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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. We have a meeting next week about it all. About how a camera man is going to be following us around ( ) I'll keep you updated if I decide to go through with it. Depends on how intrusive they want to be. Disney may frown on camera's in the offices.
  2. (Sigh) I've been conned by an old friend into being in a Reality TV show about Swordfighters.
  3. You don't have to gather them... They just roll right into this place!
  4. I would never buy a whole pig... just to get a little sausage.
  5. They have terrific stripped thigh highs at Hot Topic lass.
  6. (said to Iron Bess)^ certainly knows how to impress women (and shorten his lifespan)! ROTDLMBAO!!!! No, no... I take no offence about m'age and in fact am pleased to be an older Pirate that can still beat the tar out of the youngsters with select steel! Old age and trechery will always over come youth and skill. Experience boys.... experience!!
  7. Well done, I added m'self however I landed where I *live* not where I currently work so look for me mid-state in Carmel by- the-Sea. :angry:
  8. (Chuckle) Truely. He died in '59 but I knew him a short time before he made his transition. He was a boxer before he was an actor.... Wait a minute, that's sort of the same thing! :)
  9. Well now, since it's ST. Paddy's day I'll own up to this. I'm related to Victor McLaglen. And if you don't know who that was (shrug) How important could it be?)
  10. And check what else they have since this is only one of several listing. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=7598169605 Have fun kids!
  11. It isn't necessarily about a *death* as we think of it meaning the end of life. True, some people will dream ofia person's impending death and it may come to pass however in my experience it's most likely the *death* of an issue, a relationship, a job, more along those lines. Could be a subconscience nuge to get moving and make a change.
  12. (chuckle) I've slept with a little *Gaelic* Mmmmmmmm.... pure Celt was my Jolly Rob!
  13. A few folks know this but no one here I'll wager... I speak Hawai'ian
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