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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. While the VooDoo doll itself does not figure inthe films, Disney, as always, will make a buck off it by selling them as key chains. Watch for them at a swag dealer near you. :)
  2. Disney never owned Pixar before the merger however they did have several TOP Disney animators who had left Disney working for them. Ugly children aside, it's alread been consumated so we'll see what we get. Say.... does thatmake Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Nemo, Scully, mike and Boo all b***ards?? Say it ain't so!!
  3. Naw... Pixey is to dandified. Jeffrey will NOT be coming back, Pixney will remain up North (for several years at least ) and you can come when ever you like although we are swamped right now with new pilots being done. Send me an email off list kiddo.
  4. Awwww.. c'mon! I was brought up to share!
  5. ROTDLMBAO!!! I'll that along mate!!
  6. Worked for me. I forwarded it to the POTC set. I thought it was cute. :)
  7. Never happen. They have to keep him look'n *Purdy* fer all the girls!
  8. We pestered a teacher once... Slathered vasoline under his windshield wipers once. We had no idea it would rain later in the day (chuckle) Poor man, I can still see him trying to wipe it off. My bad.
  9. We are starting a pool here at work... What will they be calling us?? Disnar or Pixney??
  10. Don't need one lad/lass/whoever. Worked for the Mouse House 35 year and better. We knew before 6am this mornong but I had to wait until the press release to post it. You just got it first 'tis all. Sorry the news gives you gas. Do you own any Disney stock?
  11. I've seen *Cars* Danger there is every kid under 6 will want to be driving now AND trying to have conversations with the family car. Sorry lad, I think it's a happy thing and besides, Steve is an ornry as Eisner (why they couldn't get along) and Bob is a quiet authority. I think they will do well.
  12. Okay, life is good. And it's more then good for our stock!
  13. Phiffle! Silly lad, no offence taken! As I said, here's to a loose bodice and a tropical breeze! Bring on the Mai Tai's mates!
  14. 'Tis' true, 'tis true.... 'Tis a pity the Disney has no idea how to market their products, aye?? I'm with Rumba on the fruit snacks. No where near as good as gummy bears and shapes that tend to dissapear when they settle. (shrug) Still, they gives you a good reason to start drinking!
  15. Oh well... then you'll have to be specific as to WHICH Fair your interested in lad.
  16. Killed the landlubber that asked if *that was all original rigging* I was carry'n in m'bodice. (Been there, done that) And enjoyed every minute of it.
  17. I have a few in my office to dress it up a bit.... My office is so boring some say. I have the Large Pirate and the lass popping up out of the barrel, the *We want's the Redhead!* wench and the boney navagator at the ships wheel. All fun and as you say, with fine detail. And not a bad price at that!
  18. Here be to a loose bodice and a tropical breeze... (and I'm still on the hunt for the perfect Mai Tai when I've not the time to head over to Vic's.... the Tiki Ti's not bad though) So much for talking costumes huh??
  19. Aye, well said lad! Those who know me know I am a Tiki Pirate at Heart! Here's to rum with little paper umbrellas! (Extra crushed ice if you please....) :)
  20. Ahhh... I wish I could! I'ts on my desktop and I have no address for it. She is cute though... getting HUGE isn't she Rumba??
  21. Wench?? Wench???? I'll treat you kindly lad as you know me but a little.... I am no wench excpet in those rare times and with those rare lads that I choose to be. I am simply a Pirate. Not as trecherous as some, however I am more deadly then most. I am no lass to be labled a Wench. I am Celt and Pirate to m'ver bones and Soul. And I'll be after having that tankard now if'nyou please... a Mai Tai??
  22. Not sure if these will load... But here are a few of m'own self all nice and comfy below decks. Two with rigs and 1, well,... a little more *half-masted* Oh well, Pirate.
  23. This shirt is simply a proto type. I showed it to the Artist’s and was told that not only are these shirts not suppose to be on sale yet, but this picture is just of the proto type for the finished product. This look was never mass produced legally (shrug) Go figure.
  24. Aye I do... with several touch's of m'own. I've rimmed it with lovely black fringe and studded each rib end with a wide eyed skull. The top is surrounded with small finger bones and tied off with hemp. Very sporty. And I get folks trying to buy it off me all the time!
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