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Everything posted by Matusalem

  1. Some of you may be sea salts, some not. Either way, this site is worth a look: Privateer boats
  2. Yes, pretty much but the one shown in the picture has a small hook.
  3. Bam Bam (I couldn't resist the chiché)
  4. ...and I'm still trying to find me one of those handle-hooks that Marlon Brando and all the other longshoremen wear around their necks in my all-time favorite movie "On the Waterfront".
  5. Anyone short of an artist hand, look no further than M
  6. I'd like to pitch a toast with Molly Pitcher, that alewife
  7. Thank you ransom. That is the theme of this year's halloween. I want small foot-high skeletons that I can make stand up and dance by themselves using thin steel guitar strings. I am in search of a blank styrofoam (no face) head that is used for store displays. I am going to do a videotronic projection of a face onto it by borrowing the powerpoint projector from work. As they say "No secrets/no magic" but you guys all understand.
  8. Iron bess/Lady Alyx....you two.
  9. Lady Alyx, you remind me of Dr. Maturin in Master & Commander ( "'tis true what they say about absolute power corrupts")
  10. I belive that particular vessel is really a hull that was retrofitted with masts, etc to look like a pirate ship. It may not be 'authentic' but I think such a vessel would be great a business investment for a dockide restaurant that wants to have 'pirate nights' or private pirate-themed parties. However, I do think the idea of a fiberglass replica of a square-rigged vessel is a fantastic idea, as in the case of the sloop Providence, it is far easier and cheaper to maintain. If you REALLY want to be a pirate real badly (short of commandeering a vessel), the object is to know what you are looking for. I prefer to look for small-to-medium sized boats that are a)wooden, b ) have 2 or more masts (i.e ketch or yawl). c have the asthetics of pirate ships, and d) are financially feasible. this vessel has all but d: Pirate ship
  11. What's unusual is it's not so much a true sailing vessel, but the fact that it is electric. iETHER WAY, IT STILL LOOKS LIKE FUN.
  12. Methinks today is becoming the GAOP: Mlaysia pirates
  13. I don't have anything against Merv. I used to get him confused with Mike Douglas. The only thing that set them apart was one had gray hair and the other had black hair. I always thought Mike Douglas was cool because he had Devo, John Lennon, and other raucous rockers on his show.
  14. Patrick Stewart as Captain Ahab. The worst cinematography and special effects of any recent movie I've seen. It makes the 1953 version '20,000 leagues Under the Sea' look as good and modern as Lucasfilm's greatest achievement.
  15. In the category of "Who gives an at's rass", I was in Key West with family in April 06, and saw a 9000 ft megayacht (whatever it was) docked at Mallory Square, and like any dumb tourist would, I uttered "who owns this"? and some folks replied Merv Griffin. ...and there he was, on the aft deck , fat and shirtless, his only company was his fat droopy shar-pei, with a bandana around it's neck. He gave my mother the oddest stare. Well, now he's gone. That's my Merv griffin sighting story.
  16. Well, I wish my RI history teacher Mr Tierney was still around, he pretty much gave the class a run-down on the subject, but that was more than 20 years ago. He booked us at least a dozen field trips (Mystic Maritime Museum, New Bedford Whaling museum, Haffenraffer Museum of Anthropology, and a weeklong trip in nantucket). One of my all-time favorite stories that he told was of the ghost ship "Palatine" Palatine There's a pirate reenactor/historian fellow in the area by the name of McNiff , I shall provide some info via personal message. Feel free to visit the oldest tavern in the US, which was owned by a pirate William Mayes:
  17. Hence "Aurora, Illinois"
  18. REDCATjENNY, I saw in the news last week ( can't remember exactly which tv station) about an artist who did a time-lapse video of the migration of air traffic from dawn till dusk. It showed radar images of the entire US, as trails of airliners spidering out form airports. the east coast flights would start first, then the midwest and west would light up in the day,and as time passed by, the country would fill up with lights from the flight paths. here it is on Youtube:
  19. Perfect for Greenwood lake, NY A miniature 'skipjack' eh? Kind of like this one, though the picture below is not the traditional cutter rig: I shall contact you in private, as you might have an interested customer.
  20. Impressive pictures, just utterly awesome! I hope everyone on this board sees this. Thanks for sharing.
  21. My thoughts and prayers to you.
  22. (In piratey voice) "No goode deede goeth unpunished!" et "no one asks you to ex-plain....when you are in-sane."
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