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Everything posted by Ransom

  1. With exasperation, I called up to Jimmy, "Belay that order to call the Relentless. Seems we don't need a sawbones after all." Or Jacky's special water, I thought. Jimmy scrambled down from above, and glanced toward the newly resurrected Nate. "He for real, Ma'am, or is he one of them phantoms that been a plague lately?" I glanced at Nate. "Well, Jimmy, hard to say. A plague he is, but phantom, I'm not so sure. Just damned lucky, most likely." Still, the rest of the crewe looked at Nate with suspicion, and I feared that this new development was not going to re-assure the crewe that these waters were safe. Jacky needed to conclude his business and move on, before we had to deal with mutiny on both our ships. "Well, Goose, give the lad a shot of rum to get his blood moving again, then let's get about our business. Exactly what would that be, Nate?"
  2. With Robert's restrained, and Nate obviously at death's door, I turned my attention to the Spaniards. They seemed as bewildered by events as the rest of us, but it left them in control of the sloop. I was not in a trusting mood. "Goose, Colard, pull your pistols and keep a watch on our Spanish friends. If they try to escape, shoot one of them, to get their attention. Jimmy, climb to the fighting top and give Jacky a hail. If Nate is to survive at all, we need a doctor, or at least someone who knows more about gunshot wounds than we do." Jimmy scooted up the rigging, quick as a squirrel up a tree. With hands cupped around his mouth, he yelled as loud as he could for the Relentless. "Best hope they come soon, Ma'am," Colard said, "Or this lad will be going to visit with that Father he keeps talking to." It was at that moment that I remembered Jacky's little vial of water. I looked up at Jimmy. "Yell louder, damn you. I need Jacky here NOW!."
  3. I'm also looking forward to a new movie. I thought Russel Crowe did a great job as Jack, and although Paul Bettany's character was not exactly what I pictured from the books (I thought they made Maturine a little too servile, where in the books he is more assertive and also secretive, and they left out completely his addiction to laudenum), I enjoyed his performance very much, and would like to see him return to the part. In the first movie, I thought one of the best performances was by the young boy who played Lord Blakely (?). And I have a very soft spot in my heart for Killick. As for listening to the books on tape, I found that difficult. But that might have been because Chain Shot and I were staying the weekend on our boat, and were listening to it late at night. We couldn't stay awake long enough to get through one tape. LOL I much prefer reading the books, of which I think I've read four, in no particular order. BTW, the first time we sailed on the Lady Washington, Captain Killick was standing in for the weekend for her regular captain. Killick is now Captain of the Lynx. A very nice gent. When I told him about the Killick character in the books, he assured me that they must be related! LOL
  4. Robert's actions stunned us all. Nate lay seemingly dead on the deck, and Red Cat frantically tried to call him back to life. With a molten rage, I turned on Roberts. "What the bloody hell did you do that for? Are you insane, man? I'd just invited him on board. Who the devil do you think you are to take matters into your own hands on MY ship!" I spun around, and yelled to my quartermaster, "Africa! Take that man and bind him, before he shoots someone else. Jimmy, Tunny, help hold him and take his weapons. Quick now!" The men did as I asked, and before Roberts could blink, he was bound and disarmed, and none too gently. When I was sure the man was secure, I turned my attention to Nate. "Cat, does he yet breathe?" She was too intent on the lifeless form. Then Colard was kneeling down beside her, his practiced hands feeling for a pulse. With brows pinched with worry, he turned to me. "Aye, he's still got a wee bit o' life in him, but nae sae much. Is there nae a sawbones on either of these ships, for I fear young Nate is in dire need o' one."
  5. Found this while cruising Craigslist. Need WWII goggles? Cheap? Don't know how many he has left, but... Goggles
  6. Wishing you a grand natal day, Callenish!
  7. From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    © Copyright by Ransom

  8. From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    © Copyright by Ransom

  9. Jet skis, ruining the quiet ambiance of a mountain lake.
  10. I was more than a little curious as to what Nate had in mind. Smiling, I called down to him, "Well, bring your new acquisition alongside,and we'll sit down to tea. But if you put a scratch on the Rakehells hull, you'll pay for it with your hide."
  11. Hmmmm.....mind starts twirling.
  12. Welcome to the Pub, sir. I'll admit, your first post had me a bit worried, but now that you've introduced yourself, you sound like a fine gentleman, to be sure.
  13. I love the old test tubes. My dad was a TV repairman for Sears, so as a kid, I saw a lot of those! LOL
  14. Syren, I've had my Etsy shop (see the link in my sig) open for about three weeks now, and they make it really easy. I think you would do really well there. Oh, and Bess, maybe I'll adopt you! LOL
  15. Here's the small (about 8" long) cap pistol I redid. Chain Shot found it at a junk shop and paid $5 for it. Still needs more decoration on the stock, especially on the other side, as it is plain. I'm thinking maybe black tribal tattoo designs? The skull on the stock end was just for fun. The good luck charms are a cross, a falling star, and the all-seeing eye, so I'm covered! LOL
  16. Ransom


    From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    Steampunk pistol

    © Copyright by Ransom

  17. I still think you should adopt me, so I can play with all your kewl stuff!
  18. "Oh dear," I muttered. "It appears we're to get the crazy Irishman after all. And his new Spanish friends." I waited for the sloop to come within hailing distance, wondering just what Nate had in mind. I doubted he'd come back on board, now that he was captain of his own ship, and I didn't want the Spaniards, as Africa would probably gut them in their sleep. As the grinning Irishman came closer, I called out, "So, Nate, what's your plan?"
  19. MacTavish sailed the Pride of Flodden West until the group of ships was out of sight. By evening, he turned to his helmsman and barked, "Nae more tae the West. Take her back around East." The helmsman gave his superior a questioning glance. "East?" "Are ye deef! Didna I say East, ye ninny." "Aye, sir. East it is. But...why?" MacTavish gave his man an evil grin. "Because I smell gold, and I've a quick nose for it. We'll tarry behind them, and keep an eye out. When they've finished with their business, we'll pay them another wee visit." The helmsman was smart enough not to ask further questions as the Flodden tacked around and headed back to the Dry Tortugas.
  20. From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2009

  21. So, like whatcha got in mind? And when do we start?
  22. Currently reading: The Dark Volume by Gordon Dahlquist. It's my first attempt at a Steampunk themed novel — airship disaster, murder, spies, diabolical conspiracies, etc. I'm about 50 pages in, and so far the verdict is still out.
  23. From the album: Ransom's Favorites

    © Copyright by Ransom

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