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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Well.... since it's IN the film I'm not letting anything out of the bag here. Here's a little something more for you to ponder... Did no one notice... that as Jack was fingering the jewelry on Tia Dalma's table that beside the rings... was a crab locket just like the one that Davey Jones possesses? Hmmmmmm???? (Back to keeping all her lovely secrets)
  2. I suggest... Everyone hold onto your hopes and IF and WHEN he is ON THE LOT, IN COSTUME AND ON THE SET.... then we will have a chance at success. (shrug) We are all hoping for the best.
  3. Looks like Disney will be able to keep folks employeed for awhile longer. POTC2 has broken all records with it's three day take. $55.9 million for Friday Over $100 million for Friday AND Saturday And they expect it to be over $132 million by tomorrow. Yo Ho is right.
  4. Yep, it sure is. I went off lot to eat today.
  5. After all, it's all about the food. Here's our Commissary menu for today. Davey Jones Corned Beef Hash with Two Eggs Any Style and Hashbrowns Acorn Squash Bisque Gazpacho Caribbean Seafood Chowder Chicken & Roasted Plum Tomato Gazpacho Pirate's Chicken with Coconut Burbank Special #1 Real Hot Dog Deal Black Pearl Chili Cheese Burger with Spicy Fries and Large Fountain Soda Captain Barbossa's Baked Pasta Meat Lasagna with Garlic Bread Caribbean Shrimp and Mango Pizza, Cheese Pizza or Pepperoni Pizza Made to Order with Choice of Toppings Pirate's Booty BBQ Ribs or Turkey Leg Served with Captain Jack's Roasted Corn PROTEIN ZONE Pirate Ship Pork Loin served with Caribbean Season Rice and Roasted Pineapple with Pearl Onions Captain Jack's Fried Mahi Mahi with Fried Plantains Limited Time Offer Your Health Your Way Captain Sparrow's Beef and Cheddar Baguette Sandwich Fiesta Mexican Salad Chicken Tangine Salad Elizabeth Swann's Tropical Fruit Salad
  6. By JOEL SIEGEL July 7, 2006 — I'm so happy this morning. I've got a birthday present for everybody. No, it's not your your birthday. It's my birthday. I'm three days younger than America. And the present? The best summer movie of the summer. The only way I can imagine a better summer movie is if Steven Speilberg and Harrison Ford get "Indiana Jones 4" done before Labor Day, and that can't happen because they don't even have a script yet. "Pirates 2" is that much fun. Here's what makes a great summer movie: Action — lots of action. And the action here is virtually nonstop. The special effects have to be special. But even with all that, movies are about characters, never about the special effects. That was the problem with "M:I:3." With a treasure like Johnny Depp as Capt. Jack Sparrow, "Pirates" is never short on character, and I don't know why, but Kiera Knightley still trusts him to do the right thing. In the new film, Knightley and Orlando Bloom are about to be married when the British government threatens to hang them if they can't coerce Capt. Jack Sparrow into stealing the keys to Davey Jones' locker. If you thought all you get from spending too much time underwater is wrinkly fingers, wait until you see Dave Jones (the wonderful Bill Nighy) and his barnacle-encrusted gang of undead pirates. This monster parade, along with the film's 2½ hour run time, are two reasons "Pirates 2" may not be right for young kids. But what really blew me out of the water, so to speak, is the effortless way director Gore Verbinski segues from action to action. Capt. Jack trips into an open grave. Orlando Bloom, who becomes a name-above-the-title movie star with this one, sword fights on a water wheel. And when that water wheel snaps off its hinges, it rolls over Capt. Jack, who loses the keys to Davey Jones' locker … and that's just how this sequence begins. Maybe the success of this film (and it should be huge) will prove to Hollywood that what makes a great summer movie isn't four-letter words but one three-letter word: F-U-N. This film is so much fun. The cast has fun. The audience has fun. Your popcorn tastes better, it's that much fun. And all the other wannabe summer blockbusters have been so serious and glum. "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" is the best summer movie of the summer. And, of course, you know it's rated "Aargh!" Grade: A- "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" is produced by Walt Disney Pictures, a division of the Walt Disney Co., which is also the parent company of ABC News.
  7. Which means... it's still an idea. It does not mean he WON'T come ....but it also does not mean he will.
  8. All this aside I 'd like to point out that Disney Studios was the first major Studio to openly and without pause offer insurance coverage to their employee's gay partners if they were living at the same address. Many other places still don't. We openly support, sponser and advertise a Gay Day at our theme parks. If non-Gays come to the gates and are offended they are encouraged not to go in. It may be rare... but we are not always all about the money. Time marches on I suppose...
  9. Nothing to be sorry about... it was just a question. And it's just that I don't feel it's appropriate for me to answer it here. No harm done.
  10. I have no idea Rumba and even if I did I would never talk about a private issue regarding someone I know on a personal level in a public forum. *Anna Maria* was simply an employee of Disney. Jerry Reyes is an acquaintance and someone I still see at events from time to time. There is a line between being professional and being a gossip. I'd like to think I'm professioanl.
  11. (Shrug) That's show biz... Rule one, never piss off the powers that be.
  12. Nothing like watching and admir'n yer own work, aye Mr. Bones???
  13. They MADE me! (and I got paid too!)
  14. TWICE?! No fair.... *croaks from an apoplectic heart attack* Awww.. it just pays to work with the real Pirates. I mean... Disney.
  15. Sorry ladies... The lass who played Anna Maria was not invited back for any further work. Disney has it's reasons.
  16. Does it count if I've already seen it?? Twice?? (DUCKING!)
  17. Sorry lass... Baring some kind of emense filming problem the date will be Memorial Day 2007.
  18. We also refered the the dread *Light Magic* show as *Light Tragic* I sense a pattern here!
  19. Well now... (finger tapping chin) Let me think....
  20. Ladies and Gents.... I will be SLEEPING! (and then running around like an insane wench until Memorial Day of 2007)
  21. (chuckle) Yeah, yeah.... it's NEVER that simple. However, they are, as we speak, building some wonderful sets here on the lot.
  22. (much eye rolling) I am just... gonna puke.
  23. That ride though was done before the *soft opening* for the ride. It's where those screen captures came form on Wireimage I suppose. Nice catch Black Hearted Pearl!
  24. Did you ever send a pcket to Disney to see about joining the Zoo Crew?
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