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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Hummmm, Captain Blood in space? Hmmmm, hummmm, Captain Blood in...Space........? Nope, just can't picture it. (Thinks of Ice Pirates and shudders)
  2. That's great, Lady B. I'm sure you'll do really well, and become a famous DJ! Best of luck, to ya. **cue applause here**
  3. I don't know if it has any bearing on the Buccaneers winning, but I've read that the Spanish cannons were notoriously bad, and had a tendency to blow up while being fired. It was rumored that an unscrupulous English exchequer was secretly selling English cannons to the Spanish before the armada was assembled (wish I could remember the book I read that in, but it's been awhile). If the cannons were still being badly cast, might make a gunner a little...gun shy?
  4. Sugar on the Bodhran sounds like a great name for a song! LOL Yup, girly-girl day is Saturday. This should be...interesting...and silly...and FUN! Bring on the Tots and the Krispy Cremes!!!
  5. I'll be pyrating at Ojai with all my mates from Tales of the Seven Seas, and a bunch more friends and mates!...whoo hoo!!!!
  6. From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    © Copyright by Ransom

  7. Wow, great pictures, Eyes. Did you do the artwork? Hmmm, maybe I should let you photo-shop me!
  8. MacTavish peered through the glass, watching the horizon for signs of the three ships. He played a dangerous game, for in order for him to see them, they would be able to see him. He really didn't want them to know he was still loitering around, waiting to pounce. "Sir?" the first mate timidly approached. "What?" MacTavish barked. "Well, sir, the cook has just informed me that the goat died, and the pig looks poorly. He was wonderin' when we would be headin' back to port, seeing as how we got no chickens left either." "Why are ye bothering me with this niggling drivel? Butcher the pig and toss the goat carcass overboard. I'll nae have the thing stinking up the hold any worse than it already is." "Well, sir, the goat has already been tossed over the side, but the cook don't want to risk eatin' the pig, as it looks to have rickets, or somethin' worse. Hard to tell, with pigs." MacTavish turned, his face flushed with anger. "You tell yon cook that if he doesna butcher the pig, he'll go over the side tae join the goat!" The first mate knuckled his forehead and dashed away. MacTavish went back to peering through the glass. "Bluidy imbeciles," he muttered.
  9. No worries. I'll keep an eye out for it.
  10. Found this in a Rachel Ray mag. No. 104 (Forth one down from the top) Bacon Scarf
  11. The Man Who Found the Missing Link — Eugene Dubois and His Lifelong Quest to Prove Darwin Right...by Pat Shipman
  12. It's probably not a period cooking item, but..... Grill Pan Get one that also comes with the iron weight with the handle on it, so you can press either bacon, or pannini (?) sandwiches. Fish is especially good cooked on one of these (not pressed though), and it makes food taste as close to being BBQed as you can get. I bought a fairly cheap one, just to see how they worked and if I would use it. Wow, love it so much I'm going to buy a better quality one.
  13. Happy belated birthday, Tiger! Hope it was grand.
  14. It's been awhile since anyone stopped by, so I was wondering how everyone's summer was going. Jewelry-wise, mine is going slow. The Etsy shop is getting lots of hits, and four people have marked it as one of their favorites, but still no sales, even after I bit-the-bullet and signed up for PayPal, to make payment easier. It's only been about a month and a half, but I was hoping a few things would have sold by now. Oh well, I'll keep plugging along at it, and there is the possibility that a friend of mine and I will do some Christmas shows come November. Anyway, the coffee and tea are still hot, and the tots of rum ready to give them an added zing, if you need one, so drop on in and sit a spell.
  15. Wow, good for you. Do you notice the color of this writing? Yeah, I'm jealous, but have a great time!
  16. It's okay, Syren. Chain Shot and I only get to go to two events all year, and that's a major undertaking, since we live so far away from both of them. But we keep in touch with the rest of the Tales of the Seven Seas gang on the group web site, so that helps. Hurricane, you make PIP sound like a love-in! LOL I really must try and go someday.
  17. Out of the country! Excise men at your door, are they? LOL Seriously, where ya off to? Something fun, I hope. Does it involve boats!
  18. Please, people, don't put dialog into a characters mouth that isn't yours. I don't mind setting up situations, happy to do so, but I beg you, do not speak for any character other than your own, unless it is a non-player character. Also, Prof. Trilby's servant is not a Blackamoor. He is a native Jamaican, and his dialog comes under Trilby's avatar. He is not a free agent character. I stress this because only the person who created and is playing a certain character knows how that character would react in any given circumstance, and what they would or would not say, and how they would say it. In role-playing, speaking for someone else is a big no-no, unless approved before the story commences, which in PR it has not. I mean no disrespect, nor am I trying to be a ichy poo-sandwich, but this is a major sore spot with me, as it would be with any writer. Respectfully submitted, R
  19. It's been awhile since everyone checked in. Where are the books? It's now the 11th and I don't have the next one in line.
  20. This topic is a horse that has gone beyond being beaten to death. Over the past year it has been beaten into dust. I doubt there is anything new that can be added by either side. I also doubt this very heated debate is helping promote either event. People may chose to ignore both venues, and attend events closer to home, where the atmosphere isn't so charged with discord and animosity. I would like to quietly suggest that, here on the Pub at least, everyone let the dust settle and move on. Whatever litigation is taking place is between the parties involved. Respectfully submitted, R
  21. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Along with the fabric swap, what about a "clean out your clothes chest" costume swap/exchange? I've got a spare shirt and a nice hat that doesn't fit either Chain Shot or myself. Maybe others have bits and pieces of garb they no longer wear, or are tired of? Or maybe we could swap costume items for fabric?
  22. I can feel my arteries hardening already. Now, where are those saltine crackers I stashed in the pantry....?
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