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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. Oooo, bad, very bad! IN A GOOD WAY. She has a lovely green one that would fit me to a T, and it's only $69. Hmmmm, decisions, decisions. Curse you Red Jessi, for posting such temptations!
  2. I remember unloading those from the truck at Ojai last year. I was holding one over my head like a weightlifter, looked over at Kenneth in the next camp, and said, "You really don't want to mess with me!" He just cracked up.
  3. Still have to paint my small flintlock pistol cap gun for my airship pyrate garb. I experimented with some gold paint on the hammer part, and, uhh, it didn't come out so good, so I have to kinda scrub it down and repaint it with better gold, then paint the stock dark red. I want to try and put black tattoo-like designs over the red, then add a small brass latchhook to the end of the stock, so I can clip the gun to my belt. The barrel I left black. I'm also going to go by the Forestry Dept. and pick up some topo maps of So. OR and No. CA, kinda mess them up so they look really used, then add bombing target marks. (I am the bombardier of the Columbia's Revenge). After Nor Cal, I'm going to start on redoing the big wooden chest I got at a garage sale for only $20.
  4. After party? Now, just where would that be, surrah? I likes a good party, I does.
  5. Wow, a steampunk Dalek. Alert Dr. Who!
  6. Right then. Just to complicate your life a little more, Michael, could you hold off mailing mine until after the weekend of the 20-21st? Chain Shot and I will be leaving for Nor Cal on the Wed. the 17th and won't be back until Monday the 22nd. We have a rural mailbox that is a half mile from the house down a dirt road. I don't want the cards to sit that long while we are away. Yeah, I do have someone coming once to collect our mail, but I don't want to worry about the cards possibly being abducted while we're gone. Does that work for you?
  7. Pyrates, rum, ship battles, guns, pistols, rum, airship pyrates, black powder, rum...yup it's time for NOR CAL again!!!!! Looking forward to our time on the Aldebaran, and hurling insults to those landlubbers on shore. Eyes, can't wait to see your pyrate self again, and all your crewe. Maybe we can invade Pirate Pizza again Saturday night. That was a blast last year.
  8. Well, I haven't gotten too far with it yet, but it does appear that the Northwest before around 1775 was mostly Indians. The Spanish may have explored and named things, but they didn't stay. Whatever I do find, I'll pass on.
  9. Are you interested in river pirates in general, or specific to Washington? I've just started doing research into the possible history of pirates in Oregon, but it appears that from the time of Cortez until around 1775, the west coast was owned by Spain (theoretically in perpetuity), which England and the other countries agreed with by signing the Treaty of Ultrecht. Also, it was Spaniards who traveled that far north until later in the 1700s. (Information gathered from History of the Oregon Territory) I'm still not sure how far west trappers and explorers got by the mid 1600s, but that same treaty also claimed for Spain anything west of the Rio Grande. So, you would be a Spaniard if you wanted to keep your persona in Washington, but since there were few settlements and ships in that territory at the time, there wouldn't be much to pirate. Mississippi pirates sound much more interesting.
  10. Ah, Jamie, tis a handsome deevil ye are, tae be sure! (Nice to see Topknot as well!)
  11. We have tons of threads for PC projects and garb, but what about all those fun things we do for our house and yard/garden that have nothing to do with pyracy? For example... A room redecoration project. Furniture rehabing or painting Landscaping ideas. Garden projects, both veggie and flower. Tips you want to share about finds or methods of construction. Basically anything you're working on or have completed that you want to show off that isn't pyrate related.
  12. As a fellow member of the League of Extraordinary Dumpster Divers (No, Stynky, don't use that!!!!), I have found many treasures in thrift stores, garage sales, antique/junk stores, and in a few cases, my neighbors trash (okay, it was a wooden garden chair sitting out on the curb next to the trash can, but they were throwing it away.). Just recently, Chain Shot and I scored a nice, heavy pewter mug with a hinged lid for only $3.50.
  13. Eyes, that is an awesome picture! You look pretty bad-ass for sure.
  14. Aboard the Terra As Touch led the agent on board, he tried to size the man up. His appearance was pretty clerkish, but Touch got the feeling the plain clothes and formal speaking hid a tough spirit. Not many deskmen would risk their lives on a voyage such as this one. Hell, Touch thought, most of the hardened sailors on board were shaking in their slops at the idea of leaving for unknown territory. Who knew what savages or wild beasts they might have to fight? Watching Mr. Millechamp stumble on board made Touch smile. No doubt about it, he’d have to take care of the man, at least until he got used to life on board. Helpless as a lamb, that’s what he was, and Touch knew there were those as would just as soon see him pitched overboard as soon as the ship was out of sight of land. So without Simon Millechamp knowing his good fortune, Touch secretly assigned himself the job of keeping the man alive and teaching him the ways of ships and the sea. He just hoped he didn’t have to nurse him through weeks of seasickness. Emptying slop buckets was not what he had in mind. With that thought, he asked, “Ye get the sea sickness, sir?” Mr. Millechamp shook his head. “No. I sailed to France and back without being affected by the mal de mere.” “Mal da what?” The man smiled. “Sorry, that’s French for sea sickness.” “Oh, well, that’s all right then. Thought ye might be telling me ye had some kind of French pox. Captain don’t like it by half when his men come down with the pox. Ye’d best watch your step.” “I promise I’ll be careful.” Satisfied the man wasn’t having him on, Touch said, “Well, come on then. Ye have to see Woolsworth before I can settle ye in to your cabin.”
  15. Bump Still room for more players, if you're interested. Also, there is also a LOT of room for players in Terra Incognita. You don't have to include pictures with your posts if you don't have time. At this point, we'd rather have players than pictures.
  16. Welcome to the Pub, Monsieur Mako. I'm sure, once you get familiar with the Pub, you'll find all the information you might need. And if you don't, as you've already seen, all you need do is ask. It's a great place to hang your hat and enjoy good company.
  17. Just watch Cutthroat Island, have we? LOL
  18. Choice on colors!!!! Rats, we're Browncoats. What other color would you want?
  19. A friend just called me and told me about this site. It looks to be affiliated with eBay, but is all Steampunk stuff, and the prices seem a lot cheaper than those I've seen on eBay. There is also a sidebar blog site with lots of other links and info. Very kewl. buysteampunk.com
  20. Good job, Cheeky! However, you're not the only one to score in the home decor section during JoAnn's 50% off fabric sale. I got the material for two weskits. Original price of the fabric was $6.99 a yard, so do the math. (Yes, I have a love/hate relationship with JoAnn's) BTW, I love that Dutch mantua you're going to make. It's stunning. Keep us posted as you go along, so we can see how you put it together. Being the proud possessor of one of your other dresses, I'm sure it will look killer when you've finished it. Oh, and I have all three Janet Arnold books, purchased "back in the day" for about $20 each.
  21. Ioan watched the Irish twins leave the tavern, still not believing they hadn't recognized him. After all, they'd had a near shootout in the stairway of the Ship Tavern over that renegade Killingsworth. Or his body. Ioan had stood to earn good silver for the capture of the man, had not the twins beat him to it and killed him. He wondered if the fine lady who had been willing to pay him was still in Port Royal. Maybe she had other jobs he could do for her, now that the crew of the Rakehell wasn't dogging his every step. That thought led him to wonder, once again, who was dogging him now, no doubt under her orders. He forced his mind away from those thoughts, since all they did was make his anger fester like a septic wound. Instead, he watched with interest as the flamboyantly dressed female captain headed to the back room of the tavern. His curiosity piqued, he wondered what business Mr. Need could have with such a one. His interest was distracted by the bark of one of the warehouse workers who was playing cards at his table. "Ioan, ye going to play cards, or gawk at the strangers all night?" the man growled, tossing in his bet. Ioan studied his hand, discarded two cards, placed his own bet, then grinned at his co-worker. "Be glad to take your money, Cyrus. It'll pay for my next ale, if it doesn't come on the house." "Ye have to win it first, ye blackguard," Cyrus fired back. "If you insist," Ioan replied, laid his cards on the table, fanned them, and grinned at the rest of the players. "I believe this hand is mine, lads...and lady."
  22. You mean none of Lorien's group are going? I thought I saw that one lady was camping, but not wanting to get involved with the Tea service, because she just wanted to bum around this year (wish I could remember who she was). I haven't ck'd in with BG in a long while, but didn't they have a BM thread, where those going were posting where they would be on the Playa, etc? I hope you can link up with someone, but if you can't, I'm sure you'll still have a lot of fun.
  23. Ioan laughed with the rest of the men, but inwardly wanted to thrash the young man. He'd already staked his claim on her, even if no one else knew it just yet. Besides, the total amount of coin on the table would be a quarter of what time with this courtesan would cost. He doubted the young lad had enough silver for his next meal, let alone a night with the lady Sansal. He watched her as she lay the discard on the table. Her hands were slender, smooth, graceful, and adorned with gemmed rings. A set of ruby ear studs winked within the curls of black hair. Ioan's practiced mind tallied the combined worth, and smiled. She smiled back, but her look was knowing. Yes, Ioan thought, you're a hot-house flower in a garden of weeds, but I'll have you eventually. Then he placed his bet on the table, leaned back in his chair, and sipped his free ale.
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