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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. What created the Big Bang? (Or do we know that already?) Are men really from Mars and women from Venus? Will mankind ever figure out a way to live peacefully, making war obsolete as well as obscene? Will I ever be able to win the lottery? What happens in that micro-nanosecond between being alive and dead? Do you see the space between the known and the unknown world?
  2. Champagne! This from a beer drinker! LOL
  3. I think this thread has turned into the premise for another Conan movie. Lemme see here, but I don't think I headed it as Simple Mayhem. LOL So, here is another attempt to lighten things up. Watching the deer drink out of my birdbath.
  4. Gosh, I'm doing something so mundane... Pot luck BBQ at a friend's house, who lives on the Rogue River, probably some swimming in their pool, maybe a mad game of water volley ball, and fireworks. We also stand on their terrace, wine glasses in hand, and wave at the jet boat tours as they go by. Very funny to have 45 people in a big jet boat waving back at you as they whiz down the river.
  5. As for drilling coins, I use a Dremmel tool. Just be sure to wear safety goggles, as little splinters of stuff can fly, since the drill goes so fast. The Etsy shop was easy-peasy to set up, and I elected to not use PayPal. This may hurt me, since I know a lot of people have PayPal accounts, and you can even use a credit card through them even if you don't have an account. I just didn't want the hassle until I knew whether this jewelry venture was going to fly. Later I may bite the bullet and get a PayPal account, but for now I'm only taking money orders or checks, and if a check, I hold the order until the funds clear the bank. With PayPal I wouldn't have to do that, so again, down the road, I may have to do PayPal if I want to sell more stuff, especially to other countries. Go to Etsy's home page and click into their info links. They are really good about explaining everything.
  6. Chain Shot and I have authentic black powder stains on our shirts (we've been part of the cannon crew on the Aldebaran for two years in a row, and taken part in the battle at Ojai the same), and along with dirt and scuff marks, I have wax drips on one of my boots, cause I backed into a hanging candle and it drooled down my back and right leg ( it was after-hours at Ojai, and I had changed into a pyrate T-shirt, which now has wax blobs on it). As for my coat, it has never been washed, so is collecting a nice assortment of smells and stains, as is finally getting that really lived-in look. Oh, and also, my coat is a little too big for me, so it looks like I stole some man's coat instead of having one made my own size. I kinda like that added "story."
  7. I had no book in June, so will be getting Sophia's book a month late. This was my bad, since I had a big family reunion in June and then Nor Cal three days later, so I asked Pyrateleather to hold on to the book until I got back. Makes more sense to just mail it now. Also, Pyrateleather can mail me the regular July book if he's done with it. I can get both books done in a month and catch things up. However, that's up to Pew. Let me know how you want to work the two books, since, as you said, we are so close to the end, I don't want to hold things up any longer if it isn't necessary.
  8. Jeez, Rumba, that thing looks like it weighs a ton! LOL It's really awesome, though, even better now that you have provenance on it.
  9. Awesome job, Patrick! Sent a PM this morning with the info you need. Question: If, in theory, we are supposed to be in the 1800s, does the date issued mean June of 1809? LOL BTW, I know you're pretty busy getting ready for Burning Man and PIP, but when are we going to fire up this Airship Pyrate story? Looks like we have quite a few crew members willing to play.
  10. A perfectly ripe apricot. It smells and tastes like sunshine.
  11. The Aldebaran crewe preferred the Sardine Can, a small place by the marina. The food was really good.
  12. A most happy birthday to you, Brig.
  13. Woo hooo! Got my Etsy shop up today. Took me HOURS, but I figured it all out in the end. Now that I sorta know the routine of posting items, it should go faster. And, I already have someone who has marked my shop as a favorite! And Rumba, I decided not to use Paypal. I marked that I accept only money orders or checks, and if a check, I hold the shipment until the funds clear the bank. Here it is... Found in the Ruins It's just the kewlest thing. Now let's hope I can sell something.
  14. The coffeehouse has been a bit quite lately. I just got in some lovely Jamaican rum, which goes perfectly with the "stand a spoon in it" coffee or tea I serve. So, pull up a chair, and let's hear the latest news...events, projects, finds, sales (good or bad), and anything else you feel like sharing. Now that I'm recovered from Nor Cal, I'll be setting up my Etsy shop. Got the banner done, but not posted yet, and still need to take some good photos of my work. Etsy crops photos from the center out, so the focus of the photo has to be centered, not at the top, sides, or bottom, which a lot of my current photos are.
  15. Since I started Petty Annoyances, I thought it might be nice to have the more positive flip side. So, post here the simple things in life that bring a smile to your face, and make you think the world isn't such a bad place...even after you've seen the evening news. For me right now, it's babysitting a friend's horses — three minies of various heights, an ex-racing thoroughbred, and her big riding horse. I had horses for 30+ years, and found homes for my last two a little over a year ago, but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss them. So having these guys for a week really does make me smile.
  16. Oooo, champagne! I LOVE champagne. **Hold out glass** Many, many blessings on you both. I hope you'll still be as much in love as Chain Shot and myself are after 19 yrs. Love really is grand if you've got the right person, which I'm sure you both do.
  17. I don't know about protecting your hat, but it doesn't do a dang thing to protect your face from powder burns. I got my first initiation at Nor Cal, when a piece of the quill blew back and stuck to my face right in front of my left ear. Thought I was being stung by a bee, but then I got my "Duh" moment, and swiped it away. A little Gold Bond Aloe Vera lotion for a few days cleared it right up. Don't think that would do much good on a hat, though.
  18. After having seen a few illustrations where they were worn slightly off-center, that's how I wear mine. But I'd never seen pics of them actually worn backwards. Early rebellious fashion statement?
  19. I watched the Flodden sail away, still not sure she wouldn't circle around and pay us another visit. I turned to Colard, who had also been keeping his old eyes glued to the other vessel, and asked, "You think MacTavish is gone for good?" "I nae ken," he replied, turning to face me. "But as I said, ye've stung him in front of his crewe, and he'll nae take that lightly." Great, I thought. Bad enough we had the Spaniards on our tail, now we had to worry about a mad Scott. Then I saw the sails of the little sloop belly out in the wind, bringing the vessel toward us. "Well," I sighed, "we may lose a mad Scott, but it appears we're to regain a crazy Irishman." Colard just shrugged and went off to his duties.
  20. What an interesting, exciting, and confusing life he led. I loved Thriller, and actually felt sorry for him during the bad times. As stated, accusations aren't truth, least of all when hyped by the media. And no one can deny he had an amazing musical talent. RIP, Michael.
  21. Hawaiian chicken rice-bowl with sweet and spicy sauce, and a glass of box Merlot.
  22. Got my cards today. Really super job, everyone! These are just great.
  23. Wishing you a most grand Birthday, Blackfoot, and hoping to see your fine self around the Pub more often — no matter whose persona you choose.
  24. Gee, Bilge, I didn't know you had a secret island. Seriously, what is Monkey Island? I feel so out of the loop.
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