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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Burned, eh? I had some training at the company that made the Animatronics for Disney, the newer ones... And I have a story or two about them... Didn't know Lincoln burned tho.... Oh yes... One lovely day he stared smoking under his coat and the rest as they say, is Disney History. (And the audience cameras caught it all)
  2. (shrug) Well... there was no track tweaking I can assure you. That would be pretty stupid after the cost and effort it took to record it all. Geoffrey would never stand for it and most of his speech is from the original script anyway, with all the same lines everyone loved such as *Cut the ruddy wreakage away!* Different, true when he talks of Jack Sparrow... but much the same. Trying to hear a precise sound or voice over cannon fire and everything else going on would be hard at best. It's the same with the Jack Sparrow figure as well. It's not easy being Audioanimatronic... just ask Mr. Lincoln about the night he burned.
  3. Too bad you don't think it sounded like himself because it is. The tracks were recorded in the Bahama's when they were all down there. Geoffrey has a thing about being doubled by anything. Ever. He will not allow it. If you so much as see even just his hand in a film you can be assured that it is his hand. His creed is that an actor works with his whole bady and that he is responsible for everything the movie goers see in regards to his performance. (Shrug) Yes, it's his voice alright, same as it is Johnny Depp that is singing the Yo Ho Yo Ho song as well. My favorite though was the dead parrot on the music stand.
  4. Arrrgh! I knew you would be one of the first to ride it. Bugger, I wish I could go but the summer crowds are too difficult for me "depp type" oldest child. Yeah... it's the only time I don't mind Disney refering to us as *test subjects* Barbossa gets my vote for the MOST impressive!!!
  5. Aye lass... Those were promotion and press shots taken before the event itself. What paper does your friend work with Christine? Nice work!
  6. Well... what I need is for everyone to stop emailing me and asking if it's true or not. Y'all know I can't say. I'd confirm or deny it for you if I could but I can't (But the updated ride is fun!!)
  7. Trust me. No, it's not. It's photo shopped from someone and we don't care WHO is telling you it's authentic. It's a home grown picture and nothing more. :angry:
  8. They that go down to the sea in ships... He went home embraced by the sea he loved.We should all hope for such fine an end. My prayers for his family and friends.
  9. Well.... since I literally grew up in a *Bewitched* house I did enjoy that show however... Gilligans Island was a real fave. It was as close to a Pirate-type-thingy as a kid could get. But for you Dark Shadows fans, I've been getting them from NETFLIXs and with almost 40 episodes per DVD you don't have to be left hanging for long. My last disk started in at the beginning of the whole 1795 thing where Victoria got shot back in time and became Sarah Collin's governess. Josette and Angelique have just arrived for the wedding. Gee, who knew back then that Barnabus was gay?
  10. ROTDLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iron Bess: Rusted swords!!!!!!!!!!! (I assume that means well used!)
  11. I would be most interested and know many Pirate singers that would most likely be as well. I have PM'd you lass... We DO love a fine gathering!
  12. Aye lass, The Fall Ojai Pirate Fest (I was speaking about in the above post) be September 23 and 24th! What fun we'll have!!
  13. Ahhh... true enough m'lad, I had to rush here and rush there. What with a few shows to do each day and other pressing duties I had little time for sport and doing the things *I* would want to do as any Faire goer would! (sigh). I was even gifted a pin which read *Runs With Swords* (Go figure THAT one!) HA! Ah well, there be more Faires in the upcoming... so as ships do... I know we'll pass again and again. Throw your line out a little deeper lad. I'm sure you'll be able to trawl me up from somewhere!
  14. Spring Ojai is history but what a fine time! The weather was on our side, the crowds were friendly and although it was a *Renaissance Faire*... we Pirates were a main attraction. The happy word is that come the Pirate Faire in September we will be spilling over with new vendors and Pirate Guilds. They expect an enormous amount of attention for this Faire (and the release of POTC2 in July will help) so come if you can! Moe Pirate more crowds in attendance and more fun! This weekend however was well worth everyones efforts (On the PIRATE side of things) Fine guilds and wears and pleasent surroundings. Very few floggings and fights. Well done to those of you that participated and attended and a small sigh of regret for those of you that missed it. Be sure and schdule your time for Fall Faire!
  15. What part of CA?? If local, think you would find time to come to the Disney lot? Or are you all booked??
  16. Morning mate... Soeaking as a Soul that uses her weaponry on a reg basis I've found that adjustable frogs work the best for me. For on thing, as your number of swords grow you need not buy a new frog for each blade AND... with use they become quite supple and make drawing your weapon easy though while at rest, it stays secure in the embrace of all that fine leather. Oops, sorry for the emotional detail (chuckle) but I do LOVE me blades and their easy access!!
  17. Silly wench! Nothing to apologise for! As I said, we ALL be Pirates under the skin Besides, you know you are ALWAYS welcome to come and sit in our shade while you travel around the Faire and away from the safety of POTC. (heh Heh...) Come aboard little lady... come aboard! :)
  18. Yes, you've misunderstood lass... At this time all members of New Providence clan are members in good standing with PRP and most will continue to keep their memberships in full. While we will have our own encampment under the banner of *Port Of New Providence* with our own shows and stage (starting in September and for which we have just received our first bookings ) folks will remain members of PRP as they please. And who knows, perhaps camped from time to time side by side. (Shrug) And why not? Are we not all pirates? Wouldn't it be dandy to have dueling galleys?? After all.... it's ALL about the food!!! Whoo Hoo!
  19. Ahh Pearl!! How I'll miss ye!! Yes, "New Providence" will be singing their weasely little black guts out twice a day so do come and hear us and have a good time into the bargan as well. It's a wonderful Faire and filled with great folks to be sure.
  20. Find out? About what??
  21. Since all that most can do is quote from the trailers ... my guess is this topic will be small in stature for now and then explode in July when the film opens. And you will have LOTS to post then me hearties. Oh... lots and lots.
  22. Yes I did. However her being gone would not be as important as *Jack* being gone now would it?
  23. Well now Christine... that would be *telling* wouldn't it??
  24. Well it will all be a mute point come Friday.
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