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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. grainy, one might even say pixalated. And nice job William.
  2. now if one could only put a bottle of rum in his hand...
  3. And I will simply confess what it is from and turn everything back over to BlackJohn. So that all will be right in the world. The quote is from Willow. I can't figure out why more people haven't seen it, its a great movie.
  4. Hey. You guys skipped this one.
  5. Detroit Rock City. "Went away? 'I dwell in darkness without you" and it went away!?"
  6. I'm not offended, I just think it completely gratuitous. And while it might be different outlets, it is the same motivation, titillation.
  7. I don't know anything about the song, I did watch a couple of the variations. I just posted that one since it seemed like the best on to me.
  8. So, Phil, how does this all go together with your participation in plentiful written online porn in our very own pub? Pots and kettles perhaps?
  9. I'd like to offer up this find. Which uses the second most popular internet feature, online gaming. All the actions are built in commands in a game called Guild Wars.
  10. Ah how times have changed! When I last worked MNRF we'd grab anyone in costume and make them do the parade. Now there needs to be official permission. Tis sad.
  11. Verizon is evil. I swear the are swindling me, but I haven't been able to figure out exactly how. They charge you for everything little thing and it's at least a two hour wait and three transfers to get any question answered. Unfortunately they are my only option right. Gotta love a cornered market.
  12. Well, I should be going to the Northwest Renaissance Festival this weekend. I'll report back how it was. The website has also been updated, making it look much more organized.
  13. Aww. Thanks Hitman. Character 1:Well I was a boyscout, you were a boyscout too right Tom? Tom: No but I ate a brownie once.
  14. No, a DESIRE for a profoundly intense mystical experience leads to the accenptance... People who truely have life changing experiences don't need to coat them in metaphysical shit for palatablilty.
  15. Actually the turn belongs to Hitman who correctly guessed The Blue Brothers quote, but didn't get to post a quote of his own.
  16. I will be coming either Oct 7th or th 14th. So I'll keep you posted when the plan solidifies.
  17. Hey that does sound nice! Will you be out at the festival to give me a tour as well? This could be a full service operation!
  18. Thanks. If I come it will be just for the festival. Arrive late friday night, attend festival on Saturday and depart Sunday morning. So ideally I'd like to stay some place near the festival. So, not much time for sight seeing. Maybe a little on Friday depending on when I come in. I'm trying to convince my brother to come along, but if not I'll probably go it alone. A grand adventure. Duchess
  19. Well, I've been doing some looking on my own. I came across the Northwestern Renaissance Festival, www.nwrf.net and was curious if anyone had been there?
  20. What happens at the outlet mall? The dates I could come would be Oct. 7-8 or Oct. 14-15 So I'll keep you posted about the plan of action.
  21. Oh, I'd like to make a week of it. But that isn't possible. Probably just be a Friday to Sunday sort of thing. I'd be going mostly because there is an excellent band from Germany whose only American shows are at the PA renfair.
  22. So if someone were to fly across the country specifically to attend the PA renfaire for a weekend, what is the nearby town to fly to and a good place to stay?
  23. Excellent. Now all we need are some knowledgable people to point us in the right direction.
  24. I looking for people to suggest any renaissance or pirate festivals that are with in driving distance of Eastern Washington this summer. I'd like to plan some weekend trips to "real" festivals. The paltry poor crafts and hippy fest that was the Moscow Renaissance Festival has only reminded me how good the real ones are. So I'd like to go visit some. So Suggest Me Up.
  25. Unfortunately I'm not. Mostly blubbering and snot. Pretty ookie actually. I opted for declaring myself angry and antiscocial, skipping out on a party and watching southpark instead.
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