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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. and of course Patrick is correct once again!
  2. What disturbs me is this is chapter 1...
  3. oooo I can hardly wait for pictures...
  4. A couple of things I've picked up in the last month or so... The top two are VZ24 Mausers, they don't look like much but the actions are pristine(under the grime). I'm going to sporterize one and keep the other military. The bottom is a semi sporterized Arisaka. Say what you will about them, but I'm a fan...
  5. This was not part of the Terms when I signed up, as far as I can tell it was implemented in the most recent update. There was no notification to users or re acceptance of the ToS. While use of anything you post is generally included in a websites ToS that right to use is typically terminated if the item is withdrawn from the site. This one is insane in its scope.
  6. Got a bug in my head and went scrounging up terms of service today and found some little not pleasant gems in Facebook. But here it is cribbed from the Facebook Terms of Service on my own account. So those of you who do anything interesting and also share it on Facebook be aware of some changes in the terms. What ever you put on Facebook becomes their property forever. This is a pretty abrupt change from the standard social networking terms where what you post is usable by them until you unpost it but never their property. This isn't the entire Terms of Service but the parts that I found particularly disturbing....
  7. Hmmm I think that one might lack a certain flow...
  8. Sadly I find people are rarely messing with others out of cleverness, but rather mere stupidity.
  9. So...did the button pounding ever lead to satisfaction?
  10. As a side note, probably fifteen years ago some friends and I were discussing Bond villains. It was unanimous that I would be Eveela Genius. ;P
  11. Thats a much better idea anyway.
  12. What's that old adage about the happy person is the one who makes a profession of their hobby...??? If only I didn't have so many to choose from!
  13. Bah. Garbage. None of these involves drinking... Best Occupational Category You're an ORGANIZER Key Words: Self-Control, Practical, Self-Contained, Orderly, Systematic, Precise, and Accurate 2nd Best Occupational Category You're a RESEARCHER Key Words: Independent, Self-Motivated, Reserved, Introspective, Analytical, and Curious
  14. Depends on who gets the steak....
  15. That was supposed to be humor. It's a pretty sorry attempt, but it was based on the phrase "fob off" which I think is funny. So I'll just sit here and giggle to myself every time I read it. Does that mean you accidently fobbed us?
  16. It is my understanding that a Fob (as a noun) can be either the trinket/accessory itself or the cord/chain used to suspend it. Therefore the watch chain is a fob, but the pocket watch itself is also considered a fob. To fob (as a verb) is to cheat or deceive. Quite versatile for three little letters....
  17. Mission - "Thread Necromancer Extraordinaire" Who is up for valentines or death?
  18. I'm inclined to think more like Scumble. Made with apples...mostly....
  19. Oh yeah! I'd totally take that over thirty pints of B&J, Graydog.
  20. Have at it...unleash your inner indecision....
  21. No worries. I was just playing around....
  22. Any idea why I can't upload an avatar picture this morning?
  23. I'm planning on it at this time. I've got some minions that are interested too....
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