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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. The Evil Wife.
  2. I had always taken it to be an indication of class. Notice that those whom we know to have had rigorous formal education, Simon, Inara and River, do not have the trait. Those whom we suspect have no formal education, certainly Mal and Kaylee, do. Jayne rather has his own sort of thing which suits his terribly intuitive though not awfully smart persona. Wash, Zoe and the Shepard, I don't recall to stick out particularly in the speech line, but I'd have to watch the show again..... Ah the elusive totally justified excuse!
  3. Wash. Hoban Washburne. An entirely awesome name.
  4. Hi Everyone, This is your friendly Exchange Organizer here. Please contact me if you have not yet received your gift. I'll start looking into missing items now. Thanks.
  5. No you've got it all wrong. It was three members of the student senate....
  6. Oh but I do! That's what makes it sooo hawt...
  7. Now that is hot. Though I suspect Mission was drunker than he thought....
  8. I'm always second to patrick. Even with dead things in my avatar I'm second...there's no point in my even trying...
  9. And the great transformation of Mission into Paris Hilton begins... Within days he'll be blandly spouting "Thats sooo hot!" about everything that catches his interest. Stynky how could you do this?!
  10. Oh their period white laminate cubby wall is just to die for!
  11. Sent, received and received! Thanks "Secret Gifter"! The chocolate is lovely and while the mug became a pen holder enroute it will still see a glorious amout of use.
  12. Tell ya' what BVFF...you come down to PiP next year and let me spank you and then we'll negotiate the second act to this potential episode of public humiliation. (This means I'll be safe forever. )
  13. Stop being a spoil sport and accept or give the spankings as requested. Happy Birthday Virtual Friend! It's been a number of years of interesting discussion and here's to many more!
  14. I my experience it doesn't have a grade or grit listed. Though I think it is something above 1200 certainly. Its likened to jewelers rouge.
  15. I've found, through copious testing of course, that I can nearly always identify people on line that I won't get along with in person. But I have a much harder time telling whom I will get along with...
  16. hey now....
  17. You might try taking at it with some crocus cloth. Its generally what I use to polish metal before bluing and such. If the scratches are deep and sharp you could start a bit more coarse and work finer until you have a look you're comfortable with.
  18. 10. 10. 10. :angry: I'm a pilot as well and SCUBA is still a definate 10. In the immortal words of Seuss "Oh the places you'll go....!"
  19. Hello everyone! I've sent out pm's to all the confirmed participants containing the information for your Designated Recipient. I would appreciate a reply to those pm's to let me know that you've received it and are on board for the gifting portion of this exchange. By the way we ended up with 20 participants!
  20. More Fallout, More Beer! I have an unreasonable love for the bullet camera....
  21. Update: Everyone who has sent me a PM by noon today, November 21, with the required information should now have a pm from me confirming involvement. If your PM didn't include the correct information I've sent you one asking for it. If you sent me a correct PM and I have not replied confirming your involvment, please send me another one. We have seventeen people signed up so far! I'm not going to make a public list of the participants, but if you want to out yourselves here, please feel free! Please note that a post here saying you want to participate, ain't gonna do the trick. You must PM the information requested and receive a confirmation from me to be a participant. It isn't my job to track you down and beg you to play.
  22. sound mildly enthusiastic and ye shall receive.... Secret Gift Exchange 2008
  23. I'm hosting a secret gift exchange this year. Those of you who've been around know we've done this for the last several years with a reasonable amount of success and a few of us/you were looking forward to it again this year. So here's how its going to work: Who is eligible: In the past we've limited the enrollment to only established members of Pyracy Pub. I'd like to continue that. So the general enrollment in the Gift Exchange will be for members who've been around six months or longer. I would be willing to run a separate New Member Exchange for people who've joined in the last six months. I feel that this would put those people on equal footing, as both parties would be taking a risk with unknowns. I'll set this up if there's interest. Regardless of membership status, by signing up you solemnly agree that you will provide some sort of pleasant contact with your designated recipient. If you don't I'll be distinctly displeased with you. What you'll do: After the sign up cut off I will PM you the name and address of your Designated Recipient. Sometime in the near future you will put something in the mail, timed so as to arrive before December 25, for your Designated Recipient. What you will send: In the past we've set a dollar amount on what is expected. I'm going to change things up and not do that. Please don't let this lack of specification make you uncomfortable. Also know that you're not buying our friendship, respect or any other sort of attention, so don't bother showing off. We'll just mock you. Things that people have done in the past: Holiday Cards, CD's, dice, a deck of cards, belt pouches, glass pens, etc.... Basically anything goes as long as it is kind and reasonably well intentioned. If this section is really stressing you out PM me, and we'll come up with something or I'll give you quantitaive limits to make you feel better. How to sign up: Send me a PM with your name (or something the post office will recognize as a name capable of receiving items) and address. Also if you would like to include a SHORT list of things you are interested in to help your Designated Giver, please feel. This list is by no means a requirement, as I've mentioned else where I think part of the fun in this is the mystery. I MUST RECIEVE YOUR PM BY NOON CT ON NOVEMBER 27th FOR YOU TO PARTICIPATE! I will then mix up all the entries (keeping the pre and post six monthers separated) and pair up everyone. I'll then send you a PM by December 1st containing the name of your Designated Recipient. You will then find, craft, beg, or barter something for them and post it off to the supplied address. After the gift exchange is complete everyone should purge their PM's of sensitive identifying information (like names and addresses) and I will do the same. You're free to open your gift whenever you get it and post here in great detail about it. But lets have the exchange complete before we start identifying ourselves as "giver of ...." If you've any questions please post here or send me a PM. Thanks, Duchess.
  24. ... I can run this is if people are willing.
  25. I think any number of people more than two, make a secret gift exchange doable. :) an unsecret one only needs two, or maybe just two personalities...
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