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Everything posted by Matusalem
Yeah, well.....New Hampshire is aout 8 years too late. I was living in northern Massachusetts (Haverhill actually) for a couple of years, which is right on the state line with NH. Then I moved to Chicago, then New Jersey. It was very convenient to shop in NH on account that there is no sales tax. You drive down a country road and you see people firing firearms of all types, and nobody makes a gripe. You re-enter Massachusetts and the cops act like Nazis and gun owners are treated like criminals. I can only say two good things aout Massachusetts: the clam chowder, and the Red Sox. I am from the Ocean State of Rhode Island where the people are nothing like those from Massachusetts. Well, almost. Patrick Kennedy represents the district I'm from. New Jersey is like Massachusetts....same corrupt socialist government, but with fewer asshole motorists.
Thanx, Coastie! Hey...wanna see mine? (WARNING....shameless self-promotion alert, ok, I admit it I'm being an egotisitical egomaniac) I did this airbrush about 15 years ago after I graduated college to boster my illustration capabilities.
^Hopefully neither....if I shop at Costco (sorta like BJ's)....just hafta deal with the 5 gallon jugs of peanut butter. < Remember when an executive's office had liquor....and important business transactions were done over a shot of bourbon? (just in case you don't, watch the movie Anchorman) v Do you have a reccurring dream/nightmare?
Sigh......all this talk on this board about about weapons that fire, and I have my sights on a good pistol kit. However....in NJ, the law requires a $100 fee for a handgun license, and a permit to buy a firearm, plus a training course. ....for a one-shot blackpowder pistol!!!....and a letter from president Bush saying I've been a good boy. To make matters worse, I live behind the police station. ....and even my bb guns require firearms licenses....which I don't have. BB gun? Firearm? What??!! GAOP was a way better era....there were no laws.
In case anyone missed it, or was willing to watch CBS beyond the Colts/Pats game sunday night, there wasa 60 Minutes interview of Tom Perkins, the owner of the Maltese Falcon. Although the boat is a technical marvel, I thought Mr. Perkins came off as a bit of an egocentric egomaniac a la Howard Hughes. He even has as a website for his 289ft toy. Maltese Falcon I guess it goes with the territory.
BriarRose, You sure got that right! I see bumper stickers that say "Imagination is more important than knowledge"....which, unfortunately I disagree. Imagination and knowledge feed off eath other equally. I had a professor from Rhode lsland School of Design tell me that, without knowledge, imagination has nothing to draw from. I equated this to my childhood experience with legos. For exmple If you equate one bit of knowledge with one lego, and then suppose someone said to you "here's five Legos...build me as many masterpieces as you can". The result would be infinately different than if someone gave you one hundred legos and told you the same thing. On an off-note, I heard an interesting lyric today a song from Monks of Doom (same guys as Camper van Beethoven, if anyone remembers them) "If the Devil speaks, I'll bite my tongue/If God speaks, I'll hold my breath"
OK....got it figured out now. USA is showing edited scenes between commercials....stuff not seen in the actual movie. Sooooo, Jen......watch right before the commercials.
Thought you ought to know....the USA network this weekend is airing 'One'....but weirdly, the beach scene with jack & Elizabeth has an added scene. Jack shows Elizabeth 2 gunsot wounds on his chest, then they both take a couple more swigs of rum on the beach (daylight). I think I recall these scene in the supplemental disc, but not really the movie. I guess USA needed to fill some time voids between the advertisements.
....Cat?....boss? Hmmmm, you know what they say about cats and how they own their humans Cheers to your promotion
Greydog, I would have to agree with you. Although, that movie is on my living room shelf, I don't watch it much. Some of the lines in 'To Have & Have Not' were good "You know how to whistle, Steve....just put your lips together and blow". Dead Reckoning as a bit of a feel-good Bogart movie but not a strong contender. I shall taske your advice. Maltese Falcon & Casablanca I have the DVD.
Greydog, are you a Bogart fan? You should get Key Largo...it has both Bogart and Edward G Robinson. I also have Dead Reckoning, To Have & Have Not, and the Big Sleep. As for my cheesy movie favorite, it's Lost Boys. Terrible script, bad acting...great movie!
Nothing beats that swagger when being challenged by authorities!: Pirates Tell US Navy To Back Off I often pick up Lattitudes & Attitudes(the cruising lifestyle) magazine, and they usually have a page dedicated to monthly pirate attacks
....and you too, haunting Lily.......that awesome gargoyle gate and everything. Silkie, sorry to hear about the reflector. I'll keep a sharp eye out for it.
Sorry I couldn't get the video uploaded on the previous post , %$#@ photobucket-to-pyracy.com didn't work. Here it is: Tonight, I'm gonna convert it to be my avatar.
The Real Deal! Very niiiiiiiice! Your son should find a decent photographer that specializes in sepia-toned tintype or Ambrotype portraits.
Well, I almost didn't get the AV projector from work, but I did get the night before Halloween....gave me a couple of hours to slap something together. I just put the costume and a styrofoam wig head on a microphone stand. It came off far more scarier than I anticipated (...in a Marilyn Manson video kind of way) . Yea...the wonders of video animatronics! It stopped a couple of passing cars and gave me a little praise but mostly bewilderment.....though I think I scared away a few small children. I re-pasted the
I shall do that next time I'm in Asia. I have stayed at the Royal Pacific Hotel, next to the Shenzhen ferry in Kowloon 4 times and have taken the boat over to HK. Where is the maritime museum in relation to the Hong Kong side?
A couple of weeks ago, I remember a news story about an abandoned boat, some murder victims off the coast of Florida: Joe Cool ....and eerily, it reminded me of a CSI Miami episode, which re-runs regularly: CSI: Pirated I guess the only thing missing was Horatio Caine's usual Captain Kirk/Steve MacGarrett swagger.
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme.
I awoke this morning to a backyard fireworks show. My 150 year old maple tree decided to be a show-off:
Heart of Glass : Fiberglass Boats and the Men Who Built Them : (Paperback) by Daniel Spurr I was employed by a few of these men mentioned in this book.
How come no one ever mentioned Dustin Hoffman? I had mentioned the other day that I thought the beach scene with Depp & Knightley in POTC I was a cinematic masterpiece. I strongly believe, that as good as the actors were, that scene was pure spontanaety and would be nearly impossible to recreate if you ever got the same actors together again. That secene as not so much the script...but how it ended up happening as it happened at that particular moment. That scene cannot be replicated. You know that old saying "things just happen" ...and I think that was one of those rare occasions when it did. it was all chemistry and serendipity at that particular moment. A rare moment recorded on film. I don't even think POTC II or III came even close to capturing the essence of that scene, no matter how hard the cast & crew and Gore Verbinski tried. it was a one-time occurrence.
Ugh! Tonight I ended up visting 2 Halloween stores (which you know ain't gonna be open after new years day after all the chrismas crap) , and here in consumer retail capital of America, i never felt so frustrated. I never seen so many stupid people in one place in my life! (well....except for the the tailgate crowd at a NY Jets Game...sorry NY fans, I am not native to this area). I walked out with nothing in my hand but all I saw was more polyester and fake leather tricorns and Jack Sparrow rastafarian wigs that could supply the entire Chinese Army. Lots of justaoucorps coats and bucket boots as well. Finest quality on this little Earth! But seriously, all I needed was a slighty larger-than-life rubber skull, which none was to be found. ..just smaller-than-life ones. Going back to post #1 of this thread , I am looking more for a styrofoam head...called a local wig shop, and by the time I could say half the word 'styrofoam', the sarcastic female voice on the other end said "$6.95". is it me, but I am beginning to feel that there is a very unoriginal aspect of halloween. $29 smoke machines? come on! .....please help me if you feel differently.
OK, everybody..listen up! I gotta big recommendation for all o' you. Get, buy, or download Dead Can Dance (4ad records). This is great stuff for you ren-faire, Celt-o-phytes, ghouls, movie fanatics, pyrates, whatever. Lisa Gerrard is the voice you've heard on a thousand movie soundtracks, including horror flicks . this is the shite. I am listening to one of their first albums Aeon, and it's just killer. I also reccommend Within the Realm of a Dying Sun, Serpent's Egg, Into The Labyrinth, etc. if You already know what I'm talking about, then ignore this post , and if you don't like what I say, then go back to listening to your Rod Stewart or Nickelback.