a etymologist to join in for certain knowledge.
  5. mundificative fanative The first word generally means cleaner and the second, replacing a s for the f is sanative which I would assume to mean a sterilizer or something to do with sanitary. I'd make a similar subsitution on fanatiue to get sanative again. And I suspect this one, retrigeratiue, to be a variation of regurgitive.
  6. The June National Geographic article is much less focused on this "city of the dead" idea. It gives a bit of airing to a couple of current theories, which is a good scientific way to approach things. I too visited Stonehenge a few years back and don't remember anything about it being a burial site, so this might be relatively new information. I'm curious if they've excavated other areas of plains, maybe there are bodies all over, so the Stonehenge ones are nothing special.
  7. Still not sure if I'll make it or not. We shall just have to wait and see.
  8. Misson Plays God, could be the plot line too!
  9. That one shows up a lot in O'brien's books. Along with frowsty. I like them both.
  10. I'm developing a theory: Nearly everything I do has some foolish question associated with it. It's the question that almost everyone asks when they find out the hobby. It is the question I slowly begin dread hearing, because it is neither creative nor funny nor insightful. For pirating things it is the flying spaghetti monster question.
  11. Happy Birthday Patrick Hand! You are certainly one of the reasons I've stuck around here for so long. So keep up the good work!
  12. I've got several accounts and have never had issues with them. I'm not sure who controls the email accounts, so I've no idea where to direct you for this issue.
  13. I've had to resort to traffic-ing in immoralities. Black market, strictly on the down low. Psst anyone for a latte, I'll do ya a good deal. Just step into this dark recession, I mean nook, uh alley...
  14. Well it is the SCA.....
  15. There isn't anything on the website about local hotels or the bay cruises this year. Any one know anything?
  16. Sounds like a Terry Pratchett thing. I'll guess Hogfather
  17. What is so neat, is that the fog is hiding all kinds of wearhouses and cranes and various modern stuff that is right there on the shore you can see in the background. Really it was quite a wonderful thing that fog.
  18. Oh pardon my extreme confusion/ignorance/stupidity/malice I shall make sure to wiki it first next time.
  19. Mission, I'm pretty sure PETA doesn't approve of shelacking ones pets...
  20. The way we worked it before, we exchanged addresses as individuals instead of having a clearing house. I thought that worked well, each person had control of their own and no one person was overburdened with "work." People posted as intrested, and other people PM you for your address. Perhaps a new thread for the new round?
  21. Is there any interest in starting a new round? I'd be up for it...
  22. Oh no. I'm much closer now. Wisconsin these days. Actually I'd be interested in helping you plan/plot/scheme/organize if you like.
  23. Blackjohn, make us a steampunk event.
  24. Hmmm. anyone tried microwaving a twinkie? My sister is a Peeps fan. Every year. Must. Have. Peeps. They get frozen or microwaved as the mood demands.
  25. "I spent time on a moon where the primary form of recreation was juggling geese, my hand to god, baby geese, gosslings, they were juggled."
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