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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Here ya go Charity my dear... http://images.cosplay.com/gallery.php?cat=...47&member=25136 I hope THIS will convince you I would never knowingly Lie to you.
  2. Here ya be mate.... http://www.nomenclaturebath.com/witchingho...urwashwares.htm
  3. I have the site address on my home computer. I'll send it off to you this evening.
  4. Know what works better then ANYTHING i've found?? Walking in sand. Just the act of walking in damp and, dry sand... it exfoliates your feet to a nice luster. IF your lucky enough to live by the sea it's the best (and cheapest!) way to pamper you pirate tootsies. I follow it up though with a lotion from Witching wash works... it's called Samhain and smells like spiced pumpkin. Very Earthy and Beachy all at the same time. (sigh).... Damn. Now I've talked m'self into wanting a walk and here I am stuck at work!
  5. (And you thought that thing was full of spoilers!)
  6. I... think we accomplished leaving it alone as the last 12 posts seem to indicate... Christine, I'll see if I can find one of Davey Jones too. Before and after. Talk about treasure!
  7. Oh Yawn!! THAT would mean Jack's been having sex with his mother.
  8. I most certainly did NOT m'love.... Just ignored it!
  9. Yeah, it is fun, isn't it??
  10. You're not stupid at all... just fooled like so many others becasue that is what an impersonator wants. To fool people so he will get hired. They are not from the film. A shot like this is not even in the script.
  11. Disney has several *Jacks* in their hire. Some for the Parks (all of them world wide) and some for promotion. The question was, was the picture real. Yes, it's a real picture. Is it a real picture of Johnny Depp in Pirates 3?? Nope.
  12. I'm telling you... that is NOT Johnny Depp nor is it in the film. It's a Depp impersonator trying to make a name for himself. They are not real. It is no more real then it was when they first showed up. Phoney. All the way.
  13. (Snort)... nothing if the sort! I can just appreciate a lad with his own ship and no payments to make. Besides, Bill Nighy is the NICEST guy!
  14. Oooohh.... I wouldn't go there if I were you. From my observations, one person's truth is theirs alone. No two people see the world in the same way. Everyone's outlook is built upon their experiences, principles, outlook and focus (among other things). No one shares those things in common, so everyone sees things differently. (Sorry, waxing philosophical again.) Which was my point exactly.
  15. And I agree with you whole heartedely... the end justifies the efforts. It's common knowledge that success breeds a thousand parents and a failure is an orphan... All I was asking was a question. If, in the tirades of a particular poster, had the human element ever been considered. It was just a question. A question. I think I can asertain that answer for m'self. One persons truth is not everyone's truth. That was just a non theartening comment. It's begining to look like this is more about having the last word then making a sincere point. Otherwise, there would be no need to tell everyone to stop posting at this jucture in the narrative. Yeah, like it, don't like it. The banks love it. I liked it. I REALLY like the 3rd one... maybe by the time it's done I'll love it and won;t worry about saying so. I've become a real fan for Davey Jones.
  16. It would appear all the mod's are on vacation or just not around. I've asked Bloody Buckets to see about it. Retort away.
  17. (Yawn...) Well, in reality it's the moderators that must agree to lock a topic. Here's hoping.
  18. (chuckle) Oh indeed... lock the topic. I am all for saving the livestock. Oh course, that is only *IMHO* .
  19. "I am so very honored that there are those here that thinks my opinion is so significant that I can have such a powerful effect on things." Well... I don' t think you can honestly say that is how you see *my* input into these conversations. I work with powerful people and know the effect when I see it. I don't see it here in anyone. "So, get your facts straight and stop being so thin skinned. Perhaps you are too close to the project to take any sort of criticism." Hmmmm.... perhaps we not alone in our being wrapped in a little tissue paper skin? My *facts* are all quite stright thank you. Anything you persieve otherwise must have been posted as a question. Questions are not facts as a rule. They are questions. And, there is NO NEED guys for personal attacks. People are entitled to an opinion. What I was asking was had you at all considered anyone's feelings into you continual and on going hate mail and I suppose it's clear now that no, you didn't and if it doesn't somehow support your views you have no intention of doing so now. (chuckle) Alright, m'dear. Thank you for proving my point.
  20. (chuckle) You flatter me my dear... and I believe you need to go back and re read my post. No where was it suggested you be denied the right to post whatever you like. In fact, I believe I supported your rights. I was simply pointing out that there is also a human element attached to all your complaints. No matter how justified to you your statments are, peoples hard work is being regailed and belittled. Do you have those rights? Of COURSE you do... I was merely pointing out you'd said it again and again without any aparent thought on that part of the subject. Maybe you consider that a hazard of the business and you don't care about peoples feelings. (shrug) Fair enough. I was just pointing it out since I do care about the folks like Billy and others who have worked for years just so you can tell them how lousey they did.. And don't think it's about me. I've been in this business over 36 years and it really is "sticks and stones love". And really, never, ever mistake something that is posted by someone else as my possible opinion. I am always very clear on where I stand. Very clear and I need the support or protection of no site owners or other moderators to do so. Free speech and all that, right?
  21. Just a note to Billy Bones and Iron Bess: I think you are mis-understanding here, commenting about what one likes and dislikes about a movie is quite normal. Uuhh... yes, I believe I said that. I was into to pirates long before POTC came out and the Pub was started well before that movie came out. So were most of us Rumba. So please don't lump everybody together. A few of us hearty souls were here long before POTC hit the screens. What are you talking about?? Who was lumped together and in what way? Just trying to understand here...
  22. Aye that's so... but one persons *truth* is not the same for everyone else. Really, even though there are others that didn't enjoy it the way they did the first film, what you're posting is pretty much you're own opinions and not the generaliteis you seem to indicate. The box office supports that Look, you think it's a bad film and I think it's a fun film. So what? No amount of you're complaining and no amount of my opposite opinion is going to change the mind of the other. I think we agree on that anyway... On one side, you are being unkind to people that spent years working on it and are proud of their efforts. (Shrug) You don't like it? Okay. You're entitled. Just as the majority of people who have posted are entited to like the film and enjoy it. I'm thinking that perhaps you don't realize your being unkind on a personal level with many people here that contributed to the movies making? Maybe you just hate the film so much (obviously) that you haven't thought of that fact that you're belittleing peoples talent, work blood, sweat and tears? Maybe? No one begrudges you you're right to hate the movie and then blather on about it. However, I do think you could be less selfish about it though, a little more broad minded and take into consideration that others personal work was involved and they are proud of what they accomplished. You're truth in not my truth. Your truth is not the truth of the millions that are enjoying it. Is it a steller film that wil rank in the annuls of history forever?? Give me a break.... it's a summer popcorn flick that is making box office history for the fleeting moment and will be put aside with all the others even the like of Titanic. Go ahead and hate the film. :) But try and show a little respect for those that do not share your opinion and that have the right to be proud of what they have done. I respect your right to hate it I would ask the same courtesy from you. I m'self and damn proud if it and everyone that worked on it... and are STILL working on it. Now, where's that monkey? I want to shoot something!
  23. Is that the international total or something? (I got my number off my favorite movie site - Rotten Tomatoes.) Yes, as of last week it was $790 Mil but most likey that is higher now. I thought the monkey was named Jack. Or was that just one of Barbarossa's little jokes? No, it's name is Jack but even if it's name was Fred it would still be a hideous little monkey. It bites and tears out hair and is in general a pain in the tail. Release a life-sized fully articulated figure of the undead monkey! I'll buy one! I'll pass that along.
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