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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Wonderful! Ya'll might inspire me to get back to work on my Ottoman Empire stuff...
  2. Grading...
  3. Wait, wait, am I voting on what I want to buy or playing Wil Shatner and loving my priceline bids? What can I get for a whole dollar?
  4. We've got one of those in our shed here. Fair warning, despite the name including the word "portable", they are heavy as hell and not terribly portable. But I do think it is a great idea!
  5. Apropos as I had just declared today shanty day in my world. Thanks for the link!
  6. Well, I think I've heard from everyone involved in the 2010 Gift Exchange. And to the best of my knowledge everything has been resolved fairly to all parties. If this isn't the case,please let me know! So with that in mind I officially declare the Holiday Season over. It was a fun run everyone and thanks to all who participated!
  7. Oh my....
  8. Bwah! I need to get the new game. Besides I just give my pictures to you and wait to see them put them here. Go on. You know you want to. I have at least three more diagrams for origami rabbits.
  9. Hmmm Still interested then. How much would you like for it? Or in trade for it?
  10. If the Combat Handguns one is the paladin press one and not the glock one, I'm interested.
  11. Oho! You pulled a punch?! (Should I have said 'faux" rotting corpses or should I shoot for a guest spot on Bones?) Yeah. I'm off my game. Guess I better hop to it!
  12. nevermind that didn't come out in the humorous way it sounded in my brain so I'll redact it.
  13. Awesome! I'm glad that things have arrived in the right places! Is there anyone else who hasn't contacted me that is still waiting for a gift?
  14. Thanks for the offer though!
  15. There's no need for that. Some years it goes well other times it doesn't. Some people won't be allowed to play next time. No worries I say.
  16. Ha thanks! It's my game and I want you all to have dammit!
  17. You're welcome jaded!
  18. Jaded,your package is hitting the mail this afternoon! Happy New Year! Anyone else still waiting, but hasn't spoken up?
  19. No worries!
  20. I wish to thank Bilgemunky who had the tiresome task of sending me a gift. He did a splendid job with three brown paper packages, wrapped up in string and sealed with wax. A lovely silver pendant,some chocolate covered cherries and happy little game. Thank you so very much! Also please keep the notifications coming about who hasn't received a gift yet.
  21. jaded, As I said in the pm, I'll be picking up the slack for your giver. So I'll get something out to you in the next few days. Have a Happy New Year!
  22. Okay. So I've heard from one person who hasn't received their gift and whose giver is not communicating. Is there anyone else who hasn't received a gift or heard anything regarding a gifts arrival?
  23. I've received notice from most of ya that parcels have been shipped. Since we've got some coming and going across the seas and borders I ask that everyone be patient. Though with that said if you still haven't received something by next week, please let me know so's I can follow up on that.
  24. Ah, wes, it's still afternoon where I am. So from my perspective I'm ahead of the game. Check your pm's.
  25. Alright you gift giving fiends have at! I apologize to the few of you who received the message with the gross spelling error. I'm a bit tired.
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