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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Aye Mr Bones... Most scallywags (M'self included) will be coming ashore at Ojai that weeks end.
  2. Ouch! Not very flattering of m'self but Barnacle Phoebe looks great!! I'll send you a new one of her Rumba.... all grown up.
  3. Ooooooh, I do what I can. Have fun! There are some high profile folks on board.... Whoo Hoo!! Thar she.... oh,never mind.
  4. Uh oh.... who you going after mate??
  5. The Pearl will be there until the end of this week if things go as scheduled.
  6. Well well... as one *sea Wench* to another, welcome aboard says I.... And mind the lads... they be asking all sorts of service of a greedy kind!
  7. M'self.... I'll take a Mai Tai! Cheers! uh, I mean... ALOHARRRRRRRR!
  8. Ewwwwwwwwwww!!! (only if you serve white wine) Sorry, sorry!!
  9. Alright LB... just so's you know, I sent it off to and just heard back from Lee Arenberg and he's laughing his head off. He says's *Thankee!*
  10. Ummm.... don't you mean a half a body massage followed by a gentle filet??? (Sorry, HAD too!)
  11. Okay, now that's cute! I've sent it off to various folks in the production Co and cast. They will love it!
  12. No, no fast pass for the Disneyland Pirates ride. There is however wheelchair access which now often takes longer the the wait in the reg line. Yo Ho!
  13. Well, it has been talked about but no decision has been made as of yet so... for the time being you're safe! It could be the idea and not the Fast Passes that go away.
  14. Don't you think there is enough Drama around here? No one wants or expects you to leave Charity. I am pointing out that no one was talking about YOU here. Only the contents of the script ideas you forwarded.
  15. Don't give up on him either!! WOOF!!!
  16. No, Ted and Terry don't and it's Salt Flats, not Salt Lake. They are already finished there. No incense required.
  17. I know... wouldn't that be nice?
  18. Uuhhh... no one is making comment on you Charity. The comments are about what has been thought up, written up, speculated about and posted as possible fact. It's about the contents of the forwarded post. NOT the poster.
  19. Not to mock you or anythng but you also said it was just not true about Keith Richards being in the movie and now even Johnny says he probably will be..atleast..i think he has and granted not all interviews are true either but..now to this pic..is it another photoshop? There's now Keira pics with the same type of costume .. That's no photoshop..so is that a coincidence that she wears almost the same? Keirra in Asian costume Look... I am really sorry that you are not having an easy time wrapping your mind around the fact that that is NOT a picture of Johnny Depp. Did you even read what the site said? It admits to being an impersonator inspired lot of pictures. It's not Depp. As to the Kieth Richards issue, when I told you that, check the dates my dear. At the time I said it, it was true. And to be honest, it still is. Yes, Johnny says they are going to do it. They would like to do it. Have they arranged it? No. Have they shot it? No. Until they do, until it's in the can then what I told you is true. I'm sorry you don;t like that and feel the need to be a bit nasty about it. If you don't want my input then don't ask me anymore. You can just deal with all the rumors that seem to make you happy. As to your question about Knightly.... well now, you never asked me abuot that before did you?? Where do you think impersonators get their costume idea? From fact. Knightly may wear it, Depp does not. I don't know how I can put it any simpler.
  20. (Shrug) Well... it's not so hard. People want what they want. They want to see what they want to see and no amount of real life truth is going to change what someone wants so desperately. If they *see* it they are happy and they do not want me telling them it isn't so. I think the course here is to not *ask*. I read so much bilge here but never comment becasue it's just in a discussion. But when they post a *Is this real?* or some such thing and... if it's within my ability to answer it I will.(Shrug) If they don't believe me that's okay. When the movie comes out they will know I wasn't trying to make them unhappy, just answering the question they didn't really WANT answered unless it agreed with what they wanted it to be. (chuckle) I'm damned if I do and Damned if I don't. All I can do is share what I can without violating my confidentiality agreements. Yeah, I know how it all ends I know what happens to who and why and where and how come... but so what? So does everyone else involved with the making of the pictures. Or at least involved with script changes. Like I told another prattaling poster, *Sticks and Stones love* Enjoy the Wash Works. They have really, really fine products.
  21. (bowing from the waist...) Thank you lads, thank you. Now, where is that Monkey? I want to SHOOT something!!
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