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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. In actuality it's now over $790 million. Not bad for such a *dreadful film* and that is not counting the merchandising which is beyond expectation. And that amount is also not taking into account the folks that come to Disneyland for the new updated ride and the chance to see Captain Jack Sparrow in the flesh (or his shadow anyway who is terrific)... I watched almost all day one day last week and the kids adore him. They could care less if he seemed foolish. Young hearts are no so easily put off with pre-concieved ideas or notions. Now they are asking for Davey Jones, that hideous Monkey and even Pintel and Regetti . Yeah kids, what do they know? Don't they know it was awful movie? (Shurg) The nay sayers can croak at us all they like on our way to the bank and to the sound stagesand locations to finish the 3rd film.
  2. Whoo Hoo!!! Billy!!! Sorry I missed you out at Disneyland last week mate!! PM or call me when your back on the Disney lot oh Mater of the Black Powder!!
  3. Sure thing lass... just let me know when you can come over. They will be back on the lot starting next week for a bit.
  4. Awwww Child, you peeked!
  5. And that is the beauty of a free country... no one is making you go see something you'd not wish too. And everyone that wants to... will.
  6. Oh, you need to come over to the studio for lunch lad! Her teil you ALL dat you need to know!
  7. Oops, sorry I missed these posts for info... Yes, it's a WONDERFUL event! Come in costume or in mudanes, Either way you'll have a great time. And come to the Pilgrim and see me! Or to the encampments,both Port Royal and Port of New Providence as I'll be in both as the day goes on and I'm not aboard ship. Just shout out *Iron Bess* and you'll not be too long to wait.
  8. Ahoy to all sword fighters be ye male or female…. I have an exceptional opportunity for 2-4 fighters on the 2nd weekend of September, the 9th and 10th. The Toshiba Tall Ships festival in Dana Point Ca will be in full swing and I have a chance to offer you a gig dressed in your pirates finest and fighting aboard the tall ship Pilgrim. My usual gaggle of fighters are all booked for that weekend and so I am giving anyone here a chance to step up and be in the spotlight. You would be performing a 20 min set twice a day both Saturday and Sunday on deck while the ship is docked. No, you don’t have to fight that entire time (who would want to…) so fight lessons for kids, a little history can also be included. There is no pay involved but you will be fed and have an encampment to rest in and use as your base. Tall ships come from all over the world for this event and the TV coverage alone is worth your while if you’re looking to get noticed. Add to that that if the Ocean Institute approves of your abilities and like what they see you could be asked back on a reg basis. I am looking for Pro’s since safety is my main concern. I would want to get together With you and see how you maintain safety in your fights for both yourselves and the public. If you’re interested, contact me off this list and we’ll talk. Step up lads…. Let’s see some action behind all that bragging!
  9. If anyone has an interest in such thing... There is a hidden Mickey on that ship. It's really Mickey's *skull* carved somewhere on the hull. Happy hunting !
  10. The 'Flying Dutchman' Anchors at Castaway Cay The Flying Dutchman is the centerpiece in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, the blockbuster hit movie released this summer by Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films. The movie premiered in theaters onboard the Disney Magic and the Disney Wonder. Created as a floating movie set, the Flying Dutchman adds another dimension of enjoyment to the tropical flavor at Castaway Cay. "Castaway Cay is the perfect home for the Flying Dutchman, and we're thrilled to bring this added feature to the island," said Tom McAlpin, president of Disney Cruise Line. "With the recent opening of the film, this will give our guests a special experience that we know they will be talking about for a long time to come." The Flying Dutchman was towed 75 miles to Castaway Cay, from Freeport, where it was stored after the movie production was completed. Now anchored off Castaway Cay's Family Beach, the Flying Dutchman is an amazing spectacle that brings to life the legend of a ghost ship condemned to roam the oceans for the rest of eternity. The 420-ton vessel's sails are ragged. Its hull is encrusted with barnacles, as though the ship just rose from the bottom of the ocean. Considering the film's star power and the strong fan support, the Flying Dutchman has quickly become one of the most popular backdrops for photos taken by guests at Castaway Cay.
  11. Now m'dear.... what kind of interaction would YOU have with a dead man walking????
  12. Nope... I check in from time to time to see what friends are up to and not much more. My time is often limited. I input when I'm asked questions and answer if I can orhave somehing I know is of interest that I know I can share. I have confidentiality agreements to honor and cannot share as much as folks here would really like. I'm a fan too remember and very often am sorry I already have most of the answers. I like a good surprise as much as anyone. Besides.... sometimes you all come up with things we would have never thought of. Disney has no monopoly on creativity you know.
  13. From what I've seen being bounced around I'm sure stylized is the way they would go lads. :)
  14. Ahhhh..... now now, At times I be willing to share I be!!
  15. I know something YOU don't know!! Neener, neener, neener!! (Ducking and running like hell!) (Sorry, HAD too!)
  16. Billy... I have a gig for you at Disneyland if you can be here on Aug 4th CONTACT ME PLEASE!!
  17. It'a more likey they will become a Saturday morning or afternoon cartoon. Cartoons are BIG business for the Disney Channel and this is ready made.
  18. Don't believe what you read about any of this yet.... Title: They are still deciding... 4 and 5... yes, they talked about it. Done deal? No way. Disney interested? Not really at this point. Could it happen? Sure. What do I think? Let it end with some dignity.
  19. Aye!! Such a fun faire! I'll be berthed with The "Port of New Providence". We'll be all settled in there with our encampment so come sit for a time, sing and make merry! Always so nice to see everyone even if you just stop by for a hello!
  20. One other fact that seems to escape general attention from fans when they discuss they whys and wherefores is that a great deal always ends up ont he cutting room floor. They had an entire sequence about the prison, Jack IN the prison AND the escape of Pintel, Regetti and chopper but... *snip snip* So many things folks are intereested in may always go unanswered or may end up as an aside in the 3rd movie. Never give up hope : There is always the DIRECTORS CUT DVD!! ph34r:
  21. First, what/ was that creepy place from which Jack escaped via the coffin? Oddly, why are they throwing coffins in the ocean instead of just wrapping the dead in a section of bed linen with a big rock to sink them? Prison (see 3rd movie) I assmused that Jack was moving toward the goal of deadmans chest before he was visited by Bootstrap. What do you think? He was but that gave him a real push. Monkey steals coin at the end of POTC and monkey is now undead. Where is the coin? See 3rd movie Weasel-like offical of the East India Trade Company has power over Port Royal how? And I understand he was the man who branded Jack but what did Jack do to him? See 3rd movie What happens to Davy Jones' crew when they finish serving time aboard the Flying Dutchman? Maybe no one has ever lived to tell the tale. They become a part of the Flying Dutchman. (Remember the guy stuck to the planks?) Jack stole a ring from Tia Dalma and is wearing it opn his thumb correct? And it resembles the music box that Davey Jones has? No... see 3rd movie Will sees Jack and Elizabeth kiss and yet does nothing when she gets in the boat. Is this resolved, I think no since he didn't seem to eager at Tia Dalma's vodoo lair? No, it's not resolved not will it be until the 3rd movie. Sorry to be a broken record but you've lived up to Ted and Terry's expectation. They WANT people to wonder what these things are... So they will come back for the 3rd movie. s See, there is a down side to working for teh Studio that made the movie. I already know all the surprise you all still have coming!
  22. All my PM"s to you keep bouncing back and your email address here does that same. I have news for you.... CONTACT ME PLEASE!!
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