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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Oh I LOVE that song!!!! Happy Birthday! UH! Happy Birthday! UHH!! May the candles on your cake, burn like cities in your wake! (etc, etc! and on and on and on and....)
  2. Naw, I think those are just what they are. Over and done with. This was just TOO silly NOT to share!!
  3. Gotta hand it to him!! Johnny Depp may be able to do a convincing pirate’s voice, but apparently he falls a little short when it comes to a pirate’s hands. The makers of the sequel to "Pirates of the Caribbean" are looking for a gnarled-hand double for Depp because the "Edward Scissorhands" star has “girly man hands” according to the Star. A spokesman for the flick denies the story, but a source told the tab, “[Depp] has very feminine hands, with long, slender fingers. It’s posed a bit of a problem for them.”
  4. Why won't you be joining us lass? Well, very little of the time is m'own. I am singing 4 sets with New Providence on Saturday so my down time will be spent resting at the PRP encampment. Doesn't mean that I can't share some time when you show up though! Yo Ho!
  5. There surely is lass. Besides, you can ask anyone there abouts which way to the PRP and they'll point you in the right direction.
  6. Ya know.... I'm not even going with you but I'll settle it. At 4pm you all meet at the GATE to the encampment of PRP. (There is only ONE gate to the camp but there are several ALE stands) That way... you can all meet each other. You can meet all the people in PRP like m'self... and then you can all go off and drink or eat or whatever. There. Now everyone have fun!!!
  7. If any of you'se is of a mind to care... filming starts back here on the lot tomorrow. Yo Ho ho...
  8. It's such a pretty boat... SHIP!!!! (Love ya Gary!!) (Hiking up m' skirt and running like hell from Rumba!!)
  9. I believe that's pirate for ambush. Why go to them when you can makes um come to you, arrrgh? ROTBDLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Aye Bess, I will be performing feats of juggling and prestidigitation, legerdemain and other big words I don't understand! And I'll doing terrible things to my daughter...by shoving her in a basket and sticking about a dozen spikes and swords through her. Of course she has agreed to do this to help pay her way through University. She'll be the one passing the hat after the shows. Not sure yet but I assume it'll be the stage toward the back. Wonderous!! We Celts love the smell of Magick!! I'll be at one show for sure lad and I hope you and yours will come round to the PRP encampment and visit.
  11. Indeed lad?? What shows be these?? Speak up now lad, tell us of your talents and we'll be showing, er... huh... ....telling you of ours.
  12. Aye! But you'll have to be after survive'n the PRP encampment first! Remember lad.. you've signed aboard with us!!!
  13. If I see's him first on that day I'll bring him to encampment all safe and sound. If YOU see him first I'll know to come looks for the both of you in the PUB!!
  14. I thought you were working POTC II as prop master? But I be glad to let ye buy me a rounds and tell me all about it. Aye lass... our mate Billy here is indeed working the POTC. Filming begins again here on the lot this week and I've even had the dubious (chuckle) honor to speak with Billy Bones m'self whilst he were here on the lot and with luck will have him visit m'office when he has a moment free. Aye! I'm right glad he's in towne and able to make Corona. (Easier for him to by us drinks m'darl'n girl!)
  15. (Hefting a tankard to your wisdom...) Well said (and speaking from a problem as equal as yer own) Besides, it's why the women Pirates always survived any wreak at sea. If the ship sank.... we float.
  16. ROTBDLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! True, true.
  17. ROTDLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!! It did Pirate, it did. (sniffle)
  18. Yeah... I have to say it, as much as I love Johnny Depp and yes, without fail he's one of the nicest people I've ever met... There is something about watching Rush strut around as Barbosa that is, well, awe inspiring. Hes a powerful presence indeed.
  19. I'm going to make you a happy Pirate.... Yes, they have spared you that. ..... sorta.
  20. Good idea. They are starting re-shoots tomorrow on the lot and things change.
  21. Yep.... as a matter of fact, that's the one we saw. I'd say it's pretty accurate. Yo Ho.
  22. Okay, here we go... Yes, I know I've been gone awhile and I don't feel like reading through all of this. I will just comment on a few things I've seen in the last few posts. If you have other questions ask me. First, No, Depp never walked away from anything. He is too much of a professional. Besides, he loves the script and the story line. (more then I do) Second, yes Depp said on TV that Richards was going to be in the film. This was to MUCH chagrin by the writers and Disney in general because Richards has not signed to do anything nor has anything even been remotely written for him. It's Johnny himself that wants it so badly and by saying it aloud he hopes Richards will agree. NOTHING has yet been decided on as far as that goes and no, I didn't say that before to hide any truth Charity. If I cannot tell you all something I know about this movie I simply do not comment. I don't lie about it. Yes I've seen the working trailer and it sucks. The key here is *working* trailer. They will edit and work on that piece of junk. Don;t judge the final film by seeing that. Filming begins again at the studio next week. Nice to be home.
  23. (chuckle)... I'm off working with movie Pirates and Singing Pirates and look at what all happens while I'm gone! I'm right happy to see you are all so *taken* with the idea of a little Pirate Port in the desert. Drop anchor and watch the dust fly! I'll be there mates... I'll be there.
  24. The Disneyland soundtrack from FANTASMIC! the nightime fireworks and stunt show. Gotta love it!
  25. Be careful that it is you wish for Pirate... Be careful what you wish for!! Would you take up arms then sail the seas and fight bastard stepchildren of a lessor skill with us? I may be willing to take up arms in your cause... Although I find no honour in fighting children OR those with less skill. (chuckle) Bring on the real sea warriors and we'll judge their worthiness to be the victims....
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