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Everything posted by Matusalem

  1. Welcome aboard, mate! Thar's plenty of booty here...as long as ye willing to share it.
  2. ^ the ten fingers I was born with....which I am grateful I still have. <Snow has fallen once again on the east coast....very depressing. V which have you been to? disneyland or disneyworld?
  3. Matusalem


    Castillo....one of the only few that come in plastic gallon bottles, which I found out and raided when I was at my parents for chritsmas eve. No complaints here. Still better than Bacardi, IMPO. Try Brugal....from Puerto Rico,that's another tasty cheapo.
  4. ^ I broke me wrist last September, now I have a metal plate < Dont stand on your roof with a tree prooner and not look down, otherwaise the above said will happen. V Live near salt water?
  5. ^Same as above....though I can't rmember much of it. < Chia Pet cupcakes (edible) V cook at home or eat out (including take out)
  6. Well, I found one photo: http://www.spinner.com/category/rock-hall The radio announcer said he was presenting an award to Ronnie Spector & the Ronettes , which he mentioned that he was looking mighty "piratey".
  7. I just heard on the radio that Kieth Richards showed up at the Rock&Roll Hall of Fame in pirate outfit. Need more info.
  8. ^Own....or should I say the house owns me. <all this talk about backyard pyratical decor has given me some enlightenment since I am doing major renovations. V Bucket Boots or shoes with Buckles? (since I instigsated this topic once again in a preivious post)
  9. I would think about whom the overall event serves. Us pyrates...or the general public. 'Tis seems to me that the line is drawn between historical reenactment (like civil &Rev war events) vs. theatrics. I can't speak for everyone on this board I'm sure there area few of you out there that are of a theatrical personality, whether it be a street act, or the resident Disneyland pirate, in which case you'd have your own 'kit' (eyepatch included) to please the little pirates. Then comes the gang on historian side (Pyrate Breathren, et al.), who, lack of a better sentence, want to party like it's 1699 (or 1720). I will reserve my own opinion as to which side of the yardarm to take, other than to quote Rodney King's famous line. Perhaps it in the planning of the PIP event to decide where all this fits in. Seems to me that"1720 encampment" says it all.
  10. and, um.....what does the shoe police say? Buckle shoes &stocking.... or Bucket boots? I just want to ge the fire going with this topic, and rock the boat (not pick on anyone in particular).
  11. I would go more for linen. I have discovered that in the hot sun and pouring rain while attending Pirates in paradise, that wools was not a good choice. Denim is essentially cotton canvas that is dyed with indigo. The whole denim thing started during the 1849 California gold rush, when Levi Strauss made garments made from the said mentioned fabric imported from France. I would fear that a denim coat or other clothing would look something akin to a bad 1970's tv show. Linen is comfortable.
  12. Folks, my dearest apologies for needling you all for a topic that didn't get much response. I happened to attend the PIP festival for one day last November (I have family in FL. so I couldn't resist). For anyone who knows Key West knows of the Pirate museum. Next door to that is Ripley's Believe-it-or-Not. When one walks by this place, one cannot miss, in the front window, the man in 18th century clothes and bucket boots, physically climbing up and down the rope. He also happens to have no head. The animatroinics were quite realistic. I was not fortunate to enter Ripley's and ask the staff what the story behind this. I also cannot find much information on the internet such as a "headless pirate", particularly something that would relate to Ripley's., soooooo..........I would ask again. I am beginning to take a passionate interest in this topic, merely because I am more of a special effects kind of person, and less an actor. I am designing and assembling a costume, using period era clothing (so much for the magician's rule of giving away secrets), and therfore I am trying to build a 'street act' of sorts. If anyone knows of such a tale, with any kind of information, big or small, I would be more than grateful. you can email me at @ffairlane57@yahoo.com if you like.
  13. Say, isn't the sailing ship Sultana in there somewhere?...or is that St. Michaels?...St Marys, StMichaels...one of those places. I wish I knew this 15 years ago , I'd ve gotten involved in a hearbeat. Cobb island is where I leaned to catch rockfish and blue crab.
  14. RhumbaRue, when Isaw M&C, It looked like a vessel as big as the USSConstellation. What I remember about the Rose was something onlyslightly larger than the Mayflower in PLymouth Mssachusetts.
  15. I have seen the HMS Rose, when it was docked in Bridgeport, Ct. a few years ago ,, right on Long I. sland Sound. It was walking distance from where I went to college. The ship, I recall, was quite small but the movie made it appear twice as big as it is in reality. It also does not have the fancy great-cabin with all the windows, which was retro-fitted for the movie.
  16. Thank you, indeed! Now I can plan my weekend.
  17. Anyone have the details ont he Ft Frederick Fair? ....not that I want to forsake Fells Point or anything.
  18. I hope this doen't mean that Tom Hanks will show up. Oh, wait. that's Opus Dei.
  19. Boston (luv that dirty waw-tah...oh Boston, you're my home)
  20. I accidentally ran across this on Youtube. I figgers it be full of "Robert Newton Tongue", bein' from Cornwall:
  21. From the 1970's tv Wonderwoman. Female villain with gorilla sidekick, to Linda Carter: "Wonderwoman....meet Gargantua".
  22. Patrick....That is beautiful, in a 'Cold Mountain' sort of way. As fro me , I am in northern NJ, trying to assemble a 20x10 ft car tent so I can fix up my 1957 Ford and sell it, and maybe buy a sailboat. A mere wee window of nice sunny 50 F weather to put it up before the next ice storm. I have no garage.
  23. Professional daydreamer and Industrial designer, right now designing athletic shoes. Previous experience as a carpenter/boatbuilder for Shannon yachts in Rhode island. Yay! I got to work on Morgan Freeman's boat.
  24. Well, last night I did manage to pick up a DVD of 20,000 leagues Under the Sea (the 1954 version) in attemt to re-live a moment of my childhood...now it's all coming back. For those who are serious fans of POTC, this is a mandatory must-have. Disney/Buena Vista doing what they do best....pirates & rogues on the high seas. Some real parellels with DMC, particularly with the Kraken, and the captain's monstrous pipe organ. I didn't see the re-make, didn't care to.
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