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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Quiet here as of late, so do tell...what do you have brewing? I've just finished the first batch of something I am tentatively referring to as a Black Pilsner, it is currently bubbling away quite happily and I look forward to seeing how it turns out. I've bottled a second round of an old world heavy ale. Chief on the grain bill was cherrywood smoked malt.... I'm quite proud of this recipe so far. In the keg is a cream ale. I'll confess I don't like it at all, but everyone else with access to the fridge finds it delightful. Also in the fridge, though in bottles, is a bourbon smoked porter. The one has become my old standby and something I enjoy having around. There's a dry cider too, which I'm uncertain about. Thus far all cider attempts have only produced cider vinegar. Wonderful for cooking, not at all what I've been trying to do... I'll wait a few more weeks to sample a bottle of this batch...
  2. So I finally bottled the mead I had going last fall, I suspect it was a bit presumptuous as it was still a bit cloudy, alas I got impatient. I've got another methgelin in secondary and I've sworn to be patient enough for it to clear on its own... In the meantime I'll distract myself with some other brewing projects.
  3. "I'm RUSTING!" She wailed as her flesh settled into a wrinkled and reddish puddle around her....
  4. That's a nice birthday you have there....it'd be a shame if something were to...happen to it...

    1. Stynky Tudor

      Stynky Tudor

      What the heck are you talking about?

    2. Duchess


      Oh...just making conversation...

    3. Stynky Tudor

      Stynky Tudor

      and. . . go on.

  5. And it is rememberances like these which mark the ineffable passage of time. And of course remind me that HOLY SHIT WE'RE ALL DYING!
  6. I had a birthday...once.

    1. Jas. Hook

      Jas. Hook

      'Appy Birthday to ye M'lady.

    2. Duchess


      Why thank you!

  7. Hi Eva, this is something a few of us have been tossing around for several years. I believe in a couple of topics about the Ottoman Empire. Try searching that a see what comes up. I'll try to find those topics as well. :) Duchess
  8. Well, with a final replacement package I sent out a few weeks ago and message received this morning, I think we can put the 2012 gift exchange to bed. If I'm incorrect on this assessment and you're still waiting for a package or have something to discuss, please do PM me so we can get things straightened out. Some things went swimmingly this year, others not so much. We had our usual ranks of extremely generous thoughtful gifters, we had a few more than usual duds. My thanks go out to everyone who played along fairly and additional thanks to those who showed extra patience when their original gifters didn't gift. Please feel free to send me any thoughts, feedback or suggestions you have about this annual event!
  9. Well Coastie hit all the big ones. I've got nothing left to add off the top of my head.
  10. One of my favorites as well, though I must confess, my mind did initially run toward the Pepperpots upon reading Nesbitt. Fortunately I then remembered that the husband made an even more apropos "appearance" as well.
  11. "Mr. Nesbitt has learned the first lesson of not being seen: not to stand up. However, he has chosen a very obvious piece of cover."
  12. Alright, I think we're winding down here. Is there anyone besides Gertie who is still waiting for a gift?
  13. Never Fear! Perhaps a bit delayed, but you'll have something on the way soon!
  14. The Imaginary Friend Pub Member. Or something. Happy Birthday!
  15. Hi everyone! I hope your Holiday of choice was splendid indeed! Since we're approaching the end of the year, please let me know (via a pm) if you have not yet received your gift! I'll start doing some follow upping now. :)
  16. We shall all begin again. Happy Birthday to Everyone!
  17. My package arrived a few days ago, thank you for the lovely little items Secret Gift Giver! I only had one minor "fire in the kitchen" scare playing with the flint and steel.
  18. And William has found the function!
  19. I am sure that there is some function that would return 16! Happy Birthday! Maybe!
  20. Thank you everyone!
  21. Hi Gifters! I've heard from a few of you, but please remember to let me know when your package hits the packet ship!
  22. Well that sounds lovely!
  23. I'm curious if anyone else had trouble getting a taxi back from the fort? When I went I few years ago, it was easy to get a cab out there, but it wasn't a cruise ship day and there weren't any cabs waiting at the fort. I had all manner of trouble finding a way to get a ride back to town...
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