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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Today I'm working on completing my design for a bombardier patch for my airship pyrate coat. Patch is about halfway to being finished and ready to sew on. Then later this afternoon I need to distress the Land Use map I got from the Forestry Dept. It will be my bombing targets map. This airship thing is just so much fun.
  2. I'll be looking for ideas from all the other airship pyrates that should be at Nor Cal next week. I'd really like to have a ray gun....hmmmm, maybe I'll "borrow" Patrick's. Seriously, I have an old silverware box with a really pretty pattern on the lid. I need to take out the utensil dividers and maybe turn it into a specimin box (lots of little glass vials full of strange plants, bugs, a field notebook, etc), or a traveling writing box. Haven't decided. I also kinda like the whole idea of a mad scientist lab—test tubes, bunsun burners, arcane chemicals, one of those electricity globes—but haven't a clue where I could set one up.
  3. (Iron Bess *High Fives* the back of Ransom's head and runs like Hell!....) Oweeeee..... You can run, but you can't hide. I'll just follow the scent of tatter tots...... Oh, yeah, they should have included Captain Ron........"If we get lost, we'll just pull over and ask for directions!"
  4. "Ah, but you have heard of me."
  5. Thanks, Brig. Gosh, I've had that coat for over 25 years! It's a WWII British Women's Land Army coat. Still has the label inside. I think I payed $12 for it, through the Banana Republic catalog back in the day when they actually sold military surplus from all over the world.
  6. Considering that she's already pointed a gun at someone's head, even if it was a BB gun, I don't think she should be allowed a strike 3. Number three might be someone dying from a real gunshot wound. She's obviously mentally disturbed and should be in an institution where, hopefully, she might get some help.
  7. Wow, Patrick, that ray gun just ROCKS! Did you take pictures as you were making it? What items did you use? It's just so dang kewl!
  8. Kewl music video with lots of airships! Final Fantasy...Airships
  9. That's why I still haven't clicked into the link. I get the gist, but I don't want to know the details. I would end up like Kate, in tears, looking at my five little furbies, who are spoiled rotten and loved to distraction, and wondering how anyone could even think of doing something so hideous, let alone actually do it. That girl is seriously disturbed...
  10. This weekend, Chain Shot and I did a run through of our Airship Pyrate garb, which we'll be wearing on Sunday at Nor Cal. Here is Chain Shot and his African Big Game Hunter look (think Sean Connery in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen). Still to go is a better neck scarf (we added that one just to get a feel for some color), and an animal print hat band. And here's me, pretty much good to go. Only change is, the pistol is now mandarin red. Oh, and I need earrings! LOL I also just put an old key on a leather cord, which I will wear around my neck — key to the bomb locker, doncha know.
  11. Bump Only a week and a half away!!!!!
  12. Received mine in the mail today. Beautiful! But...REALLY tight! I haven't worn a corset in a long time (my old SCA days) so I'm not used to it. I will say, despite being tight, it is comfortable, so I don't think I'd be dying after a few hours. Just won't be eating any heavy meals while wearing it! That's probably a good thing!
  13. As Patrick has stated, airship pyrates are a fantasy, pure and simple. They have nothing to do with GAoP PC pyrates, non-PC pyrates, etc. It's a fun, no-rules way to play, without having to worry if your garb/weapon is authentic, because this world never existed in the first place = Think...Jules Verne X The Jetsons X The Victorian Era. Airship pyrates are a sub-genre of the Steampunk movement, and instead of plying the seas, we ply the air, basically doing what pyrates do, helping ourselves to other people's goods. But, we ARE pyrates, and therefore have a home here on the Pub. BTW, the movie Stardust has some great airship pyrates in it, with Robert Dinero (?) as their captain.
  14. What, no tornado this year?
  15. Umm, okay, I'll take your word for it. But, what language were you using?
  16. Whuh?..... (Okay, I got the holla part (hello), but the rest...you've lost me. LOL )
  17. Pyrateleather PMed me to say the book he had would be ready to go soon, but I asked him to hold off mailing it until later, as I would be leaving for Nor Cal on the 17th and wouldn't be back until the 22nd, with no time beforehand to work on the book. So, I'll have it later this month. Patrick, as stated before, you may get July's a bit late, but not too late, I hope.
  18. I needed to paint the lock on my flintlock cap pistol in gold (it's for my airship pyrate garb). I didn't want to spray paint it, because I was afraid it would gum up the works. Solution? The Krylon Short Cuts Paint Pen. It worked like a charm. The gold color looks really good, and the pen is wedge-shaped, so you can do wide areas or use the thin edge for tight spots. It would also work nicely in the sketchbooks or the PTCs.
  19. Spews tea into the keyboard, and falls off chair laughing...
  20. This is one of me taken on board the Aldebaran last year at Nor Cal. This year I will have a new westkit, new pants (I am wearing black jeans in this pic), and a different hat. Also, I have let my hair grow out in back, so this year I can tie it back with black ribbon, or maybe braid it into a que. Oh, and this year I am losing about half the stuff stuck into or hanging from my belt. I started feeling like a traveling tinker, and that belt weighed a ton. But the cutlass stays!
  21. I confess. I caved and bought the green one with the vine pattern. I rationalized that I could also wear it with my steampunk stuff. And ya know, it might look kewl with jeans and a peasant top as well. (You observe, I am REALLY good a rationalizing! LOL ) Jill, post the link to the one you got!
  22. Sorry, Jill, but even when they were popular, I hated white go-go boots. Refused to wear them. LOL What I miss not being able to wear anymore are the tiny string bikinis I used to make and wear all summer — to the beach, to Lake Elsinore, the Colorado River, my parents pool.... **Sigh** Those were the days.
  23. Okay, this is the one I'm still pondering. It's $79 dollars, not $69. Vixen Vines Corset
  24. Me? Go girlie to Ojai? JT would faint! LOL Hmmmm, might be worth it, just for that!
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