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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. How is everything attached together?
  2. Merely out of curiosity... You chosen subject of investigation could loosely be summed up as "communication amongst a subset of people with a common interest." What lead you to specify that common interest as Pirate Re-enactors?
  3. ....poor choice of music for the trailer. And whose bright idea was it to give the brothers desert eagles? Marks a character deviation from the first film. I so want this to be good, but it looks to lack the charm of the first.
  4. Then you should know what this means: 01010101000101001010101100101010111101 Looks like muck to me.
  5. Interesting. The article leaves somethings to be desired though. "Very little notation survives from these dynasties of players because complex instrumental music was transmitted orally." Transcriber apparently confused oral with aural. Also binary code is zeros and ones, not zeros ones and twos...
  6. two seconds...and one word...you have some high expectations there.
  7. Then it would be two, one-eyed pirates.
  8. Several of the dishware and utensil pieces in the Whydah exhibit were marked with the Freemason symbols. There was a small placard about it, but I don't recall the details.
  9. My favorite inconsistency in the Chicago exhibit: Right next to the display carefully explaining and illustrating Bellamy's flag is the replica stern of the Whydah...flying the wrong flag...
  10. My thought was one of the Evil Dead movies, but I know that isn't correct. It just has that feel.
  11. My name is Duchess and I accept these rules.
  12. Perhaps it has figured out a way to register each personality as a separate guest?
  13. First of all let me say that I'm not in the market for a new toy so I wouldn't be buying regardless of what you offered. So everything from this point out is simply my perception of things. People are most likely to do business with someone they've already done business successfully with in the past. That's just the way it is. That tried and true reliability factor. People are generally willing to pay more for goods and services they know will go smoothly. Disparaging them for this decision wins you no customers at all. Reputation trumps 'deal' any day for the majority of us. Typos. This might seem that I'm being harsh, I'm not; presentation matters. Spell check, capitalize where appropriate and proof read. Adjust pictures etc. Do this on everything your potential customers will see. You want people to trust you with their money for an extended period of time for goods you haven't got yet. That's a hard sell under the best presentation. The shipping thing is cluttered. It's more information than your buyer needs to know and starts looking like you're tacking on extra fees all over the place. It also reiterates that you haven't got the product, yet you never mention what happens if you don't get the quantity of orders you need. Who makes these guns? How much experience do you have modifying guns? You spend a lot of time in your posts justifying the shipping and pricing in terms of what is good for you. What about your buyers? What do they get out of this? Sell the products, yourself and the benefits of doing business with you to your customer. And whining when they don't buy......well that is just not classy.
  14. I feel like the teachers pet, bouncing up and down, waving my hand in the air, going "Oo! Oh! Oo! Pick me! I know it!"
  15. If I were the pouting sort, I do so for being excluded. Instead I'll just go play with my own guns....
  16. Just bring back the warning status. I was having fun with that.
  17. PUN!
  18. Ha. This is exactly what was on my cake.
  19. It's real. I'm just practicing my grumpy old person speeches... Got a good one in yesterday "Oh gosh! I rode this carosel when I was a kid, but it was in Town Square. It's so great to see it restored ..." TLEII is a handgun. And I'm now viewing the pub in 32" hidef splendor.
  20. Bah....you kids get off'a my list....
  21. I'll be sending you a payment. Provided I can figure out paypal...
  22. I think it safe to say I've done absolutely nothing on this project since I posted this... Still glad to see the topic resurrected!
  23. Woot!
  24. Person Me :"What do you want to do today?" Person the Other:"Oh, I don't care. Whatever you want." "Okay. Lets go for a walk." "No. its too wet out." "Hmm how about a movie?" "Not in the mood." . . . .Lather, rinse, repeat. This conversation drives me nuts....
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