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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. CASCABEL!!!!!! I raise me glass to you lad!!!! Search us out you dog or they'll be the Devil to pay!!
  2. Just a brief FYI... Tia regrets being away but was sent on location at the last moment and will be back next week to catch up on all requests. I guess I ought to say she's off meditating somewhere or something... but if the schedule holds true she'll be back next week.
  3. Aye mate, the whole of the Port of New Providence will be there. We will be performing on the Brig Pilgim most all the day long and our sudeo encampment will be right beside the dock. Come by and play!!
  4. Hmmmmmmm......? Someone told me this weekend that they had heard they were already preparing 4. I told them until I read it around here, I was believing nothing of the kind. The same person also told me that 3 was done and they were just holding off until next year. (So which is it Bess? ) Well, I know what is now*official* for Disney studios.... Until it's given up to be *Official* to the public at large I can only tell you to keep yer powder dry mates. (How's that???)
  5. Herself steps side to side as she crosses the plank floor, dodging the bottles that hang from every beam. "I got your message lass. Thought I'd return it to you..." Bess opens a small hinged box, lays it upon the floor and steps back. From out of the box scampers a small sea crab. Free of it's hardwood prison it scuttles along the floor boards as if teathered to a homing beacon. With little effort it reaches the hem of T'Dalma's skirts and without hesitation climbs the length of her skirt, her belt, up along the bodice to make perch upon her bare shoulders where it then dissapears under the cover of her draping hair... sea water runs in a trickle along the line of her neck and she smiles. "Now... " says herself... "I'm here. I've come. What is it you want?"
  6. (chuckle) That'be my guess.
  7. Okay... Now THAT was fun!!!! Well done mates!
  8. Hmmmm.... (Tapping her finger tips on her sword pommel as she ponders...) Seems’ I may have to make entrance with out an invite. (Shrug) Ah well, nothing ventured nothing gained. And the fog is rising faster then I think natural. (Beastie woman!) Best be about it then.
  9. Ahhhhhh!! M'baby!! M' 100 lb. baby! (Please note the ear ring....) She's Barnacle Phoebe the Sailor!, ships dog for the *Port of New Providenc* singers! (And she knows where ALL the treasure is buried!) Thanks Aunt Rumba! Woof!!
  10. Rumba, do you know where Bess got that hat for her dog??? I know a yellow lab that needs one!!!! No, the pup hat was store bought. It's a dog costume I found at Pet Co last year... she has *outgrown that one though* If I knew how to post a picture I have saved only to my computer I'd show you her *Big girl* Pirate duds!*
  11. "What's this, Iron Bess about to sack the shack!" Jacky watches from a distance. Jacky blinks… as the dagger that has only just missed his nose by the width of a hair, reverberates and then slows to a stop with its un bloodied point cutting deep within the flesh of the cypress tree... Shhhhhhhhhh!!!!
  12. Ahoy the shack! Be there anyone about? (a little head scratching...watching the fog seem to rise up from behind the tree house)
  13. Welcome to the Pub Lass... always good to have another voice to be heard! Now, let's be after hearing yer coin upon the bar!! Step up mates!!
  14. They will be back on the lot starting tomorrow.
  15. And that is quite a good deal for only a jar of dirt says I... :)
  16. Hey!! You coming out here in October?? Come to the Disney Studio!!!
  17. Oh I don't know, might not be so hard..... I hear we are going to offer him a bigger jar of dirt.
  18. She was saying that it didn't make the grade for her. She is not speaking for everyone obviously.... You've come in at the end of this thread... Get you back to the first page of it and read forward. You'll find many a post of explaination as to what some folks did not like. That ought to satisfy your curiosity.
  19. Yeah.... they already know who he is.
  20. Ahhhh.... Children of an Elder God.
  21. Hmmmm.... thanks for pointing these out.
  22. What a shame that Disney never figured out how to merchandise.....
  23. LOUIE!!!! Sail Ho!!!! How we love him!!
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