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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Never let the word sewing make it seem more complicated than is necessary. More like tying. Just use the wire to attach the pin to what every you want.
  2. I have a couple of old broaches I use for hat decorations. I wrap some fine wire around them and basically sew them on with the wire.
  3. Allow me to set the stage by saying, I've been working my way through the Aubrey/Maturin series again. This morning I was grading papers from my students regarding a project they'd done last week. A part of the project called for measuring the length of a ~6meter, somewhat flexible, PVC pipe with a long cloth tape measure. As scientists in training they were instructed to come up with an estimate of the error in their measurement and propagate that error through to future calculations. One particular group had decided that 0.0001meters was a reasonable error. To which I replied "Far too small! A tenth of a milimeter, forsooth!" I suspect they already think me insane. I have no idea how this will be received, though I did opt to not cross it out...
  4. I was fairly certain if I made it this year I was going in the Ottoman Empire outfit. Also out of place.
  5. Did you notice that Redd Dawnn has actually been a member since 2004?
  6. Well the feeling is mutual! Ships in the night or something...ships with misdirected navigators I am left to assume.
  7. Didn't Monty Python do one with mice?
  8. Somewhat unrelated, but depending on the piece, I might be interested in jewelry if your friend as any...
  9. I think this is the same issue you were having before. Your computer stores information about a webpage to speed the loading. One of the things it stored was your profile picture. Clear the cache and it will be fine. Your cropped image is what appears for me on this page.
  10. Physics and math. I'm doing consulting on firearms and ballistics. The trolling lessons are community ed.
  11. You are resurrecting my thread with a cat torturing post?
  12. I was hoping to try for it, however, it's looking unlikely as my course during that three week period is rapidly filling up. Not that I'm complaining too much.
  13. You could always attempt a middle eastern pirate. We had a somewhat active thread here a few years ago.
  14. I feel more like brunching than running.

  15. No no. We were much more "honor among thieves" and exemplary teamwork. Now, my students on the other... A few years ago I ran into one of my students working at a Renaissance Festival. He was a week or so late on several assignments, so I opted to take him to task for it in renaissance festival style by setting the kings guard on him. He had no idea what was happening and apparently didn't recognize me in my costume. It wasn't until the charges were read out and physics was mentioned that he put it all together.
  16. A natural extension of sewing, wearing funny clothes and doing other things.
  17. Holy schnikes and I thought I'd been around here a long time... Well Happy Beerthday Pub!
  18. I didn't even recognize the googles!
  19. William, I love this Welcome Aboard! Topic! Wonderful idea. :)
  20. Thanks Gertie, I look forward to it, though I am not worried! Also I ended up exchanging gifts with couple of you. We had a few late sign ups, a few shenanigans, little finagling and some blatant mismanagement on my part. In order to not disrupt too many people, I just doubled myself up. I hope nobody minds!
  21. Well, I think we're down to the last couple of unreceived gifts and wrapping up (ha!) this round of the Secret Gift Exchange! I will continue to follow up with those folks until we get everything straightened out and everyone has a present. Now would be a perfect time to reveal yourself, if you haven't already, and do make sure to thank your gifter! A couple of other things: 1. It would be good to delete any messages with addresses in them, so that we don't have that information hanging out in limbo land. I'll do the same when everything comes to a close. 2. I'd also like to hear what you thought of the early start date and how things went this year. Feedback is always welcome!
  22. Well, let's start the round up. If you haven't received your gift yet, please let me know!
  23. Hi Everyone, Just a friendly reminder to get your gifts in the mail!
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