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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. I have every intention of stealing one, yes.
  2. And all of you planning on going on May 5th... Remember the park is CLOSED On the 4th and the 5th will have limited admissions so the gates will close when they hit a certain number. I'm just giving you a heads up. You... and 100,000 of your closest Disney friends!
  3. To be honest the *BiG FIGURES* are really very reasonable. I would guess he will go for about $125-$150 if he dosen't do anything. Some light up or have music. :)
  4. okay, go here: http://www.tikiroom.com/tikicentral/bb/vie...3912&forum=1&12 And check out the 6th image down. Not... that the other stuff isn't as grand mind you. Yes, yes.... I will ADORE my 35% off this summer! Yo Ho Ho!!
  5. Those that know me already understand the mean'n..... Those mates that don't, it's truely very simple... I've been working with swords and bladed weaponry since I was 8 year old and am now well into my 50's. I earned my name a long time and many Faires ago. Aye, *Iron Bess* is as plain as it gets.
  6. And that sort of thing is just what's he's begun doing. His *handlers* need to cultivate him back towards the nicer side, the way he was the last time he's here.
  7. Nothing of the sort... I speak only from delightful experience. If you've never bared your breasts and ankles on board a ship at full sail then.... Well, you've no way of undertsnading. :)
  8. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Depends on which way the wind is blowing . (sigh)
  9. Yes, i agree. I have a long time friend on the net who is just totally nuts about him and some pics he looks nice but he's just so young, and ..new. Maybe i shouldn't say this but he's not that great an actor to me, not bad..just..average. Nothing of the Caliber of JD and GR. It's a pity, there's too much to handle for him then, i hope he can keep it under control. We live in hope.
  10. And he will too. And he's not a seat of the pants kind of sailor... he always particpates in the races. He's always aboard the boat he has entered and working hard at it. But you bet I can see the Royaliste' point of view! (swabs!)
  11. Just an FYI... Roy Disney is quite the sailor himself and has raced *yachties* for years. But .... really, he's still a VERY nice guy.
  12. Bing Crosby: *Top O'the Morning Irish Collection* So I'm dating m'self, so what!
  13. This is a problem with sequels. The fans expect the excitement they felt when they came across a movie that was really good. But you can never quite get that. The characters are already defined by the previous movie, the situation oftens moves toward formula to meet fan expectations (even after one movie) and there's all this build-up and hype surrounding the production. Add the internet giving us opportunities to find out so much about the movie in advance and well neigh impossible to be surprised and delighted like you were when you discovered the first movie. Still, it is fun to see the further adventures of... I just don't expect this to be quite the ride (hee hee) the first one was. I find that if I *expect* to enjoy m'self I usually do. If I go into a movie and *expect* to find fault with it then usually I will. (Shrug) I'm not going to set m'self or anyone else up for dissapointment. It is what it is and I *expect*it to be allot of fun.
  14. Yes, Bootstrap Bill is in the next movie.
  15. Boy, that's the truth. I go by or am on the set almost every day and STILL I *don't want to know* the entire strory. I want to go to the movies when it's done and have a good time like everyone else. True enough, I know a great deal about the story line but not how it all fits together... I've taken pains NOT to know. I want the surprises. I want the fun of being cught off guard.
  16. Uhm...no LOL, but i did love the story.. I'd never thought Orlando to be someone who wanted to be noticed. I like him because he always seemed to kind and friendly and down to earth. I hope fame didn't change that Thanks for telling us, it's great to hear any bit about the movie etc :) Well, in our opinion it's just that he's a young actor, had a great triumph right out of the gate (LOTR, POTC) without really proving himself, is surrounded with *yes* people and sadly (like so many) is begining to believe his own press. (shrug) I mean c'mon... look how so many fawn and drool and get all silly just at the mention of this kid's name. Please! And people wonder whythe object of their affections become simpletons.
  17. Yeah, all the normal *You'll never work in this towne again* sort of threats. (Shrug) Change their name and they'll work again.
  18. Could you please explain that sentence? I don't undertand what you mean by "toss aways". So will sites get in trouble if they post the link to those pictures? Sure. "Since these shots are already on the web" Meaning they are already on websites. "they are considered toss aways " Meaning they are tossable. Throwaways. Gone. Out of our control. "meaning they will go on forever and there is nothing to be done for it." And meaning that the endless parade of people who have already seen them and saved them to their computers can pretty much do as they want with them. Save them, share them, whatever. "So will sites get in trouble if they post the link to those pictures?" Only if Disney catches them at it and they are looking now for sure. They will be tracing these where ever they go. Did that help??
  19. This is old news... they popped up on a few sites and Disney legal is already taking care of it. Well, the extra that shot them anyway... Since these shots are already on the web they are considered toss aways meaning they will go on forever and there is nothing to be done for it. They may take action against the sites though is anything further shows up once they have been notifed from Disney that they view it as a no-no. (shrug) Ain't life grand?
  20. That's what happens when you watch the Spongebob Squarepants movie five times over the weekend. Sponge Bob Squarepants! Sponge Bob Squarepants! Sponge Bob Squarepants! Sponge Bob... SQUAREPANTS!!! :)
  21. MMmmmmmmmmmmm...... Krabby Patties!!
  22. It's made with the action figures so that's mostly likely why the faces are so poor. The NEW ones coming out are very good though. I've seen the scupt models.
  23. I knew a few of you would want to know about this one.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW
  24. Does Jack Sparrow ever come to the commissary? Yes, I've seen Sparrow in the commissary from time to time. But here is the fun part... Yesterday when Orlando showed up he was in full garb and toting his black lab with him. He went in, bought some soup and summarily tossed out because of the dog. He then walked allover the lot so he could be noticed and fawned over. Cute dog though.
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