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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Really wonderful work. Great inspiration for ideas! You know, I have a big wooden chest that I bought at a garage sale a while back. This would be a great way to decorate the top!
  2. Thought it would be nice to have a thread where we could all share tips, finds, and, like in the title, accidents that turned out to be kinda kewl. In the sketchbook thread, Patrick described how he saw the reflection of leaves on a cloth, digi-photoed it, then turned it into paper for a Mother's Day card. I mentioned how I scan my favorite scrapbook papers, so I can use them over and over again. This works really well for papers that have a design on both sides. Actually, I scan all kinds of things to use in my artwork. For example, pages from calenders that have old maps on them, or astronomical charts, and all four sides of an old Chinese tea tin, among many others. All of which I've used in the journal rounds and PTCs. So, what little things have you discovered that work really well? Tricks of your trade that you'd like to pass on? This could include things you've scored at, say, Walmart or Michael's, that you can alert everyone to — or just brag about.
  3. Would there be some kind of ID card that would say you were entitled to dual "citizenship?" Also, are we talking a small card you carry with you, like a modern business card, or a document, so that when the border guards ask you for your papers (I always liked that command in old spy movies), that's what you show? Papers? Papers? I don't need no stinkin' papers!
  4. Score!...and artist's tip of the month. A local stamp/scrapbook store is going out of business here, and I got a bunch of pyrate themed papers and stickers for 35% off. Which brings me to the reason for this post... I mentioned to a friend that I scan some of the papers I buy, so if I need more than one sheet to do a project, or it's a design I really like and would use over and over again, I can just print me out another one. Her reaction was a wide-eyed "Duh!" moment, then she said, "OMG, why didn't I think of that?" Now, before I get sued for copyright infringement, I don't print them out to resell! But it sure is nice when you need just one more little square of that particular pattern, and you can print it off to finish a project. Very handy! I figured this was a common practice, but after getting the same reaction two more times, I decided to pass the tip on to all of you working on the journals/PTC cards, who may be using special papers. Don't have a scanner? Take it to a copy place and run off a few.
  5. In between regular reading, I'm trying to read some of the classics that I've never gotten around to. Just finished Dracula, by Bram Stoker. Currently: The Annotated Jules Verne Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The Game of Kings by Dorothy Dunnett (The first in a series of six historical fiction books that I have re-read more times than I can count, since discovering them in the early 80s. Exceptionally good books!) In the Company of the Courtesan by Sarah Dunan And, while sewing, I was listening to the book on tape version of The Zebra-Striped Hearse by Ross Macdonald. I've also read Evanovich. I think I got up to book ten before I got bored with them.
  6. I'd though about doing something other than English pyrate for a while now, since GAoP reenactors are so English-centric. I like the idea of a Barbary or Persian persona. I just wonder how hard that would be to pull off with red hair, blue eyes, and pale skin? I look about as Persian as a frog looks like a prince. LOL
  7. Got it! I musta grazed right past that earlier post. So, um, is that a hint that I need to design a State of Jefferson ID card? (I still have to design a flag eventually. The real State of Jefferson flag is lame )
  8. I am on BG as Mal `e Diction. I don't post a lot either, but it's fun to ck into now and again. And my husband is also into the look, doing the Big Game Hunter, like Sean Connery in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Me, I'm more of a punked out airship pyrate!
  9. I just put a batch of Key Lime cookie bars in the oven! Yum.....
  10. Yeah, and it's a gag I'm going to milk for as long as possible! I do have a question about the ID cards. Should I also have one from the State of Jefferson, if that's where I am originally from? Also, if we are in the business of crossing territorial lines while doing business, would fake ID cards from other territories be needed?
  11. A most happy natal day to you, MD. (I think you should go for the tat. It will save you a lot of frustration and skinned knees at PIP)
  12. Oooo, do I get to inspect those pockets as well as the kilt?
  13. What makes you so sure she was innocent? She was a spy, carrying messages across enemy lines...I swear it!
  14. Gunwharf Quay 11:00 am Simon glared at the man. Its effects were lessened by the water dripping from Simon’s chin, and the fact that his hat was limp as a dead flounder. “Look,” he said, with what patience he had left. “Just tell me whom I am to report to. Is that so hard?” “I’m just the local victualer. Soon as my cargo is on board, it’s back to the warehouse for me.” The man grinned. “Sorry son, but if ye can’t tell a merchant from a sailor, you’re in for a long and frustrating voyage.” The man laughed out loud, and went back to his ledger book. It was all too much for Simon. Feeling like an abandoned kitten tossed into a dog run, the only thing he could think to do was yell. Which he did, to any and all on the wharf. “You can’t ignore me forever!” he railed. “I’m assigned to this ship, God rot you, and no matter how much you may dislike it, you’re stuck with me. Now, could someone please tell me the proper procedure for getting aboard!” A young lad of around thirteen years tugged on his coat. “No sense killing yer tonsils on this lot.” He made a gesture, which included the wharf and the amused looks coming from the other men, including snorting laughter from the merchant, who had nearly dropped his ledger book when Simon let fly. “They’s ain’t going to tell you naught, but if you’ll follow me, I’ll take you aboard.” Not in a trusting mood, Simon snapped, “Who are you, the local pot boy?” Another snort came from the merchant. The boy shook his head. “I’m one of the powder monkeys. Names Nate Wheeler, but me mates call me Touch. Me an the other lads have been with the Terra for over two year now. You stick with us, we’ll show ye the ropes.” “I’m Simon Millchamp, company factor.” He shook hands with the boy, noticing that, even at his tender age, the boy’s palms were rough as a man’s. “Pleased to meet you, Touch.” The boy grinned. “Ah, so you’re the clerk we’ve been warned about. Shoulda knowt it by your clothes. Come on, then. It’s Lieutenant Woolsworth you need to see.” With the overwhelming feeling that he was leaving the real world behind, Simon followed Touch across the narrow wooden ramp, and finally set foot on the Terra.
  15. Hope your day is grand, Sophie!
  16. Oh, jeez, I can't believe I missed that! LOL
  17. You can rent the series DVDs at Blockbuster, if you want to see what it's all about. Firefly is the class name of the spaceship the crew travels in. It's not about aliens, ray guns, etc. It's more like cowboys in space. Real guns, horses, mixed cultures, and smuggling. Lot's of fun and some really great dialog.
  18. Shucks, you know, I used to have an old typewriter. Gave it to the Goodwill back in the 80s. Should have kept it! Now people are even making jewelry out of the old keys. Chain Shot is trying to get a pair of boots on eBay. He's been outbid on three pairs so far, so is determined to get this latest pair to finish off his Steampunk big-game hunter garb. I hope he does, as they are pretty kewl looking. All I have left to do is paint and punk out my small flintlock cap pistol. I decided not to get the periscope to use as a bomb site, cause it still isn't quite what I'm looking for. It's going to be one of those "I'll know it when I see it" things. I want something small enough to hang from my belt, and not look clutsy. I think I'm going to "age" some maps, to stick in the leg pockets of my cargo pants. Maybe add some bomb site target marks. I was also thinking that if we keep this going, we could design and print up some kind of paper money. Coin would be kewl, but hard to do, and maybe expensive. But paper, if we had an original design, could be downloaded to anyone's computer and they could just print some off whenever they needed it. Just a thought. This meet up at Nor Cal is going to be sooooo much fun! I'm really looking forward to being able to sit down and talk about other kewl stuff we could do in the future.
  19. Welcome back, indeed, Petee! We missed your smilin' face around here, and your merry prankster humor! Hope you're here to stay a long while. (Guess I better start watching out for those "Black Spots." LOL )
  20. Nice, Bess! Hmmmm, maybe you could adopt me, so I could come play with all your "toys."
  21. Taking a break from sewing a weskit, one of two I need to make before Nor Cal next month. (Yes, I am the worlds worst procrastinator) It's partly machine sewn, and partly hand sewn. I'm at the hand sewing stage, and my eyes are starting to cross!
  22. Colard's question about our business had reminded me that we hadn't done much business lately. Actually, none at all, since leaving on the dubious voyage. We hadn't done any trading to speak of in Havana, or at least none that I was aware of. What Jacky had arranged with his Spanish contacts, was anybody's guess. "You know, Mr. Dysart, I wouldn't mind doing a little bit of harmless trading. Might be a change from all the strange doings we've been involved with lately. He looked at me warily. "And, just what would we trade, Ma'am, if ye dinna mind me asking?" "Maybe I'll trade Goose for a nice new pair of boots." "The poor soul who gets Goose would be the loser in that transaction." "True. What do you suggest, Mr. Dysart. You've been uncommonly silent since leaving Havana." I was curious as to just what he might have in mind. Didn't mean I would take his advise. He gave me a crooked grin. "Ah, nae ye don't Ma'am. Ye'll nae trick me that easy." I smiled back at him. "Smart man." Then I looked over at the Relentless, and wondered if Jacky was ready to leave this little grouping of sand spits, and do some real trading...or whatever else he had in that tricksy mind of his. "Well, Mr. Dysart, now that our visitor has pulled up anchor and gone, let's wait and see what the Commodore has in mind for us next." Colard nodded, then replied, "Weel, if the last weeks hae been any indication, at least we'll nae be bored." I laughed out loud. "No, Mr. Dysart, life with Jacky in never boring. Exasperating, but never boring."
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