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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. I'm willing to send you a few drawings. BTW, were you able to use the fantasy story I sent you some time ago? Just curious. If you intend to include it, I could do illustrations for that as well.
  2. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Great recap, Kenneth! But, in the story you gave Chain Shot and me, your retort to the rude bloke in the ice-cream line was a little more forceful...and x-rated...than piss off! What! you didn't retaliate for entry denial again this year by peeing on the Rum Runners enclosure? Or, maybe they heard about that from last year, and that's why you couldn't get in? And yeah, we had one of those pirate vampires chained himself to the tree just in front of Bang and Boom. We never could figure out what the hell he was doing. Half the time he was just laying down in the middle of the path. Then again, those vamps usually sleep during the day, so ... As for the kidnapping...like I said, Chain Shot thought of all kinds of kewl things he should have done, but didn't think of them until we were 200 miles north of Ojai.
  3. Don't panic, Kate! Just work on one at a time. I think that means, between you and pyrateleather, you have six of the twelve books. However, I wouldn't send anything to pyrateleather until he cks in. No sense in adding to his back load. You might try to PM him again, see if you have better luck at getting an answer than I do. Nigel, if we do another round then you're welcome to join in, but until this round is over and all the books home safe, I don't think anyone is going to want to do extra sketchbooks at the moment. It's a nice idea, though, so hang onto it for later.
  4. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Watch it, ye little fur ball, or I'll make a toe-sock out of ye!!!!! LOL
  5. You guys both look awesome. Eyes I recognized, but wow, I never would have guessed that other gent to be Cascabel. Great job!
  6. Also, just a heads up... DO NOT SEND ANY MORE BOOKS TO THE ABOVE MENTIONED PEOPLE UNTIL WE KNOW WHERE THEY ARE. PEW can decide if we end up skipping over them so that no more books are lost in the Twilight Zone. This really sucks, so those of you who have their addresses, send a post card snail-mail asking for an update if you get no response by either email or PMs. We're talking several books here, as I know pyrateleather had at least two (Patrick's and Red-Handed Jill's) last time he checked in with me.
  7. Hummmm, I seem to remember a certain Tit mouse, tail up in the "apple barrel" at Ojai. That couldn't have been you, could it Thomas? Inquiring minds want to know! LOL
  8. Okay guys, this is getting serious. We need to contact those players who have not checked in over the last few months. They are: Matusalem pyrateleather Capt. Sophia M. Eisley withoutaname If you know of someone who can contact anyone on this list, please have them do so. We are so close to the end of this round, and it would be a shame for it all to fall apart now. PM the person in front of you if you haven't received a book from them. Ask among your Pub friends, to find out if anyone knows them, or has an address or phone number where they can be reached. We are talking a lot of books stalled in no-man's land here, and that is NOT good! For my part, I have PMed pyrateleather twice, asking for updates, and received no response. I'll keep trying, but this is going to take a group effort, if we all want our books back safe and sound. It's a shame, really, but, there you are...
  9. Oooh, Shiny! I'll have to add you as a friend on my Etsy shop! Nice work.
  10. Ransom

    Ojai, Ca.

    Ojai this year was a real blast! Other than the heat, especially down on the battlefield, it was a perfect weekend of pyrate fun. Being part of Tales of the Seven Seas is always great, even if we only get to see them twice a year. If anyone who lives in the Bay area wants to hang out with a great group of pyrates, you couldn't pick a nicer crewe. A big thank-you to them all, for making our trip down so worth it in every way for the third year in a row. And yes, we did do girly-girl on Saturday, and Jill did make Tatter Tots in camp, on a skillet! They were great! Iron Bess also brought the Krispy Creme doughnuts — come on, you can't be girly-girl without Krispy Cremes. LOL Got to finally meet Pyrate Pete. What a great guy, and...a lot BIGGER than I expected. Kudos to Kenneth and his Kern Co. Privateers for setting up such period looking encampment. They all did a four-star job and it looked super. Also, a big thank-you to them all for the gift to the Tale's gang of a bottle of Pyrat rum, and the lovely note that came with it. It was a hoot seeing big, bad pyrate Kenneth walking around with ice-cream cones all the time. At one point, he had a cone in each hand. LOL Hanging out with Jacky Tar on Saturday is always a treat. I think his Tit-mouse gift to Iron Bess was the hit of the weekend. We were all in hysterics! And I nearly sprayed him with a mouthful of water when he made his six-pack and spray paint comment while watching the belly dancers (You had to be there to get that one). Being part of the House of Bang and Boom cannon crew during the battle on Saturday and Sunday is always a blast. However, it was a little tougher on Saturday, when Jill and I were in our totally non-PC girly-girl garb, even if Jill did cheat and exchange her skirt for pantaloons! Getting "Kidnapped" by Kenneth on Sunday afternoon and being held for ransom was a kick, even if my rescue was a bit anti-climactic. Chain Shot thought of a whole bunch of stuff he should have done...on the drive home! He says he'll stage a better attack on the kidnappers next year, if they try it again. Although, Jill did retaliate against Kenneth with a cannon swabber! (Yeah, ya had to be there for that one, too). Too much fun over the two days to recount all of it, but the "Spoobage Alert Game" was way too funny..."My eyes, my eyes!" And watching two women and one man trying to hook Red-Handed Jill into a Victorian corset, and literally lifting her off the ground was pretty funny. She let out a "hooph" and a "squeek" as they did so. Bettter you than me, Jill! LOL Final words...CAN'T WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEAR!!!!
  11. Just to let my fellow players know, I will be off-line from the 16th to the 21st. Off to play tourist in Monterey, Ca, and then to Ojai to play pyrate! Don't kill anyone off while I'm gone. LOL
  12. Yup, the PTCs are anything goes! I think the only theme this time will be a spooky/Halloween twist on things, but PEW will post more about that I 'spect.
  13. Umm, does this mean we are going back in time to 2005? I don't think that would be a very good idea! LOL
  14. Oh, I know. I wasn't thinking of it as a rule, since there is no way to know, and no documentation. I guess it was more a case of me speculating out loud, sort to speak. (And yes, I also know that speculation is not documentation. LOL )
  15. My wish for the forth one, would be that they return to the feeling and minimal CGI of the first movie — a story which was funny and only had cursed pyrates. By movie three, the CGI had become the main reason for the movies, and the story got lost in the maelstrom. I guess I'm afraid PotC IV will end up like the fourth Indiana Jones movie, which was really terrible.
  16. Might the lack of documented cases of women on ships, other than as cooks, etc, be for the fact that they dressed, worked and acted like men in order to not be detected? Much as female soldiers of the period, who were not discovered until they either got pregnant, or were wounded and a doctor discovered their true gender. Read and Bonny are mainly famous because they got caught. I suspect there were probably more women serving on ships that were never detected, but I doubt there were very many. The life was a hard one for men, and it would be doubly so for women, and I imagine trying to hide the fact that you were female would be even harder on a ship, where you had zero privacy, than it would be on land.
  17. My suspicions were, that the accusation of excess drinking among the women was simply a convenient excuse to get rid of the ladies. Apparently, it worked.
  18. I would think that, after perusing the different threads on the Pub, and the posted links to other sites, that most of your questions would be answered, without the necessity of personal interviews, not that those are objectionable. As with Duchess, I wonder, merely out of curiosity, why pyrates and not, say, Civil War reenactors, or Mountain Man Rondevous participants?
  19. Interesting that the BRN would accuse the women of having a "predilection to drink" considering what the average sailor drank during the period.
  20. As Colard walked away, I noticed the Relentless was in the process of upping anchor. "Well," I muttered, "let's see if she just sails off without a by-your-leave, or whether Jacky thinks a little parley before embarking for Florida is in order." I stayed on the rail, calmly waiting to see which direction the Relentless would tack. It made no difference, really, as no matter what decision Jacky made, I was honor bound to follow him. However, Nate and his intrepid crew were not held by any promises, so it would be interesting to see what decision, as a new captain, he made if the Relentless sailed away without a meeting of minds.
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