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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Thanks be to you for that Captain! I've just relocated to Washington, though I'm sure I won't be out here forever. Most of me heart is in the midwest. The Duchess
  2. That's mine. This is mine. OOOoo! That's mine too... and THAT is definately MINE! He he. The Duchess
  3. Hmmm, Stephanie looks a little nervous to me. Must be her first time being exploited...
  4. I thought it was odd too. A few years after that, through the fest I met some other members of that SCA group. Their take on it was the folks in charge were of the more "picky" type. And that perhaps they didn't want the liability of an "unattached" underager hanging around. Who knows... The Duchess
  5. I tried the SCA once, in Wisconsin, when I was 17. Went to a meeting, talked to a "board" and was told that I was certainly welcome to apply. I could present my research paper with full bibliography/references and a proposed character development at the next months meeting and they would review it and perhaps consider an interview. I could expect a tentative decision on acceptance several months after that. The back of my hand to that, so I joined a renaissance festival instead... The Duchess
  6. Jill- JoAnn Fabrics is like my little guilty pleasure. I go in there and brouse the remenants section and take home loads of fabric with no plans for use. I tell myself "Someday I will have the perfect use for this..." Fortunately, I'm often right! I was just thinking back and I find most of all my sewing is done with upholstery/decorating fabric. The remenants in this section can be enormous by clothing standards. Often around five yards. Most of my harem pants for belly dancing are shantung silk, I once got seven yards for thirty dollars in a gorgeous purple! The Duchess
  7. Well- to anwser the lining question: The simplicity pattern is a costume pattern. It will probably omit such things as linings and facings and all those little details that really make a garment. Though I haven't seen the pattern all laid out so I cannot speak for certain. As others have mentioned, you have a long list of things for this coat to accomplish, and it might indeed be better to have more than one, that way you can do all you need to your very best satisfaction. As for materials, I am always a big fan of the upholstery department. Extra wide, exceptionally durable material in a wide range of styles. Carefull inspection of the labels will get you natural fiber material. And a thorough washing and drying before you do any cutting or sewing will usually shrink it up enough that you can launder it normally after the piece is made. I have several long coats I've done this with and it has "suited" me fine. The Duchess
  8. Eight? What are you talking about? I have a quarter century of lego's in a huge wooden chest. You better believe they aren't gathering dust! Little kids don't truely appreciate Lego, they just loose the pieces! The Duchess
  9. ah, don't listen to him. Call it whatever you like. Though do be advised that the term used often reflects the degree of peoples obsessions. The Duchess
  10. I really have three sets of clothes. Tribal Belly Dance and pirate/amazon gear and modern. The over all look of the first two hasn't changed in nearly 10 years. There are still people at MNRF that know who I am because of the clothes I wear. I do change out shirts, skirts, pants as they wear out. I bought a new pair of boots when the first ones died. I add or subtract extras, such as mugs, knives, scarves, flasks or jewerly. But the whole is still the same. I like the idea of owning well made things that can be worn day after day. So much so that the clothes become a part of a persons identity. It is one of the things that bothers me about modern clothes. They are trash. Junk meant to be worn a few months and discarded. There was no time invested in their construction, no love in their decoration. Just a state of pre-garbage. When I can I purchase custom made items, knowing that if it is just right for me I will most likely wear it for the rest of my life. When I sew I do not make costumes, I make clothes. Things well sewn and made to last. Things I could comfortably wear and mend, things worth fixing when they tear. To that end I do not own multiple "costumes" or dresses or outfits, just one set of clothes. The Duchess
  11. And the anwser be: What ever you want! There aren't any rules about sash lengths or widths. In general ten footers are meant to be wrapped around several times, and leave a good length to hang down . Shorter sashes wrap fewer times and/or have less hanging down. So play around with your fabric and decide which look and style suits you best. The sash I wear most often actually started out as part of a turban. It is olive green heavy silk, about eleven foot long and one foot wide. It wraps several times and hangs down to my knees. I do have several shorter lengths of fabric that I wear occasionally, depending on what I'm doing. Sometimes having that much "bulk" and loose fabric can get in the way, or even be dangerous. The Duchess
  12. It could be worse. The last fellow I saw trying to sell plaques had this for the advertisment: "Rare, Vintage Plagues! Great Prices!" The Duchess
  13. Get a belt! Then go find something called a "jack strap" or a "mug strap." Those are the things that connect your belt to all the things you want to hang from it. There are several retailers of them on the internet. The Duchess
  14. The movie isn't really a hybrid of those two books. It picks and chooses scenes and dialogue from all 20 books. In the book "Far Side of the World" Jack and the Surprise have not yet become a Letter of Marque, or privateers. They are sent by the British government to deal with an American privateer who is wrecking Bristish whalers. Along the way Jack takes on Mr. Hollom who woos the gunners wife. All the hand regard Hollom as very bad luck since terrible things continue to happen to the ship throughout the cruise. Eventually the Gunner bludgeons both his wife and Mr. Hollom to death, he doesn't commit suicide. The Americans are portrayed in a very bad light. The lie, cheat and steal throughout the book. At the end through some very odd circumstances the Americans as well as Jack and a party of Suprises end up stranded on an island. It isn't until Jack returns to England and takes some ill offered advice that he get arrested for "rigging the stockmarket" and is then out of the service and the Surprise is also sold out. So the movie is very good. True to the feeling and the characters, but not to the story. The Duchess
  15. That's actually a good idea! The parlor in me home town willl make a temporary tattoo of your design, so you can try it in different locations. Where it around for while, see if you like it. I think there is ink that you can buy for your home printer that is transferable, so you could do this by yourself too. O course, my tattoo guy also confessed that if he felt people were getting ink for the wrong reason, just bad designs, or being bloody stupid, he'd jack the price up, hoping to deter them... The Duchess
  16. The books top my list of all time favorites. Patrick O'Brian had a way with words unequaled by any modern writer. An amazing ability to portray a character, faults, glories, feelings, motivations, everything. And not just one character but shipfulls of characters. Not to mention the man has a prodigious vocabulary. There are words that I needed an unabridged dictionary to look up! The movie while not at all true to the story line, is very true to the feeling and characters of the books. The Duchess
  17. O'course keep us informed with pictures! The Duchess
  18. I'd just like to point out that Drunken Lullabyes be pretty pirate too! The Duchess
  19. Nice hat Toe Cutter! I do agree that a fest or faire of some sort be the best way to buy. That way you can try things on sample the compliments, and generally feel special for giving up the hard won cash. It makes a better experience over all than the internet... Here's to cats! Mine has taken to eating my plumes and sleeping on me chain maille. The Duchess
  20. I'm on the Palouse. I was listening to Northwest Public Radio, to the Inland Folk program when I caught the end of the announcement. I suspect that this is for something on the other side of the state, but I am holding out for something interesting a little closer to me. :) And since I don't know for sure where the Round Table Restaurant is, I thought I would ask here. The Duchess
  21. The attitude is the thing... Me Mum once had some advice for me. "If everthing sucks, and everyone treats you badly. It might be time to consider that the problem really is you." So build the house and play the golf and damned be the nay sayers! The Duchess
  22. Probably because when they started making/selling those hats there was no "Captain Sparrow." A little movie, a little name change, a little price hike...lots of clones. The Duchess
  23. I'm glad someone appreciated that...
  24. I'm always an advocate of Excalibur Leather. I bought a cavalier hat probably ten years ago. They are very sturdy and age very well. http://www.excaliburleather.com/ Actually the hat I bought, now that I look at the website is closer to the butch cassidy style with a wider brim. The Duchess
  25. So, in my brand new location, was listening to the NWPR to a show called Inland Folk. I came in at the tale end of an announcement about Sea Shanty Sing Along at a restuarant called the Round Table. Unfortunately I don't know where it is located or when it happens. Does anyone know more about this? The Duchess
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