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Everything posted by Matusalem
Dear Mr Blackjohn, So sorry for missing your event. I was already returning to NJ from family obligations (Sailing trip actually) in Baltimore. I kind of felt bad because I use the Susquequehanna bridge (rt 40) in Port Deposit because I have one of those barcode stickers for the toll (saves me $5 on I-95) but it was 8:30 pm by that time sunday. All weekend long I thought of the Sultana, which was away from port in Chestertown, and we were in St. Michaels.
Mission wrote A-hah! So that's why barnes & noble looked like a halloween bash. I just finished "All For the Union" by Robert Hunt Rhodes, which is a diary of a civil war soldier from Rhode Island. It's so weird to know first-hand the places he mentioned. Coincidentally, the soldier (Elisha Hunt Rhodes which the author is related to), the book tells of the death of his father, the sea captain who drowned in a shipreck in the Abacos, Bahamas in 1858 while shipping rum & molasses. It is perfect bathroom material because you can read each day's diary.
As pirates, we would be require to fire no more than 3 shots per minute then mark up our opponents with paint-slathered bamboo sticks instead of real cutlasses. HAHAHAHAHAH! FYI, you are dealing with the flintlock crowd here.
Plymouth (because I saw reenactors spin flax to make linen on wheels at Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts)
Well....if I won the lottery, i would seriously start a 'pirate charter business using a square-rigged vessel on the east coast USA for Kids, adults, everyone. basically a party ship for rent but with the staff in pirate gear and use live cannons that go BOOM! That would be a dream business. I am being very serious. I have no other reason to spend that money except to fund future generation family members' college tuitions and house down-payments.
Mr. littleneckhalfshell, thank ye very much!
...this particular forum became truncated down to 10 topics. Where's the rest?
I can only speak for myself, but one thing I truly miss is seeing merchants and fishermen of live blue crabs using the same oak casks that have been around hundreds of years to to store the crabs on the wharfs in Washington DC and around the Potomac before they started using these blue blow-molded polyethylene barrels. That was the 1970's for ya. Mostly all the crabbing and fishing boats were wooden, not fiberglass. we have become too modern nowadays.
Somebody I was talking to today mentioned the Boston Subway system, and all I kept thinking was the name of a stop on the Red Line past Harvard Square. The word "Alewife" sounds so medieval or middle ages. Any history of this would be appreciated.
I remember as a 6 year old, I went to a school field trip to the Smithsonian institution in DC, Which I believe was the National Archives musem (or whichever the building that had this plumb-bob pendulum swinging acroos the floor knocking of some pegs lined upin a circle). Anyway, what I remember most, and what scared the living daylights out of me was a white bust on a roman column, with an Uncle Sam top hat. All of us students gathered round, then the face of the bust suddenly lit up, which was actually a front 16mm film projector illuminating a movie onto the bust, and it talked. Sooooo. ....naturally I am putting together something of a similar concept for the front window or front yard, using a fake skull/bandana/leather tricorn on a bust that sits on top of some kind of column,and use a Powerpoint projector and some audio equipment. I was also planning on renting a theatrical smoke machine aand project some kind of videos onto the smoke. Nothing overly technical or the most original , just something that makes my house stand out on the 31st. Only problem is is all the wee ones will be out on the trick-or-treat run before sun-down So I'm worried the project would be a bit of a wash. Too bad,really...because growing up,I don't ever remember trick-or-treating before sundown.
Stupid? not at all! I spent way too much time reenacting the 50's (in a James Dean kind of way)
Mine, I heisted from a colonial Massachusetts tombstone website. Average stuff in coastal New England. Here's a story: There's a colonial-era cemetary in my old hometown (Bristol, R.I.) where the town moved all the headstones to a lot across the street but left all the buried coffins behind so they could make a "town common" (baskeball & tennis courts, etc), and I'm hoping there will be some kind of inevitable poltergeist uprising.
^Already am. Now I want to be a pirate and be on a sailboat and sail the Atlantic coastline instead. I can do both, however, financially I can only do one at the moment. I've had my fun with my two tone '57 Ford fairlane and have made the decision to sell it, so that I would rather spend the weekend in some hidden inlet somewhere on Narragansett bay or Chesapeake bay on a boat that sleeps at least 4, has a head (toilet for non-boat people), and a galley and eat crabs and fish and not worry about the phone ringing or spending my weekdays in a fluourescent-lit corporate office environment. Sailing is an adventure: you worry little about fuel costs, emissions. You worry most about wind direction vs. time, and assholes in 38 ft cigarette boats trying to "wake" you and show you who the Real Man is, particularly in genuine historic pirate ports like newport, R.I. or Annapolis, Md. <However, every time I'm at a marina, there's always some rich bastard showing off his restored '52 Ford pickup or '49 Chevy woodie wagon, while off on his adventure on his 42 ft. Beneteau ketch. You know the kind of people I'm talking about. I'm a creative type but I've given up on showing the world how cool I am like these folks, so I have no desire to emulate them. V How many places have you called home since you were born?
Amanjiria wrote: Oakum? nah , that would be too sticky. sigh...I had my sights on building a herreshoff designed beetle-cat, now you have me all confused.
Bienvenue a la navire! Salut!
Blackbonie, you are killing me. You truly are. if you're "that" interested in that kind of thing, the annual Viva Las Vegas festival is the place for you: Viva las Vegas I'll point you int the right direction of you want to know more, just shoot me a message if you are interested . I spent more than 20 years obsessed with the whole 50's/60's thing including spending close to 1 grand making my kitchen looking like a glorified surf green & white Johnny Rockets complete with boomerang countertop and chrome banding. I have a walk-in closet full of vintage clothing, items which date back to the 40's...spent too many times going to shows like Big Sandy & the Fly-Rite Boys, and now I decided to turn pirate and selling my restored two-tone 1957 Ford Fairlane so I could buy a sailboat and camp out in it in places unknown. I hail from a sailing family anyway. I used to pal around with the younger rat-rod crowd, not the old geezer hotrodders, but I can't stand being on land anymore, so the car has got to go.
I have one of those EMF gaussmeter things the ghosthunters always use to detect electostatic signals, I'll bring it this time. We would need to check local regulations so no one gets pinched by law enforcement . Fort Zach is small enough. I can't see anyone complaining. FYI, while sailing around Baltimore, it was easy to just sail up to the isolated abandoned, so-called haunted civil war island fort Carroll (near Key bridge), across where the folks keep the sailboat, and snoop around. Now the state clamped down on trespassing, so it ain't like it used to be. I miss those days.
I have one of those EMF gaussmeter things the ghosthunters always use to detect electostatic signals, I'll bring it this time. We would need to check local regulations so no one gets pinched by law enforcement . Fort Zach is small enough. I can't see anyone complaining. FYI, while sailing around Baltimore, it was easy to just sail up to the isolated abandoned, so-called haunted civil war island fort Carroll (near Key bridge), across where the folks keep the sailboat, and snoop around. Now the state clamped down on trespassing, so it ain't like it used to be. I miss those days.
Carafe. (Me health nut has taken over me bein' and become addicted to red wine...resveratrol and anti-oxidants will make you live longer, particularly from grapes grown from less ideal places like Chile, Argentina, Australia...and also you won't get the headache like french or California red wines...rum is all sugar...that's my acoholic rant for today. Same with blueberries.)
Lost my atm card....drove away from an atm in a hurry and forgot the card. I am ne'er superstitious...except when it comes to cats. Why is it when you are driving down a road and a cat darts across the street 75 ft away in front of you? Colored cats=bad things will happen, black cats=good things will happen. That's what past experience has told me without fail.
heh ....Los Lobos in the car right now...The Road to Gila Bend, specifically. Now I'm home listening to generic videos on TheTubeTV and I smell smoke...the neighbors are still shooting fireworks.