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Everything posted by Matusalem
I've been up close to the Brilliant tho never been on it. If you happen to be driving up I-95, you can see the masts from the 'Scenic Overlook' on the side of the highway. Have a wonderful trip! Tell us your story when you return.
That being said, what would have been the method of procuring fish? Nets? bamboo pole with a line attached, and a whalebone hook? or just shewt the bloody thing with a pistol and wait till it floats, then net it up?
Royaliste, I am curious how you follow an itinerary, and knowing how you anticipate arrival dates at any given port. How does one in your situation know if you could arrive in some place like Norfolk in 2 days or 20 days?
Mission wrote: New England, Mission.....New England. I take great pride in this topic. It kind of hits you if you realize the very soil you grew up on has a deep hidden past. Bristol, R.I. being my old hometown. Archaeologists Hit Paydirt
Iron John wrote: I know, for a fact that back in the 1750's, most rum originated from east coast America, particularly new England (Newport, R.I. especially...some 22 distilleries or more just on the island alone, about 9 distilleries in Bristol, just a couple of miles up north). According to the book Complicity by Anne Farrell, Joel Lang, Jennifer Frank, very little rum was produced in the caribbean at that time because of lack of supplies , most was produced in New England from European imported supplies like copper stills and wooden casks and presses, however the sugar cane farming and shipping trade was big business in the caribbean. Ships from America and Europe would sail to Caribbean islands, barter cotton & wool in return for sugar cane, produce rum with the cane in the colonies, then ship large quantities of rum to Africa & etc and buy slaves with the rum. You have to keep in mind that this type of bartering was the most valuable type of currency back then. Here's an additional link Triangle Trade
^^After 15 minutes of the Bee Gees & cheesy Duran Duran, I think I had enough.
Lissnin' to ye Cornwall Pirrrrate radio radio UK...mostly oldies
Yes, I know...you were expecting a more ....'exciting'...topic BUT ....I found an interesting painting that has a wee little bit of relevance, though perhaps not so close to the 1680-1720 era but think of it as the kids of said era. ...still lolling somewhere in the Caribbean. Sea Captains Carousing In Surinam by John Greenwood 1755
I hope people really appreciate how phenomenal this really is. I'm glad the state of Delaware is so generous to afford us all an opportunity like this.
One could always add something like an insulting parrot, you will either love it or hate it
If the ship is the Eagle, then it came a long way from New London, Connecticut. That's the USCG training vessel. I believe Colombia and Germany have a similar ship like the one below. I think they are the same class but ours has the red coast guard stripe: Beavertail State park...Jamestown, R.I
In the case of PITA, probably an Indian legal term. I recall a few years ago, a ship called the Golden Venture ran aground near NY city, and the USCG found hundreds of illegal immigrants, mostly Chinese, that were being boated over here to work in the sweat shops in the garment district. This is about a quarter step above slavery. The living conditions aboard the ship were appalling. the captain did not even notify the harbormaster that his ship was coming in because 1. he was trying to avoid the authorities, and 2. he did not speak English. I'm sure this story gets repeated quite frequently, especially in Long Beach, Ca.
Whatever is considered immoral, is all relative, depending on whom you speak to. I have been telling my friends for years that I work for a K street lobby group that wants to re-institute the whaling industry to help provide jobs for economically depressed coastal new England towns like New Bedford. Jobs are all that matters. Screw those environmental wackos! I try to keep a straight face while saying it. Actually, I cannot stand full-serve gas in NJ anymore. You have to wait 5 minutes for an attendant to unscrew the tank lid then wait another 5 minutres while he's transacting credit cards for 5 other cars. I would be so much faster if I could driveup to the pump, slip in my atm card, pump, then drive away...but nooooo.
Can anyone tell me more about the Lioness and where it's based out of?
We must strive for the inane and innocuous
The remaining packages pf green peeps I have now have become hard as wood. ....I could use them as a doorstop.
My school taught me that in 10th grade. Same with Of Mice & Men. iI's actually fun to have a class read books that are not politically correct.
it's amazing the things a drink-induced stupor causes , it made me feel like drawing:
This is all giving me flashbacks now. I played guitar in a goth-y alt rock band in R.I. in the late 80's (kind of like Siouxie & the banshees) , we were all into the H.P. Lovecraft thing, complete with the obligatory band photo at Lovecraft's grave in providence. But we were all intrigued about this local vampire by the name of Mercy Brown, and I think our singer even wrote a song about it. Mercy Brown Incident The Last Vampire
I'm just curious how everyone is making out with gas prices, etc., and if any of the slowdown is affecting you yet. Here in NJ, gasoline is $3.05/gal (and that includes madatory full-serve), yet I cross the stateline to NY and it is $3.56/gal (self serve) . I just found out my bank (Citibank) is posting a $5.2 bil. loss. Things sound kind of shaky lately.
Merrydeath, you are quite welcome! The color of the water in the southern ends of Florida, and around the Caribbean is a sight to behold if you are not familiar with it. Every day just looks like this (view from the KW ferry)
Silkie, try those bracelets with the plastic nubs, they're supposed to reduce seasickness. Sigh...I tried to find some info on my classmate's brother on the net, and I found this on the Providence Journal Archives Britain to probe Marques Sinking, R.I.Youth Died This is the photo of the ship I look back and remember my HS graduation and the memorial tribute during the graduation ceremony. it was very hard for my classmate & family, even 11 months after . I remember him (not the brother wo died in said accident) very well from the drama troupe (I was a stage hand and he had acted in several plays)
Silkie wrote Christiana river, heh...you have far less to worry about than capsizing in the middle atlantic from a rogue wave. ...which happened to a brother of a high school classmate of mine in 1984. He was aboard the bark Marques on an educational field trip. bark Marques Tom LeBel, knew you for a short time ,may ye rest in peace. But seriously, though...the Delaware bay ain't nothing like the Atlantic. I hope I didn't scare you too much.
MadL....No, my friend. You are mistaking this with the Jersey shore. What you say is true....when you are standing at Sandy Hook. You just have to watch out for the AIDS tainted hypodermic needles hiding in the sand. Yes, Merrydeath...this is Mallory Square and Fort Zach...emarald green waters