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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Well as long as we're all lining up and announcing our new-ness I will join the crowd. :) So some more about me... I'm from Wisconsin,so not much in the way of sea going around here. Though if I had to choose my second home would probably be Staniel Cay in the Bahamas. I've been fascinated with all things not strictly modern ever since I was little which lead to doing renfaires and is moving into costuming mania. Much like ravens all things shiny or of nice texture attract my attention....mmmm...baubles.... So there is a little about me. :) The Duchess
  2. Wow, I had no idea that pirate chat rooms even existed! But now that I do look out! Any way being a pirate fiend, a belly dancer and ocasionally a crazed costume lady, I will offer up some ideas to the alter. Altira's Fashions has some nice middle eastern type patterns, printed on heavy white paper. Don't over look the Harem pants, very easy to sew and tucked into a pair of boots, they billow beatifully in the wind. :) Also patterns for yolked shirts and a jacket thing called a Gawazhee Coat, that with a little alteration makes nice, fitted pirate gear. So hello to everyone. The Duchess
  3. Duchess


    What does that poor girl do with her time?
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