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Everything posted by Matusalem
Tks for saving the day, guys....I ordered a shirt from flying canoe traders last year, 50%linen/50%cotton. The small was too small, so now I am re-ordering. I like FCT because they have the tall band collar with pewter buttons, not the fold -down revolutionary war collar.
^My "old town" keep it's flavor? yes. I'll brag no more....my entire family is pining over it. http://www.discoverbristol.com/ My new town? it's actually getting better and beginning to establish it's own identity. <The nor'easter here on the east coast is finally dissipating....had to sump 3 inches of water out of my basement yesterday. V Are ye staying away from the television at this moment?
Thanks, I saw that site too. That's a nice pistol! How about the hardware? Brass? or silver? WHat's best for GAOP? I have my sites on the French dragoon pistol from those folks. When I get the $$, I'm going to do it. trying to stay french. And also this French pistol: http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/17...h%20pistol.html Believe it or not, I have to technically register this as a handgun,andobtain a pistol license in NJ,as I'm sure that gun laws in your state are probably more friendly to flintlocks. Not in police-state NJ, the laws put blackpower guns in the same category as with Glocks and H&K assault rifles. Go figure.
Pirate Seika/Cptn John, congratulations! I know that feeling of grand ideas of decorating. I am going through the exact same phase myself. My house is, unfortunately, pink vinyl siding a la John Mellencamp's song "Pink Houses, and I am on a mission from God to change it to an olve green grey. I was driving around Sarasota, Fl. and I found this lovely little house (which is almost identical to my house) which I am basing my color scheme on, it looks very tropical. As for my back yard (this photo is my yard in NJ, not the sarasota house above), I am today dealing with the nor'easter deluge, which is creating flooding problems in the yard. I am deciding whether to remove the moat or not. TYhe yard needs a lot of work before I can "pyratize" or put up a tiki hut:
Hear Ye deckhands: Newport Tall Ships, here's your chance to see and experience the real deal, I'm sure Mr. Royaliste will be appreciative since the Royaliste, amongst other top-sail ships will also be making a showing. Live/learn experience. http://www.tallshipsrhodeisland.org/ And for all ye history buffs, especially those well-read, you will be thrrilled to know that if you have read "The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd", the book tells of dozens of pirates being hung at Gravelly point, under the authority of Lord Bellomont & Captain Solgard, which is now the Rhode Island State Pier, which this event is generally held from year-to-year, you will be standing on that very soil.
^today has been depressing. My back yard has been submerged under water. Today. I am building a bookcase/entertainment center for my living room that is 10 ft (3.5m) long and curved. My basement, which is my woodshop with all my tools (10" table saw/bandsaw/compressor/router/etc) is also under3/4inch ( 2cm of water), thanks to this wonderful Nor'easter we're having . However I was able to get the waist-level main shelf board (with stained oak veneer) onto the wall. It looks friggin awesome!! That put a smile on my face. I am currently in northern NJ, 25 miles west of Manhattan.The weather here is rediculous. ^ I have a 24 oz. steak ready to go on the Weber grill, but it is pouring. VLast live music show you saw?
LOL is right. wow!...............that is funny in a scary sort of way.
^Nope...just mustard sandwiches specifically , no peanut butter. I never liked mayonnaise either . Though nowadays I eat melted baked 'italian sharp' cheese, with a slice of lemon.......poor arteries. ^my story is this: when my parents divorced, I was 9. I never liked the crusts on sandwiches. So my dad, living alone, begun to find half-eaten sandwiches all throughout the house. In the air conditioning ducts, the craw in the closet that sits below the upstairs stairway, between the seat cushions of the family room couch. the ones in the air conditioning duct were the best because they were a nice shade of blue. This was all after 2 years after my mom moved out. She was the one who made the sandwiches. Eat seafood?
Pirate Seika , I take that back. I do enjoy being there...providing I can be amongst my own age group. The retiree set is not my cup of tea. I have no problem going to the pier in Venice or somehwere in Naples or Sarasota. Anna maria island is a gorgeous place!...as is Sanibel Island.
Forgive my sarcastic answer in the beginning post. For me, spent several years in few places along the eastern seaboard,divorced parents: 1. Mom: owned waterfront property on Narraganssett bay, was blown away when I first saw a squqre-rigged vessel from my back yard. I owned a dow (12 ft rowboat, Sunfish, 14 ft Vanguard with 2 sails) and would sail over to campfire across the bay on Prudence Island. Bristol boasts itself as the oldest 4th July parade in the US. The Revolutionary War reenactors(including Fife&drum bands) pretty much take over the town. I used to snorkel with friends and find ship artifacts. 2. Dad (navy enlisted sonar-man) lives in Baltimore, sails and thinks "nautical" the way I do. . 3. I spent 3 years as carpenter/Boatbuider in R.I. , fabricating solid Teak bow-sprits , floors, etc. on Shannon 38/43/50 ft sailing Yachts. 4. Went to prep school in R.I. where we had a class called "Rhode Island History", learned that Newport was rich in pirate history....pls note that above (1) our home was dead across from the HMS Gaspee burning site. 5. Blown a way when I first saw the Civil War movie "Glory" and would spend and outrageos amount of time in Gettysburg and Antietam battlefelds, so reenactment has always interested me when I was down in Baltimore. 6. First saw Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Orlando, in 1979...was blown away by the flume ride and the moving sunset sky in the village. (POTC, Space Mountain, 20,00 Leagues..all-time favorite rides then) 7. went to University of Bridgeport, Ct in the late 80's/early 90's,where the HMS Rose was docked right at the edge of the campus, this was the same ship used in the film "Master & Commander" . 8. Mom moved from R.I. to SW florida...and when I visit, SW Florida is boring (but nice sunsets on the Gulf) , so when I stumbled upon Pirates in Paradisein Key West , I had to get involved. It is so easy for me to get to Key West by ferry. Anyway, that sums me up. Ren-faire is ok (been to festivals in Carver but I'm a history buff) , I promise I wont bother ye all any more.
It would make sense that Ft Zachary Taylor would be haunted. People make a big deal Ft McHenry in Baltimore (same place as "ramparts, rockets red glare, bombs bursting in air "from Star Spangled Banner fame) : http://www.theshadowlands.net/places/maryland.htm ^^ "Baltimore - Fort McHenry - The Fort was used throughout history in guarding Baltimore Maryland. Many stories of ghosts and ghostly activity include: a shadowy figure marching along the parapets, an evil spirit in the hallway leading to the bathrooms, floating or moving furniture, tour guides during the Ghost Tour being surrounded in unearthly light, and voices heard by employees after the Fort has been closed to visitors. The stories are well known by local residents and many people who worked at the Fort or visited it can attest to these occurrences."
^Colt State Park in Bristol Rhode Island....straddles both Narragansett Bay and Bristol harbor, once a farm owned by Samuel Pomeroy Colt of the famous gunmaker, grew up a hundred feet from there and learned to sail along those shores....(and every other naughty thing there). <Profoundly influenced by the dreamyness of the Geoffrey Rush/Kiera Knightley scene in COTBP and went out of my way to dark-stain my windows and trim, and installed very old rippled glass for my living room to make it look like a greatcabin of an old sailing ship....with a little craftsman/bungalow influence, my house is vintage 1937. I worked as a a carpenter for a yachtmaker (Shannon) in Bristol, RI a couple years ago , so I'm a litttle nuts with this kind of thing. Do you have pets? Dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, snakes, etc?
Red Cat Jenny, O please please give my plane the best scrutiny for takeoff/landing as I head to/from FtMyers on JetBlue next weekend, and no Avianca mishaps . I fly the JFK/FTMyers route 3-4 times a year. I'll wish the same when (and if) I attend PIP this year as I did last year. ...reporting nearby from the other side of the Hudson.
Since I am in to anything not of the present, I am seriously considering on getting a super 8 movie camera and filming things with this, possibly in black and white. The more old-skool, the better. I know where I can get film and processing. Then I'd just get it converted to DVD and .mpeg. 50/50% chance I end up at the PIP festival this year, it's this like this that I would film.
^College or work? I studied Industrial design. Had a term project I was working in the woodshop from7:30 am to 9:45 Am the next day for class , didn't go to bed until 11 pm, total 41 hours without going to bed...so much fun to see the sun come up twice in one day. There was a door beyond the woodshop where the building was abandoned. I thought I saw ghosts. People images would appear in rooms then dissapear. Of course I had a little assistance with no-doze. <Gonna probably meet some of you in two weeks, I'll be in Fells Point for the Baltimore Pyrate fest, might even make it to the Frederick reenactor thing depending on what's in store for the weekend. Somehow no matter where I go, there be pyrates. V early riser or late riser?
You mean like Humma Kavula? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIMpvaj9VcY
Utility pole collapsed and overhead wires electrocuted me.
just the mere fact that you can get stuff FOR FREE! ...an watch yer victims agonize ..cause we're pyrates, an we enjoy what we do for a livin
Yes, Indeed.!.....the Chasse Galerie (flying canoe) illustration is my favorite, but for ye pyrate folks, there's Don De Dieu: http://www.unibroue.com/graphs_our_beers/d...on_de_dieu.html Incidentally, right about the time POTC DMC came out I wanted to find out what Johnny Depp actually drinks...and I found out he is quite the wine drinker who raves about Calon-Segur (Chateau Estephe) whic he raves about, claming that is an inexpensive French bordeax: http://www.luxist.com/2006/01/17/johnny-de...p-wino-forever/] And my dear pyrate friends, I ordered two bottles last year at $69 a piece, which the store claimed 2001 was the best vintage....inexpensive? NOT! However, my assesment, as far as vintage wine goes, I first tried it with a filet mignon, and found out that it would be a better match with venison because it is not the sweet taste that I am accustomed to. Bordeaux wines are pretty complex , this one was real silky but,as I said, more complimenatry to venison than steak beecause it has the same characteristics as venison.
Pun intended? ......up there with Dr Strangelove "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room"! As for the sword ,Who needs reenactor gear when you can have the real thing!
TOXIC Avenger
Declare Sumthin' About Th' Hearty Above Ye
Matusalem replied to Captain Booty's topic in Beyond Pyracy
^ spouse has delusions of grandeur regarding full-time living with the family and dog, aboard vessels 65 ft and up. -
1. Wh has the best online source for 1720 era white silk&embroidered fabric for wasitcoats? 2..Has anyone tried calicocorner.com? Merci Beaucoup, Pierre Tombale de Beauchesne
Hmm, laws must've changed in the UK since '05....or the Absinthe is a diferent mix. I know that it is illegal in the US for sure. I forgot about that bit with the flaming sugar cube, but that is the key. This is a photo of Trafalgar Square that weekend Incidentally I was in Gravesend Kent, and there was a plaque that stated that pirates were hung in gibbets at this location, along the Thames. Hopefully Mr. Foxe will see this message and comment:
Absinthe, which is basically a spirit called wormwood. Absinthe is just a brand name. It comes in emerald green form, think Scope mouthwash at the potency of pure grain alcohol. I tried it once on a new years eve in London a few years back. I bought it at a package/convenience store not far from Paddinton station, an the Pakistanis running the place looked at me with horror. The truth is, the stuff is so potent but you can't feel the effects....which is a dangerous combination. I'm sure others may have a story to tell, for it is a choice drink for rock stars.