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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. One of my favorites as well, though I must confess, my mind did initially run toward the Pepperpots upon reading Nesbitt. Fortunately I then remembered that the husband made an even more apropos "appearance" as well.
  2. "Mr. Nesbitt has learned the first lesson of not being seen: not to stand up. However, he has chosen a very obvious piece of cover."
  3. Alright, I think we're winding down here. Is there anyone besides Gertie who is still waiting for a gift?
  4. Never Fear! Perhaps a bit delayed, but you'll have something on the way soon!
  5. The Imaginary Friend Pub Member. Or something. Happy Birthday!
  6. Hi everyone! I hope your Holiday of choice was splendid indeed! Since we're approaching the end of the year, please let me know (via a pm) if you have not yet received your gift! I'll start doing some follow upping now. :)
  7. We shall all begin again. Happy Birthday to Everyone!
  8. My package arrived a few days ago, thank you for the lovely little items Secret Gift Giver! I only had one minor "fire in the kitchen" scare playing with the flint and steel.
  9. I am sure that there is some function that would return 16! Happy Birthday! Maybe!
  10. Hi Gifters! I've heard from a few of you, but please remember to let me know when your package hits the packet ship!
  11. I'm curious if anyone else had trouble getting a taxi back from the fort? When I went I few years ago, it was easy to get a cab out there, but it wasn't a cruise ship day and there weren't any cabs waiting at the fort. I had all manner of trouble finding a way to get a ride back to town...
  12. My pleasure! Have all sorts of fun, I've no doubt you'll disseminate whatever hard won information is appropriate to your audience. :)
  13. tineye.com a reverse image search. Sometimes it's fruitful sometimes it isn't.
  14. There's a colored version that appears to be used on the cover of Kidnapped. According to Amazon.com
  15. And I shall be happy to step into the ring as soon as an appropriate sum of monies has been raised.
  16. Once again stepping out of line, I have to say I quite like the idea of a never seen captain who has a name that can be played with.
  17. I'll second what Coastie said. If you want to carbonate in bottles (like a mead champagne) keep it in secondary for about a month. If you want still mead, leave it in secondary as long as you can. I've gone up to five months in secondary before bottling. Time is your friend!
  18. Having no official say of course, but occasionally being only 12 years of age allow me say "Cap'n Dick, may we all hope he isn't spotted!"
  19. Sometimes it goes right away, some times in three days to a week. Sometimes it's never explosive. It depends on the health of your yeast and what they've got to eat.
  20. Do let us know how it goes! The last batch I did was spiced and extremely dry, I enjoyed it immensely over the last year. I've got one batch in primary right now that I'm doing as a show mead (no fruit or spice) but I am thinking about adding some toasted oak to see how that goes. I've been using champagne yeasts with my honey because I prefer a dry to a sweet mead.
  21. Your messages are sent. Each of you has been given the name of one of your compatriots. Go forth and spread some cheer! I also want to say though I may appear gruff with all my rules and attention to detail for this event, I look forward to it every single year. So thank you all for participating and making it happen year after year!
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