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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. No idea! It sure seems both a long time ago and just last year.
  2. In the past we've waited until November to get the gift exchange rolling. In the past this time frame has often been too short to properly keep overseas folks in the time frame of the Holiday Season. So, I'm doing a little survey to gauge the Pub's interest in participating in a Gift Exchange again this year. If there is enough interest, I'll start putting together the information and we'll get things rolling a bit earlier this year.
  3. Duchess

    Log in

    I do block pop-ups, because most of time they're advertisements. So no plans to unblock them. There used to be a little sign in button right up at the top. Now all that's there is sign in via facebook button. I can certainly continue to apply this work Do Something Forbidden work-around. It just seems cumbersome.
  4. Duchess

    Log in

    The only log in option I can find is to use facebook. To get an option that allows me to use my regular login information I need to try to do something forbidden to nonmembers, like view a profile. Is this an intentional upgrade to push folks toward using facebook?
  5. The Queen is dead, god save the Queen?
  6. No one is punk. We are all punk.
  7. Oh my! Now I know why no one talked to me at that Ramones show. I had authentic holes in my pants. Lifes mysteries: Solved by Stynky.
  8. I'm fairly certain it did play hell with the drum, they were around 1/2" in size. Thankfully (?!) it was just my daily clothes!
  9. I just inadvertently discovered that washing a load of laundry with a half dozen larger sized drill bits goes a far stretch toward "breaking in" your clothes...
  10. Thanks... I think... That was the attempt anyway...
  11. There are still a few things that I'd like to add on or properly complete: Line the sleeves. There should be a draped lining from the sleeves, but I didn't have time (in four years. Ha.) or a suitable material. Add a trim of some variety to the edges of the entari. I'm not sure which direction to go on this one. As an astute viewer at the fair, a self proclaimed scholar of the Ottoman Empire, pointed out I should probably have some feathers from the turban. But I think I'll leave this out. As it is the thing tops 6'4" which was nearly unmanageable in some of the booths and areas. Replace the veil with something in silk, perhaps to match the sleeve drapes.
  12. Good news! This weekend I finally made a big push to finish my ottoman empire costume. The local renaissance festival was having a Silk Road themed weekend and dadgum I wanted to be thematic. So I did. Sadly there aren't any great pictures but I'll see what I can do. And yes it has been nearly four years to the day from when I started this project.
  13. I like this.
  14. I second the recommendation of How to Brew. It contains a lot of information, ranging from very basic to much more advanced, so it will "grow" with you as you become more experienced. I'm also a fan of Northern Brewers. Their extract kits come with some nice basic directions and produce very solid beers. Do look around and see if you have a local shop to support as the staff will most likely be a good resource for your questions. I know I hound the poor folks at Northern Brewer every time I'm in the shop. :)
  15. I'm still quite giddy about being here. I'm sure Stynky will corroborate that I was an unseemly level of excited when he asked me to join the moderating team. A pyrates life me. Yo ho! Unfortunately the lot of you are much better at this than me.
  16. Mission: Thread Necromancer Extraordinaire!
  17. Yeah. I'm kinda off my game...
  18. I can see it. I don't mind it. Mostly.
  19. Interesting thing about honey is that it creates an osmotic pressure that is enough to burst bacteria. Thats why it works to treat things like burns and wounds.
  20. So, basically put mayonnaise on your sunburn?
  21. Now that you mention it...
  22. Thank you for the wishes. Mission, I can't believe after all these years you're giving up your optimism! Though remember that while the communication may be occasional, I'll still be your pal. :)
  23. Duchess likes eye rolling.
  24. Duchess likes that Mission likes to see new material, especially related to period medicine chests and instrument listings
  25. Duchess likes Blackjohn likes Duchess' comment.
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