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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Aye, you will Capt'n... And remind that first mate O'yours to keep and easy grip and target! Target! Target!! (There will be a TEST in Ojai!)
  2. Checking for emails while I *puppy Proof* my house for the new pup I'm bring home on Saturday. Not..... and easy thing since I only lost my 13 year old Shepherd just last February. I'm still not sure I'm doing the right thing.
  3. Whoo Hoo!! Save me a good seat lad and I may even send a few your way just to watch you work!! (sharpening her harpoon for you...) Here lad, feel free to heft mine!
  4. Welllll..... perhaps you were otherwise occupied.
  5. Yes, picking on folks can tend to take the fun out of an event for some people. Maybe not those picking on them. I've never had a problem when I've asked someone to *adjust* their rigg or make a small change in what they were wearing. It's my experience that the MANNER In which you ask them is more important then the reason. Tell them that they are dullards and fools and have no sense of history to dress in that way and it must come off with all haste will only end badly for all parties. Don't scoff, I've seen and heard people do it. (Talk about your dullards) (shrug) I compliment them on all their efforts, find something (even if I have to lie) and tell them how much I like it and then suggest that *This or that* particular thing does not really lend itself to the correct dress and would they mind tucking it away for now? I can then send them off to someone that can help then plan better for next time. And if that fails with them.... I have them press ganged.
  6. Realistically, it's about making the event sponsors happy so they invite us back. If it's a sponsored event then you ought to know what the dress criteria is for what you're doing BEFORE you go as a matter of course. That's only common sense. That being the case, you dress appropriately and there is no problem. I'm saying that no one, such as another participant with only his own opinion to back him up, has the right to pick on anyone else.
  7. Uh, that would be the *Whale and Ale* And indeed, it's a FINE house for food and drink and song. I highly recommend it to all.
  8. Speaking from years of Faire experience (I'm on old sea hag remember...) how you dress depends on where you are presenting yourself. If I'm attending a faire or some such that is geared more towards teaching and history I wear what is appropriate for that. Scaled down, less gee-gaws and simple weapons. Now if I'm going to be working with kids and the public at the more lighthearted events I'll go with more *what's in the public 's eye* as what is Piratical. More colorful, huge bucket boots and the most flashy weapons I own (and they could blind you on a sunny day!) All I'm suggesting is that it's alright to have both. Wear what is appropriate for what your doing. Don;t let folks throw rocks at you if they don't consider you *period* enough for their taste. It may come as a shock but it's not all about them. It's about EVERYONE enjoying themselves and being the best Pirate you can be with what you can afford, lay your hands on or make. More power to you mate!
  9. AHOY THE ROYALISTE!!!! If there were awards for hospitality at Sea, it would certainly go to this ship and her crew. Capt Gary, his delightful first mate (and my new sword student) ALL of the crew, were so very kind to New Providence and WOW did we have a wonderful time singing aboard. We had an audience the size of the entire Warf along side! We had a unfortunate mis-hap with a NP member on Saturday night (Not to worry... he will live to play guitar again!) and sadly had to cancel our on board show on Sunday but the hospitality never waned! A few of the PRP members experience first hand the power of the open sea when they went on the Tall Ship sail aboard the Royaliste, each one returning with stories and with that glow of "WOW!! What did I just do?? THat was SOOooooooo awesome!" Thank you again Captain and to all your mates and crew. We had a BANG UP time and look forward to see you at Ojai and other ports!
  10. Pirates of the Caribbean, "Dead Man's Chest" will open.... JULY 7, 2006 (IF... all goes as planned)
  11. And a fine time it was we had with you both Pirate! You're Lady is a real Jewel and you are... are.. well, a Pirate friend to be prized. We had a delightful time with you both in our midst! You are welcome ANY time with PRP! Hope to see you again soon,
  12. Yes, Yes, I know. I'm full of worthless off-topic information. Hey, I could pass for a troll! No, no... I was just chuckl'n cause I didn't know you knew the BIG words!! (running like hell as she lobes a Vanilla Coke and my stern!.........)
  13. Naw, no one is laughing. And this was never a rumor... just a poster. And it's doing what it's suppose to do. Create interest. There is just no VooDoo doll in the movie 'tis all. I thought you'd like to know or... maybe I ought to let all your minds wander from now on so when you DO see it's go *DUH! how far off could I be!!!!!* (chuckle)
  14. The VooDoo doll is not in the movie. Some wag just put one on the teaser poster.
  15. As far as I know you're all still meeting up in the same place. And THIS place is going to get pretty quiet now. Most of the PRP'rs have left to go set up the encampment... and many others are travel'n I would imagine. So fair winds mates, see you all in port!! :angry:
  16. I'm not gonna say it... I'm not gonna say it.... I'm not gonna say it! I'm not! I'm not! I'm not!!!!! ROTDLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (thud)
  17. If'n the high heat doesn't take everyone out. Haul water with you if your not inclined to pay the VERY steep prices at the stands. There are no drinking fountains and the site does not provide it. Take care of your health before you take care of your.... scandelous business.
  18. Ahoy the pretty Boat!....eh, uhh... SHIP!! Ship. New Providence is so looking forward to singing the sea shanties aboard and the live steel fighters that have signed on.... are sharping their blades as well as their wits! What a TIME we will have!! Yo Ho Ho!!
  19. I'LL SHOW YOU HACK AND SLASH THIS SATURDAY WENCH!!!!!!!!! ROTDLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! (as if you could out run a PO'd Celtic lass!)
  20. Not that I know of. My guess they will find someone the right size and features and go from there. Only in Hollyweird. You gotta love it. O
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