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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. (Doffing m'hat) At you're service good Magician! We know so many of the same folk I canna see how it can be very long before we meet eye to eye. Again, my best to your Lass and your family. With the power of so many good thoughts (even from the likes of Pirates...) It seems to me she can't help but feel buoyed, even at so far a distance. We are ALL here for you lad. :)
  2. And we're thrilled with the good news about your Fair Lady Ace... The candles still burn and out thoughts for you all continue. Much huggage lad so you pass it along...
  3. (Chuckle) Ahhh.... right kind you are Petee, and it's always a JOY to see you sitting up front. (We know you're always handy to abuse when a song calls for it!) And how good to see you're lovely wench too! Hope we see more of her next time 'round... needs to spend more time in camp shne does! Thanks Petee, here's too you lad
  4. I'm finding this whole thing a little sad... meaning it makes me feel bad that anyone would feel they have a justification to be publicly mean about someone they know nothing about. Please understand, I don't care one bit about your opinion about how she plays. I really don't. It's your opinion and your entitled to it with a full heart. It's what makes America great, right? It means nothing to me. What does bother me, is that you were so unkind about how you presented it. THAT Is my issue with all this. Your posting those comments about her are no differnt than if I had posted somthign like this about you: "It was a wonderful Faire except that I have one issue about something I saw and it's really annoying me. I watched this sword demonstration and there was this caucasian chick that was wielding a sword... She had it in such a death grip that I felt terrible for the grip! She was slashing it this way and that as if she were playing some kids Captain Hook game in her back yard. I'm sorry, I've been working with swords for over 45 years and it was all I could do to keep from running out there and yanking it out of her hand. How dare she treat a sword like that! If she wants to show her lack of skill at home and in her own back yard that's one thing, but people ought to be bright enought to know that they should learn what they are doing before trying to do it in public. I was embarressed for every sword fighter I know!" Of course I would never post anything like that. I wouldn't know you, your skill level , your training history or if you have some other sort of condition that prevented you from fighting in what is considered a reg. technique. However... it might just be your *style* of fighting and in that case, you have every right to fight as you wish. Who am I to tell you differnt? It's been my experience that nothing is written in stone. There is no *one way* to do anything. If she's comfortable with her death grip, so what? Maybe she's not had the time you seem to think she should have been spending to dedicate to the drum at this point but I'm not going to tell her that you think she ought to be better by now becasue you saw some picture of her taken awhile ago and you think she's had long enough to learn. You have no idea what is going on her life. Oft times there is not the time to study as you might like. That should not make her a target for public insults. All the advice in the world means little if it comes from anomosity or being looked down on. I know, I had my share while I was learning. It helped me realize that being a little understanding goes a longer way. That.... and working with incredable egotists all day everyday at the Disney Studios. I've seen some pretty mean things (And no, I am not comparing this to those) As I said before, I'll pass along your advice.
  5. Oh I understand the defensivness and frustration of watching someone fight that is more then a little off the game. I've watched more then one swordsman flop around and brandish a sword like a chicken leg... an insult to their weapon? Certainly. An insult to me personaly? Hmmmm.... no, not really. Yes, I'll pass along your various suggestions. I'll tell her they came from a fellow drummer. I'll not however make a mention of how we came to have this conversation though..... Here is hoping that when you see her playing again she will be up to a better standard that will set mind's at rest so they can simply enjoy the music.
  6. I start a great deal of intereaction with people by trying to buy their kids. I'll say " 'Ear now! How much you be asking fer that little one there? Make a fine powder Monkey he would!" Or I tell them I can always use them for ballast (chuckle) Most parents offer them to me for free!! I had one little boy going this weekend... he was dressed to the 9's in a captain Hook Disney costume. When he and his folks walked by I bellowed "You there!! Bring me that brat in the hat!" I offered to buy him, his father tried to give him away, his mother laughed and the poor kid hid behind her every time he saw me the rest oif the day. (chuckle) I love my work!
  7. I've approached enough people with the best intentions of assistance and have had them thrown back at in my face so that I've learned not to approach anyone to help, even cautiously and kindly. Never give up. She would have been thrilled to have talked with you. I learned years ago from approching snobbish and self effecting sword fighters that A: You cannot be of help to egotists B: Not all people are the same and many people DO want advice. Where I was coming from was that I was told by several people more experienced at this thing than me was that I had better spend a lot of time practicing in private and getting it right before performing publicly. Good advice when you have the time. She was pressed into service and has done the best she could. Not that her efforts really need defending. It's a matter of having respect for the instrument and the music. Oh I agree. As a swordfighter I absolutely agree. It's ALL about respect. And it was not your advice I took an issue with. It's just the way it was presented. It read as demeaning and a little unkind. ANd I know this woman. To you what looks like some kid beating a Tom Tom is a girl that puts her heart and soul into what she's trying to do. It just seems to me that she didn't need to be trotted out and talked about in public. Indeed, it's all about the respect. Respect for the music, repsect for your weaponry and respect for fellow human beings. if she had asked me to help her out I would happy to go over some things with her and I'm sure the other bodhran players would have as well. It might be easy to spot a sword fighter in an audience by the higher grade of weapon they wear but unless you were sitting out there with a Bodhran she'd have no way of know you played one. She has talked with others and listened to advice. She is still learning. No one works with rapier and main gauche at their first lesson. I'm sure her ability will improve. As a fighter I know you understand that while there is recognized tecnique there is also personal style. That is what makes it all so interesting.
  8. Evening Jill... I happen to know this *Asian Woman* as you refer to her, quite well. True enough, her style and tecnique are works in progress. She has only just started playing it you see. She is learning. She's entitled to a learning curve I think you'll agree. I think, however it might have been kinder of someone to have come up after a performance if they saw something they could help her improve... and offered her helpful and sincere advice instead of being hurtful and a little insulting in a public venue where anyone might see it. Most Celtic players I know are always more then willing to share their talent and tecnique. Believe me, perhaps some bodran players think they are unapprochable and they alone hold the true gift of purcussion but this lass is not one of those. She would have welcomed helpful advice with open arms and a lighter hand if you'd taken the time to talk with her. That aside she's not so bad as all that since she's played in performance with the Doxie Chics, Capt'n Kula and other's. I'm just saying that next time you could offer to help a fellow drummer instead of simply thinking badly of her. She's trying to learn and it sounds as if you could have been very helpful in the effort. okay, I vacate the soapbox to someone else.
  9. Awww... lad, my very best you your lady and lass. There will be a special candle on my alter for her tonight... And as an aside, I have to wonderful things for the auction for the funds for the lift. I asked for and recieved from the generous Mr. Lee Arenberg (Pintel in Pirates of the Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl) two WONDERFUL autographed photos. One for a PIRATE and one for a BAWDY WENCH. All will be well lad, you and your family are in our scandalous hearts and thoughts and prayers. :)
  10. Ahhhh.... that'd be Ventura! See you all Saturday you scallywags!! And if all goes well, on Sunday I'll be bringing up Barnacle Phoebe, my new little (for the time being) shipmate who be a 9 week old German Shepherd. (Her feet are the size of Buicks) Here's to us!
  11. Oooooooooooooo..... PICTURES!!! We'll want PICTURES!!!!
  12. Well said lad... Well sad. It's a sad, sad thing indeed. one in which there will never be a definitive place to lay blame and it does not sound to me as if they are trying to.
  13. (chuckle) Well now, are you NOT the grand flatterer! And we all thanks you very much for you kind attendance. You'll need to let us *pick on you* during a song one of these times.
  14. Related Categories: >TWDC>News>Disney Newsreel Click to enlarge 'The Black Pearl' Christened in Southampton, England The Black Pearl, a mono-hull sailboat, was christened Monday in Southhampton, England. The boat is Disney's official entry in the 2005–06 Volvo Ocean Race, the world's premier round-the-world race, which begins Nov. 5. Monday's christening was hosted by Robert Mitchell, managing director, Buena Vista International U.K., and Paul Cayard, The Black Pearl's skipper. Young royal Lady Gabriella Windsor of England was named godmother of The Black Pearl and performed the christening ceremony. "This is an exciting moment as we embark upon uniting the exhilaration of a world class sporting event with what will certainly be one of the most anticipated films of next year," Robert said. "There will be plenty of high-seas adventures both on screen and off for the next 10 months." The Black Pearl is a Volvo 70 class yacht and one of seven entries in the Volvo Ocean Race 2005–06. The race begins in Vigo, Spain, on Nov. 5 and ends in Gothenburg, Sweden, next June. Skippering The Black Pearl is Cayard, a renowned sailor and the first American skipper to win the race, in 1998. He returns with the energy, determination and sheer passion of the sport to lead his highly experienced and competitive Pirates of the Caribbean team around the globe with stops in 10 of the world's most exotic locales. Robert said, "We are thrilled that Paul Cayard will be our very own modern day 'Captain Jack' taking to the high seas to command his team on The Black Pearl in this year's Volvo Ocean Race. "Paul is a legendary figure in the world of sailboat racing, and we will be cheering him on port after port as he leads his Pirates of the Caribbean crew around the globe." For complete details, please visit: volvooceanrace.org.
  15. Capt'n!! You 'll all be in front of the Whale and Ale on Monday???? (Or the other Whales Tale at the shores edge) Whoo Hoo!! And me on vacation for two weeks??!!! I will SO try and make it down! (Warn the first mate!)
  16. Oh I know.... you want it so bad you don't WANT to believe he's not going to be in it. I'm really sorry.
  17. Wait! They moved you to 3:30?? Well, no matter. We sing at 1:30 and 5:00 last I heard so I'll have no trouble making your show. Wonder if we be on the same stage?
  18. Isn't that why you had her lad? To have an assistant that wouldn't sue in case of mishap??
  19. Wonderful!! Do you have a stage time for Sunday as well lad??
  20. Just for the fun of it, I'm sending this off to the POTC production Co.
  21. ROTDLMBAO!!!! (thud) Wonderful! Many thanks lad!
  22. I am so very sorry lass... my support and thoughts to your son and his girlfriend although I know that anything right now is poor comfort.
  23. M'self and of course the the cream of the Port Royal Privateers..... (chuckle) And "Pirate Phoebe" will be there for the first time come Sunday Morn... (The Gods help us all!)
  24. sorry t hear it lass. I lost my wolf/husky just this past May. She was about 10 months old. Hope your new pup brings you just as much, if not loads more joy to your house. Puppies are yummy!!! They are indeed yummy.... our ships cook, Selchie, can make it taste just like chicken! That aside, right now I am thinking it IS a little too soon to get a newbie but it seems to be Karma that this one fell into my life. I told them yes I would take her... and THEN they tell me her mom is 100 lbs and her dad is 165 lbs. She's 8 weeks old tomorrow and has feet the size of Buicks!
  25. It seems to me... I've been trying to tell you all the exact same thing for months.
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