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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. HOT FUZZ!!
  2. is that from the atrocious movie with Brad Pitt? Meet Joe Black?
  3. Oh my I'm flattered.
  4. I too didn't find season three as entrancing. It seemed to be more a rut for all the characters, everyone progressing along their path rather than discovering it. Or very much the middle of the story setting up for the ending. OT Hot Fuzz is awesome.
  5. The light from the sun is refracted (bent) when it enters the atmosphere (its the change in mediums that does, vacuum to atmosphere) . The different wave lengths are bent different amounts, reds the most blues the least. As the sun sets on a flat horizon it is the red light (red image of the sun if you want to think of it that way) that vanishes first leaving a brief brilliant spike of the green and if you're very luck blue images of the sun. We don't usually see the blue or violet because that light is subjected to rayleigh scattering all over (which is what makes the sky blue) But if this atmospheric rayleigh scattering is at a minimum you may see a blue flash as well. A reverse of the process happens on sunrise. Its more difficult to see since you need to know exactly where the sun will rise and be prepared to look for it.
  6. The Exuma's
  7. I've seen it once. It takes very particular atmospheric and horizon conditions to witness. Theres even a green flash at sunrise but thats even harder to see.
  8. Are the Ravenswood bodices boned? or thick/stiff enough to do without? From the pictures they look flexible soft and potentially unsupportive. But I do like the style of the saberist one.
  9. It depends on what sort of fringe you want. Using wool yarn will make very light fringe that when long tends to clump up. Using synthetic yarns (nubby, feathery etc) will make long looser fringe with good movement. The smooth synthetic cord/thread (which I think is probably what you're thinking of) are usually polyester and will make swaying highly mobile long fringe. Usually this stuff is bought as a fringe already, by the yard in what ever length you like. Try a google search or ebay. This stuff does look modern so if you're going for a more natural (I won't say authentic since tribal dance isn't authentic to any time, culture or what have you) look then you might want to avoid this stuff. I don't usually attach the longer base fringe to the main belt, but make it a seperate one. That way the belt can be used for several different things. And sometimes its just damned inconvienent to have all that fringe draggin around. Nice fringe only belts can had for usually forty five to eighty dollars depending on length and dye job. If you can give a little more clarification of what you're interested in I can post some links for you.
  10. Well after much prompting from many sides I borrowed season one from a friend of mine. Popped in the disk for an episode around 11:00pm and stayed up all night watching the whole damn thing. Good thing I don't have a job right now.
  11. I got my dice, cards, and knuckle bones from Macgregor Games. Here is a link to their dice and coins page. Macgregor dice and coins
  12. Bounding Main singing in the raiding ship. My brother assisting Kotty Bits This rigging is nice. Just look. Oh yes, it is. You're quite correct. and we shall call this anchor.... Our Anchor. With Rakshanda And in the Fog
  13. Here are a few pictures, I'll add more later. My Webpage
  14. It was a wonderful time, rain included. My brother and I enjoyed ourselves immensely. I'll post some pictures when I get a chance. And to all those from the pub that I met, it was a great pleasure.
  15. But if it truely is a good cut it will take the heat and come out even better! I like mine medium with worchestshire marinade, lots of fresh garlic and if someones feeling creative a bit of blue cheese.
  16. You're most welcome Mr. MacGee, twas my pleasure.
  17. and you know its more fun to get nailed than rivoted! (I am occasionaly struck with the fancy to be dirty!)
  18. Mary, mine arrived today. Thank you for your elegant plunder!
  19. Cheeky thats gorgeous! Did you use Kass's patterns?
  20. Boots, I received your package earlier this week. Many thanks for the clever gifts! Me Mum (who was visiting) was much impressed! Your plunder will go out next week, along with Mission's.
  21. Well, its official. My brother and I and possibly some friends will be going to Port Washington. Can anyone reccommend a hotel near the action?
  22. Dang you got me beat by only a little bit. Eastern Washington to Wisconsin.
  23. So how far back does the game of badminton go? Well since my partner and most of opponents are from China it goes a LOOOOONG way!
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