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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Puts my hands behind my back, so Jenny has to take her weirdness back. "Oh, no! My life is nothing but weirdness right now, I don't need any of yours!!! Thanks, but, no thanks!
  2. I considered what Nate had said, then replied, "Well, if you've a mind to sail for Bermuda, then you've got a fine little ship and enough crew to do so. However, currently my job is watching the Commodor's back until he decides to leave the Tortugas, especially as I don't think the Flodden has forgotten about us. As for Roberts, well, I'll deal with him, unless, of course, you'd like to take him with you?"
  3. Okay, I got requests to make this thread, and now ya'll don't want to use it! I wash my hands of this weirdness! However, it would be nice to know just what you all want to do next.
  4. Currently: Sailing Alone Around the World by Captain Joshua Slocum Left Boston in 1898 in a 27' Yawl, and was the first solo sail around the world. I'm about 50 pages in, and it's fascinating — one instance he recalls getting sick on plums and cheese, and ended up halucinating that a member of Columbas's crew from the Pinta was at the helm of his boat.
  5. Okay, gang, we have three ships, and three crews, so, where do we want to go next? Original plan was to head for Florida and look for JT's magic healing water. Now Burmuda has been tossed out as a possible destination. This is a group story, so...where does the group want to go? Oh, and remember, MacTavish might make another appearance. He hasn't made up his mind yet. LOL As for me, I just want to go...the Tortugas, even with Nate's near-death experience, are getting kinda boring by now.
  6. Life got int the way. Sophia's book won't be going to Patrick until Tuesday.
  7. A most joyous and happy birthday to you, Rumba! See you soon at Ojai?
  8. I agree with this completely. When I first joined the Pub and started posting in the PR story, I purposely chose not to have Ransom speak or write with any sort of fake accent. No offense to anyone, but to me they sound awkward at best, and downright silly and cartoonish at worst. Most are impossible to read. The only characters I give accents to are Scott, and I take the few words I use, and the spelling, directly from a book written by a woman from Scotland, and the book is exceptionally good historical fiction. When at events, I may lower my voice to something a little gruffer, but I don't take on a fake Arrrrhhh, accent. It just doesn't work for me. The only time I have taken on the Arrrhhh accent, is when joking around, not when I'm in character. Besides, Ransom's fictional background would actually give her an upper-class plummy accent, but I don't attempt that either.
  9. I passed. Even without having spent any long time out on the ocean. Very kewl!
  10. Noticing small spelling errors in your posts two to three days later, after everyone has already read them.
  11. Evolution Genus: Homoreenactus Sub-genus: Pyraticus Gender: Male Description: Hard to identify in the field due to its ability to change sub-genus at will. Can morf from Pyraticus to Clingonus, to Imature Tortugas Nijanaius. Approach with caution, as species is equiped with many defensive devices. If lucky enough to catch one, preserve specimen in rum for best results.
  12. Oh, heck, Bess, everyone knows that champagne is one of the major food groups! The peach is just dessert. Oh, and Abigail. My local store sells all kinds of honey Wildflower, Blueberry, Orange Blossom, Clover, etc. Also, I get honey from "The bee man" at the Saturday growers market. He has even more flavors. Wildflower is my fav, as it is darker, and has a stronger, richer flavor than the others. Some people don't like it for that very reason.
  13. My first attempt at a smoothy...Yum 1 Banana 1/2 cup plain yogurt 1/4 cup milk Squirt of wildflower honey two ice cubes Measurements are approximate, because actually, I just threw stuff in the bowl, then adjusted after I buzzed it up.
  14. I will sending Sophia's book off to Patrick on Friday. Oh, and Patrick, I'm going to save that special little something I was going to send you, until I mail your journal back. When you see it, you'll understand why.
  15. Once in my cabin, and with the door shut, I listened to Nate's comment, which I thought, under the circumstances, was rather charitable. "Hard feelings, or no hard feelings, what we have now is a volatile situation. We've had Cat and then you go missing, a man gone a bit crazy and attempting to kill, we got crewe members looking sideways at each other, "interesting" allies taking over a Spanish galleon, and now we have a boatload of Spanish prisoners to deal with. You can understand why I'm a bit on edge here." I opened a small cabinet and took out a bottle of port and two glasses. I filled them both, then handed one to Red Cat, while I kept the other. Nate still drank from the mug of rum. "So," I said, after a bracing swallow. "What have the two of you got in mind? I'm getting really tired of surprises, so I'd prefer to know what I can expect in future — at least with you two. With the commodore, it's a lost cause, but then," I smiled, "he feels the same way about me."
  16. All good luck to you Matt! %#$@! hackers!
  17. Ah, the Rakehell, sweet thing that she is... Rakehell: 72' rake-masted, gaff-rigged, square tops'l schooner. Built for smuggling. Black hull, sienna sails. Flat deck. Five guns (six-pounders) — two to a side, and one at the stern. Four rail guns — two fore and two aft. Belowdecks is all storage, except for a small captain's cabin and the galley. Her minimal crewe sleep wherever they can. Ensign: Horse skull on a red background — Your bloody worst nightmare just came true! Crewe: Ransom — Captain (English) Africa — Quartermaster (Former slave, freed from a Spanish galley)(Tribe unknown) Tunny Dobson — Able seaman/carpenter/master gunner (English) Goose — Cook (English) Jimmy Cox — Able seaman (English) Ludovico Baglione — Able seaman/cook (Italian, and can't speak English) Colard Dysart* — Able seaman/carpenter (Escaped Havana aboard the Rakehell)(Scot) *Colard most often posts under his own avatar Ioan Loghry — Former first mate, now Ransom's sworn enemy, currently trapped in Port Royal (Welsh)
  18. Oh Goddess of the Tatter Tots, a most happy and grand Natal Day to you! Hope you get lots of plunder and all the Mai Tais you desire. See you soon at Ojai!
  19. Okay, I have been asked to start a PHSB joint thread, so here you go. To help the story along, post all of your questions, ideas, crewe members, ship's specs, etc, so we can keep everyone on the same page. Personally, I would like to see lists of crewe members on all the ships, just to make it easier to keep track of who is where, and a short description of the ship. I kept having people refer to the Rakehell's poop deck or quarterdeck, when she doesn't have one, so I think descriptions of the ships would be very helpful for everyone. Also, post here if you're going to be away from the story for awhile, so we can work around that. Oh, and if you want to whine about something, go ahead. The rest of us will probably ignore you, but if it will make you feel better, go to! LOL
  20. Oh yes, the Pub is just the perfect place for a "real" pirate to announce to the world that he's a "real" pirate. If you were a real pirate, you'd either be in Somalia, or in gaol. You're the "real deal?" Please
  21. I have to agree. I was reading this yesterday, and had to settle for pizza for dinner. Cal's recipe just sounds so dang good!
  22. Just a suggestion, but if any of you have pictures of journal pages, or of your PTC cards, post them to your photo gallery so they show up in the Pub header gallery. It's a neat way to show off our work, and maybe get other people to join up for the fun on the next rounds.
  23. I frowned at Nate. "What could you possibly have to say to Roberts, other than to curse the man to perdition? He meant to kill you! I've seen some strange goings on while in these waters, and I'm still not sure Roberts was in his right mind when he put that ball into your chest...or tried to. But until we are away from this place, Roberts stays in irons." Nate seemed ready to argue the point, but I forestalled him. "No, you had best stay clear of the man, at least for now. Look around you. These men are jumpy as cats, and your miraculous recovery is not helping to settle their minds any. Now, take up your rum and lets go below, where we can talk in private." I turned to Tunny, Colard and Jimmy. "Guard that sloop. Colard, if you have any of the Spanish, assure them they will be treated fairly, but if they try to escape, we will fire on them." Colard nodded, then Nate, Red Cat and myself went below to my small cabin.
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