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Everything posted by Matusalem

  1. Yeh....until the tomato sauce gets hung up in my chest hair. Now tonight I'm eating breaded flounder filets.....exactly like the fish sticks served in the school cafeteria, yum!
  2. er...let me guess, the other two cats are named Rocker and Brian? I could be wrong.
  3. matusalem....named after the Canadian made-for-tv cheesy pirate movie,and it's sequel. But of course, the main character shares the same last name 'Beauchesne' as I do in real life, so it only seems fitting. There was also a french privateer Jaques Gouin de Beauchesne (1652-1730) who discovered the Falkland Islands. But I figure the last name is meaningless to people on this board, so I chose Matusalem. Besides....it' snice to be named after a bottle of rum.
  4. Briar Rose wrote ...a poor sob story from Baltimore, let me tell you.
  5. Capt. Bo, you have me rolling on the floor. You are so correct you don't even know it. I have the misfortune of being a product vendor that sells to the 'Corporate Monster' form Arkansas , and I can tell you horror stories from the corporate inside, the factories that make the merchandise, the retailers that were put out of business, and meself. Etyc, and so forth. Sorry for getting off-topic, people, but this subject stirs some real emotions for me. I'll stop here. For the benefit of (..nope, not Mr. Kite...as in the beatles song) the board, I will say theat last year I bought POTC II for $19 at Walmart, which did not include a CD of out-takes or behind-the-scenes docu, but it did include a cheesy sea shanties CD. I could have spent $14 for just the movie DVD alone. Most other stores sell the movie plus the DVD with a DVD of the said mentioned for around $24 . Basically Wamart forces companies to sell what Walmart wants to sell for. Another example is a 12-pack cans of Coca-Cola, which WM sells for $2 while the local grocery sells for $5. Walmart basically says s to the merchandiser "sell it for our price or go away".
  6. whole grain pasta for supper. I have become a very boring health nut in my old age.
  7. Silkie, Always welcome! truly is William Red Wake in action.
  8. Really neat cartoon from a film company called talantis: Pyrats
  9. Someone recently told me I could take a flight to Punta Gorda from Boston for only $10? Skybus I couldn't get the reservation to work but they offer flights to Ft. lauderdale
  10. Someone was teling me of an airline that flies to florida for $10. So i did my research, and this is what I found: Skybus Skybus
  11. Pirates can chop solid hickory baseball bats in half with their cutlasses, when attacked by street gang members. (Matusalem 1993 Telefilm Canada).
  12. Does he speak with a latin accent? I forgoit about that post, I think it was aroud the time of the VT shooting.
  13. It would be a lot different without the ol'porcelain ralph. Where does one find the toilet to do one's business? We'd be doin it ln the back yard like ol' rover'.....that includes the number two.
  14. I will not spoil anything for you: Well, mates.....I ended up entertaing the folks before their departure to their sowbird haven , Florida, and so we all saw Elizabeth last night. Was fortunate to see the trailer of Sweeney Todd before the move...how fitting! Depp sounds exactly like you-know-who and using the same dialect. Cate Blanchett...what a dame! Clive Owen....pirate. Elizabeth was a wicked great production, Geoffry Rush was doing his best in the role he was born for. A couple of great ship scenes that will give any great pirate movie a run for ....so weird to see these two chaps keep this legacy going without getting stagnant.
  15. Hmmm, that hudson River. Firethorn, coud that be the HMS Bounty from Greenport, NY? or the Lady Providence? well... I'm, pretty sure it's not the Royaliste. I took this photo 2 miles up river. Nice kitty Jill, I like the guitar in the back. I have an epiphone hollowbody similar to yours, among a few others.
  16. Yeah, I admit it was pretty corny. Actually, I remember both my granmothers speaking to relatives over the phone in french. couple of times Mémé dragged me into french-speaking catholic mass at our church. I don't think I miss it.
  17. Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young ...the album So Far Wooden Ships really put me in the mood ...too bad Southern Cross isn't on the album
  18. C'est incroyable qu'il'ny'a pas pirates sur le forum! Zut alors, sacre bleu! C'est beau dommage vous ne parlez pa le langue d'amour. Comment vous êtes les corsaires si ne personne n'engage pas à la filibusterie?
  19. I'm no bookie but i guess for serious historians of GAOP, this is the shite: 1688 Exquemelin 4 Grand greenbacks if you buy. I hate to say it folks, but as far as piracy would spend about $250 max for a period flintlock pistol kit, and 4 thousand is something I'd spend for a boat. jerry bruckheimer, I'm not.
  20. Swordfish on the barby...with lemon&butter sauce. Mom drove from R.I. to NJ with the big fishie in an ice cooler (...well meat cutlets cut down to size, not he whole fish....though can you imagine a seven foot fish with a pyrate's cutlass for a nose stuffed inside a minivan). $7 a pound! Nearly half the price than here in NJ and twice the freshness.
  21. ...kind of like the east coast minus the mountains and all, except we've been plagued with a drought lately. ...here lookin' more like SoCal. San Diego, in particular. Silent, the only thing you missed , my friend, was most of the posters here all got together, especially the female side, somewhere in Tacoma, and had a big party. It was a great time and you missed it all. Bwahahahhahah!...jus kidding....welcome back ,lad
  22. As for me, I'm a well behaved man
  23. I think we all agree that the best cure for this particular malady.....is a healthy shot of rum! ....or try my favorite french canadian beer Maudite, La Fin du monde, Don De Dieu...this stuff packs a punch! As for me, Ugh, this is the last week that i have to entertain my mother before she settles back in gulf coast florida. Thanks for the rhodondendrons and plants, luvvie , but I got to get back to me affairs.
  24. I guess everyone knows Ol' Johnny is doing a musical in Tim Burton's Sweeney Todd (heh...almost typed James Burton, Elvis' guitarist) . You can certainly catch the scoop on the ohjohnny.net website Let's not forget dear Geofferey Rush in the new flick "Elizabeth", this seems perfect for him.
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