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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. LOL Are you on the Firefly hotline? How do you find out about this stuff? Then again, I'm not a web-crawler (I mean that in a nice way!), so I miss out on a lot of stuff. Hmmm. a little place on Persephone, maybe? Then I could have "my girl" whip me up a nice dress for the next Shindig.
  2. I suppose we will now have a Phoebe autograph booth at Ojai, where she will graciously put paw to shirt for a small donation to her favorite charity? Kewl!
  3. Just a gentle reminder to please make all OOC comments on this joint thread, not in the PR thread, so as not to interrupt the story. This includes questions, personal updates, historical info, and character questions between players. Thanks, all....
  5. Actually, I think that was the Cliff Notes version! LOL
  6. Right up there with Indiana Jones surviving a nuclear blast while shut inside a 1950s era refrigerator. After that, who cares what happens to him? As with the last three Star Wars movies, and the last Indiana Jones movie, writers and directors need to keep in mind that a good story is more valuable that a ton of CGI. The first pyrate movie had a good, believable story, even with the cursed pyrates. After that, the movies just kept getting more and more rediculous. Although, the last movie did have one of my favorite lines from the whole series: "If I were in a divulgitory mood, what then might I divulge?" (Said by Sparrow to Beckett)
  7. Thank goodness! I swear, sending something from Grants Pass is like trying to mail something from Siberia. I was going to do the new set tomorrow, so that's one less thing I have to deal with. Huzzah!
  8. On his way to the Sinner's Neede, Ioan passed a woman who stopped him dead in his tracts. She was unlike anything he had ever seen—exotic, sensuous, and exciting in a way he had never experienced before. Her Turkish guardian cast him a scathing look, as if to tell him this precious gem was not for him. Stumbling, Ioan continued on his way, and entered the tavern, thirsty after a long day of hard labor, and still soaking wet from the rain. But the image of the woman lingered, as did the spicy scent of her perfume. Ioan had taken a seat with some of the other workers from the warehouse, who were celebrating the fact the Mr. Neede had ordered free drinks for the house. Ioan settled in, ordered an ale, and was about to join in a game of cards when he spied the two men at the counter. Bloody hell, he thought, it's the same two I met on the stairs of the tavern that burned. Ducking lower in his chair, he hoped the twins wouldn't notice him, and he would be left alone to drink his free ale in peace.
  9. Hope you have a day of fun and good cheer. Happy birthday, Lady B!
  10. "Cause we keep to the code! And them as don't, we throw overboard.......
  11. Ya mean, ya didn't like #16? (That one looks like the Leave it to Beaver cast dressed as pyrates. LOL) I'm sorry, but some of those go beyond ugly. Some of those covers are just kinda sick...The Handless Organist! The Braillettes! Jeeze!
  12. Do the old ones stand up by themselves yet? If not, then they can't be that bad.
  13. A cup of tea, and a celebratory slice of raspberry swirl cheesecake. (Celebrating a clear chest X-ray. When you've lost a third of your right lung to a tumor, when that same lung starts making funny noises, you get a little paranoid.)
  14. Ransom

    ^, <, V

    ^ Travel and see more of the world. I got a taste of that when Chain Shot and I did the cruise through the Panama Canal. Loved Cartegena, Columbia. Seeing all those new places just made me crave traveling more. Next? The Med, or New Zealand. < Working to get in better shape, so I won't embarrass myself while on board the schooner Aldebaran, come June at Nor Cal. Not doing just battle sails this year, but get to actually help sail her to the event as part of the crew! (Bless you, Red-Handed Jill! ) V This seems like a sort of Bucket List, so I'll pass the question on.
  15. I hit Optical, Out and About, and Militaria............OMG, what kewl stuff. And the prices are so reasonable. Even if you didn't order anything, just reading their descriptions of each item is a kick. Some had me laughing out loud. Thanks, Jamie, for such a great, fun site.
  16. Here's a link, just in case anyone else was in the dark, like I was. CSTS info
  17. Here's a link, just in case anyone else was in the dark, like I was. CSTS Info
  18. Thanks, time Keeper! I'm still at it. Here are two new pieces. Oh, and sorry for the photos. Some of the pieces look more off center than I thought they were! They aren't made that way...it's just the photographer. Necklace and earring set. Main medallion was part of a broken earring. And a necklace. Also, the Eiffle (?) Tower piece was from an old vintage earring.
  19. I'll have to check them out. I gave up trying to get stuff like clock gears/parts on eBay, as now that they are so collectible, the prices are off the chart. Same for old keys, watch fobs, etc. I used to get old keys for 50 cents or so for five or six. Now I'm lucky if I can find them under $4 each, or more. Crazy! Since GP is such a small town, I figured I could go into the local mom & pop clock repair place and get stuff. Wrong! I was informed that there wasn't any broken or leftover bits, because the owners daughter made jewelry for Steampunkers and sold it on eBay. Go figure!
  20. Forgive my ignorance, but how would I find out where and if there would be a CSTS screening close to where I live...not that I wouldn't love to attend your bash. I confess, I haven't been to the Firefly web site, which may explain why I don't know anything about the screenings. Prolly should go there first, yes? As a side note, the more I watch the series, the more I find myself going back to Shindig, if I only have time for one episode. There are just so many little interactions in that one that crack me up, or are so moving. Kaylee (in that dress!) "questioning" the buffet table. The look on Mal's face when he says "A swhat?" Badger's brag about "You couldn't get an invite, even if you had a diamond the size of a testicle. But I got two." The little interlude between Badger and River. Jayne's comment,"That's just the kind of diversion we could have used." The interplay between Mal and Inara when she's trying to teach him to fight with a sword. It's just a "Mighty fine shindig!" LOL (I may not have gotten all the quoted lines completely perfect, but close enough, hopefully. I'm really bad at remembering exact dialogue.)
  21. Just from the way in which the crew uses the word, I figured it had to mean something like that. So, it fits...since that hose is a piece of shyte! Nice picture. I almost didn't recognize Anara without the long hair and Companion makeup. But...I hate her anyway. No one should be that beautiful, 'cause it's just not fair to the rest of us! LOL I surely do wish they had made more episodes of that series.
  22. Okay...I registered my business name with Etsy today, but have not actually set up my shop yet. Still doing research there. I notice that most of the sellers prefer buyers use Paypal. I have heard conflicting stories about Paypal. Does anyone use it? Is it a pain in the butt, or does it really save you from getting ripped off by bad checks or forged money orders? This is my first experience with anything like this, so I'm a bit nervous/paranoid about it all. Any comments/tips would be greatly appreciated. Maybe I should also ask this question in Thieves Market, where there are more vendors who might be dealing with Paypal.
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