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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Interesting. That seems at odds with the necessity for speed that several authors talk about. Speed of amputation seemed to be required during battles because of the number of wounded and to save patients from unnecessary pain. (Such saws were made long before anesthesia.) What's the source of that quote? It sounds like it might be a useful resource... How is that at odds with speed? Wouldn't that little screw thing be much like the same little screw thing on today's hacksaws? Enabling the user to choose the tension of the blade and/or possibly replace the blade. My first guess about the loops was something akin to what Hurricane said. I was thinking they were perhaps for guiding or maybe pulling if the blade got stuck. Makes me shiver to think it.
  2. This stuff is neat. For the past several years my belly dancing has gone into a fusion of Victorian era vaudeville crossed with something of a post apocalyptic middle eastern flair. The style I've developed is much slower than traditional belly dance and far more articulated. Traditionalist generally hate it but its been lots of fun for me.
  3. Oh yeah. I do love that movie. Take it away Captain.
  4. Blues Brothers. "We're on a mission from God." Hmm let me think of a new quote for a bit.
  5. From past discussions with you, I know that you and I have the same, er, "problem" with things that take our fancy. (I just found another sea surgery manual by an author of whom I wasn't even aware from 1596. now all I have to do is get to my uni library to to copy the pdf. I am currently reading excerpts of William Clowes chirurgy books. He was a sea surgeon who eventually became one of Queen Elizabeth I's surgeons.) Right. We don't need drugs, we have hobbies.
  6. Mission, it just occured to my while reading your posts, so I suppose you're an inspiration, that having interests is addicting. ha ha!
  7. I'm with Mission and Patrick on this one. He's famous so we're expected to care. I've no sympathies for suicides accidental or intentional. I liked some of his movies, some I didn't. Is the world a worse place now that hes gone? No. Its no more influenced than when that woman died on the freeway or that guy was killed by malpractice. ps. this is offically not a gender issue.
  8. I was under the impression that it was a reimagining of the story, not antecedents to the existing ones.
  9. Funny, I myself was just thinking a marathon might need to occur.
  10. Hey now! Simply being contrary isn't all there is to my decision making process! And for what its worth I do plan on going next year. Which means I'd better get back to work on that Barbary Coast stuff... See I can be persuaded to join a bandwagon.
  11. Dare I ask (apparently I do) What the heck are the giant plunger/syringe things for?
  12. Honestly I'd prefer spam spam spam spam beans spam and eggs.
  13. Perhaps we could retitle this thread "Mission leaves himself behind." It's wonderful. Sounds like a grand time, I'm sitting here feeling slightly jealous and something of a shirker.
  14. Me too. My brother and I got some great pictures on Friday with the fog obscuring all the modern details.
  15. Well, yeah. But I just saw those at the store here in Wisconsin too. It really is a heaven on earth. Ask and ye shall receive.
  16. Gotta love Wisconsin. Beer, cheese and guns. What more could a girl ask for?
  17. Just put their address again for the return. The post office peoples would have to be surprisingly dilligent to notice that let alone complain about it.
  18. Sounds good to me.
  19. Yep. Take it away
  20. "Movement. Two men. Approximately... forty goats. " " They're not on anybody's side. We don't have to shoot them. "
  21. Stranger than Fiction. This movie was very pleasant surprise.
  22. One of my favorite creative writing classes had a standing assignment. Each day you needed to turn in a list of 25 metaphores. I only wish that the professor and compiled some of the better (or is that worse?) ones. Over the course of the semester each student in the class had written over 900 of the things.
  23. Nearly all the references I've to ladies garments talk about an entari, antari or similar spellings... I acquired this pattern a while back... Folkwear Pattern #108 And am in the process of making a couple of long entaris. The first is complete in royal blue silk. The second is the outer one and is about half done, it is a cream brocade with elephants. I'll see about some pictures this week.
  24. Here is a wiki article on clothing, some of the references for it might be worth looking into... Wiki
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