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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. (shrug) I doubt it be the same one since they only finished it yesterday and sent it out. But... everyone can do as they will. Won a chance to see the trailer?? How lame a contest is that? I'll check with production. See who held the contest and see who the winner was so they can nail him for copyright infringment. Thanks Christine.
  2. Those of you that plan on going to see the new *Mission Impossible* flick that opens this Friday might get a very pleasent surprise.
  3. Not teasing... it's just that there are some incredable pieces coming out. High end, low end.... stuff to make you swoon with glee you Pirates! I promise you will not be dissapointed. (Had a few in my own hot little hands so I have! (Zzzzzzzzz.... OUCH!)
  4. Oh you guys.... this is NOTHING. Wait until the real goods hit the stores.
  5. She was not invited back for the second or third movie.
  6. And.....what did you, er, they think, any good? From what I hear... it was well worth waiting for m'buckoo's
  7. Peach Mousse Yogurt... (burp, Oh! s'cuse me!)
  8. Well, we've a good deal of *Saucy* Pirates if that'll do.
  9. (chuckle) And I be known as *Para* Biggins. Gotta LOVE Pappy! See you Saturday my lovely!
  10. Yeah.... that was some of the fastest editing I've ever seen in those posts above me! Will you two grow up please?? "He started it! No SHE started it! No HE started it! No SHE started it!" Good grief! Baiting is stupid. Answering is worse. I'm pretty sure there are two adults inthere somewhere... try and prove me right please??
  11. Well, how do you expect it all to stop if you keep baiting it?? Let it die of bordom please.
  12. If I do say so m'self (and the fact is, everyone who has had one has said it....) I make the best Mai Tai this side of Trader Vic's ALOHA!!! (No umbrella please, just extra Pineapple)
  13. (I can't help myself... I just gotta add to that...) ... who survived! (GASP!!) Ahhhh... you peeked!
  14. Hmmm... Got no time for *boys*. *Man in my life* is what I've always prefered to title them with. Those lucky few!
  15. ^Belongs to the International Wenches Guild (as do I)
  16. Yeah... I've been pondering that very subject. They want real? (chuckle) I'll give them real.
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