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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Wow... that was pretty rude. And Ted and Terry always speak so highly of you.
  2. If any of you locals would like to have Ted and Terry sign a copy of the DMC DVD on Tuesday the 5th of December, they will be doing so here on the Studio lot for a few hours that day. Now I can gate a few people to come aboard, not a whole hoard so first come first served as they say. :angry: If your interested let me know although... you should be aweare the the cost of the DVD will be a little higher then if you bought the thing at Target. Most likey sticker price so the autographs will come at a slight cost I would venture to say. Up to you what it's worth to you but I thought I'd put out the offer for those that might want to indulge. Offer stands open to all until I reach a gate limit. Drink up me hearties yo ho
  3. 52%.... Well, there were no sword questions so that explains it.
  4. What am I watching?? My computer screen.
  5. M'self...(shrug) A gentle reminder that a sword is just an extension of this Sea Witch's hands and never, ever too far away from me grasp.
  6. I know he was upset about missing the chance to be with a family at the airport becasue of filming. He'd worked so hard. It's a wonderful cause. I'll ask him about the TV shows tomorrow since I hope to see him at a party!
  7. 'Tis a wise man that knows how to make a timely exit.....
  8. Well... be careful what you wish for. I'm 37 years with the company and most days I'm convinced my parents raised an idiot,
  9. Yeah, I've had people jump back thinking it was coming at them (???) And yes, they were from the Team Disney building.
  10. Nope, that is my office on the Disney lot. (I'm sort of on the tour now...) And this was taken awhile back. You mates ought to see it now! Well, you have to take your fun where you can find it these days. The office may not show it but our jobs are really, REALLY stressful. This bit of fun does help.
  11. No, no.... that's a toy Red Maria. Someone gave it to me years ago becasue they thought it looked like my Clancy. I never thought so but.... it looked good wearing Captain Hooks hat!
  12. Remember this set has been up for over three years and was getting a little frayed around the edges. The majority of it was the interiors such as where Jack met up with Boot strap, Captains cabin and the brigs and so fourth. All the tackle, rigging, ships wheel were returned to props (you never know when you might need such as that again, right?… ) the rest of the wood was torn out and junked. They may sell select pieces on eBay and if I hear of such a sacrilege I will let you all know. Others were of course savaging what they could from the dumpsters. (shrug) After all, this place is FULL of Pirates!
  13. No rock tossing here mate... I get tons of stuff at Michael's for Pirtae gigs!
  14. (shrug) I just handle 'em, I don't hire 'em mate.
  15. Oh I see. And thanks for turning off the Caps. Makes it much easier to read mate.
  16. For those of you that take in interest in such as this.... (Sigh) They have dismantled the Black Pearl over on her home soundstage and are in the process of removing the hydraulic system that tossed her about for the at sea shots and the Kraken attack. (Is that wailing I hear???) This particular set has been standing so long we are all feeling a little down today. This stage however (and the others) are being turned over to National Treasure 2 when it begins filming early next year. And, woe be it to me to tell you all but…. Captain Jack Sparrow wraps his film work this Weds and will be getting back to his life as he once knew it. Of course... that's not saying that we'll never see his like again. Again. :) Hang in there mates.... May is coming.
  17. Are you on the East Coast then mate? Wasn't raining here last week.....
  18. Or... make 'em work for Disney! Yeah! That'll teach 'em!!!
  19. Well..... I think you ned to come to the Studio for lunch mate.
  20. (Yawn) Now really.... I have the only say?? Begg'n your pardon mate but : (1) I do not have the only say has the thousands of posts and discussions here will allude. (2 ) No need to shout your news, all Caps are hard on the eyes (and not just old ones like mine) We hear you just fine. (3) Don't blame them for having doubts since they have so much rumor and innuendo floating around and it's hard to know what is true especially when told it comes from a" source who is very reliable but confidential...but not the gist of the discussion" which could make anyone tick with doubt. No one is calling you're source incorrect mate. I could allude to the matter and correct this entire BS but not without breaking confidentiality and I won’t do that. After the third film comes out I’ll give you all terrific stories and then you can throw all the stones you’d like. (4) Yes, I work for Disney and have been here during all three films and know what is going on. My sources are no secret. They are the actors themselves and the writers and others on the Productions. And (5)... How do you know that I wouldn't back up everything you've said? (Shrug) I was there after all. You are going by another source. I was there. You may be correct. You may be wrong. And by the way.... that's Iron Bess to you mate. Never *bess* Savvy??
  21. Marty is an amazing man who does great charity work. (We all adore him here) Here is his official web site. http://www.martinklebba.com/Intro.htm
  22. yeah right... Listen, there are already PLEANTY of Pirates in Congerss. They just don't wear the hats.
  23. Disneyland tried a one time deal where they wanted to be like other parks and do the Hallowween gig thing. It was a disaster so no more costumes allowed. Now they just re-do the Mansion, spruce up the rest of the Park and call it *Treats*.
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