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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Indeed you can AND have a tour of Adam's office (No small feat!) I just saw the master for the Pintel figure and it's awesome! They need to be clear, bright and large! Go Pirate Lass, capture the lad in all his glory!
  2. As lame as it may seem, the fellow that is designing the new action figures for POTC2 cannot for the life of him find any good, clear pictures of Ragetti. (The lad with the wooden eye) No, Disney does not seem to have any. (Why an I not surprised) If any of you have any screen captures or know of a place/site where he might find something that he can use I'm sure he will make it worth your while when the toys are complete. He's already checked the Pintel/Ragetti sites and found nothing he can use. He needs good size, CLEAR pictures of Ragetti's costume. There ye be mates, go and plunder.
  3. (shrug) Not a problem mate. You can spit on my undead grave too if you like.
  4. No, no... by all means, kill the whelp. No one is saying you can't post your new found info. More power to you. I'm just saying put the word *Spoilers* in the header so if people don't want to know they can stear clear. Someone posted about Bootstrap being in the film on another thread and I've had 30 emails from people, most saying it would have been a nice surprise. Just trying to help out everyone, posters and readers. :)
  5. I'm sure he'll be terribly flattered.
  6. What I think, and also what I have said on other threads is that is someone wishes to post things like this they should put SPOILERS in the heading. Many people do NOT want to know everything about the film such as if Bootstap is or is not going to be in it. It ruins an otherwise good moment in the movie experience to have more information then you might like. Ruins the event itself. If anyone is moved to post and of course you are free to do so... about what you find about casting which tells what characters are being added way not put SPOILERS in the heading so that those who do not want to know don't have to know. It's a simple and fair concept. :)
  7. Yeah! just what *I* said! Only... with more words. Ahoy ROGER!!
  8. Aw, no one is cheating. They are playing by the rules. set down in the first film. Curse on: Everyone is the living dead. Curse off: (thud) The newly wounded drop like rain. Curse back on: Same rules apply. (chuckle) Maybe! I think you'll be delightfully surprised!
  9. Mmm don't want that *zipping...*I''ll not post again and wait and see, and i won't go into any debate again as when people see things differently you can go on into eternity but it won't chance anything :) No one cares if you want to post the entire storyline...All I'm saying is don;t put it in your headers so that it ruins things for people who do NOT want to know. Put the word *Spoilers* there and those who wish to dive in will. THose who want the full thrill don't have to have an otherwise delightful surprise ruined. Simple and fair all the way 'round. :)
  10. Ohh... I have to disagree. One man's defeat is another man's... being detained a bit. Besides, it's a whole nother ball game when your trying to *defeat* the dead.
  11. Well, if anyone is interested in MY two cents.... (Ahem) I think it's a disservice to keep posting things about the story line or film. Yes, yes I recognize that some folks live, eat breath and sleep this stuff but there are MANY out there that do NOT want to know details, story line surprises or other things. Why ruin it for so many by shouting out *BOOTSTRAP IS ALIVE!*?? It's a shame because it ruins an otherwise wonderful moment that they would have had in the theatre. If folks wish to surf the net and search and search this stuff out more power to them. However... From now on you might wish to consider not posting the news in your title and adding the header *SPOILERS* so people who do NOT want to know the story information can save themselves from a ruined event. Okay, maybe that was 3 cents. I just watch all these people working so endlessly to make this a wonderful set of films... I hate to see the intended surprises disabled from story leaks. Have some consideration for their hard work.
  12. ROTDLMBAO!!! Jeeeeze!! You make me sound like a rumor Goddess!!
  13. No, they are sequels. (...to be contuinued!)
  14. Nobody ever takes me seriously. (sigh) I told everyone last year that Rush had a serious filming conflict with scheduling. They are going to TRY and get him in at the END of the second film (not looking good at this point) but he is well written into the third film. (A wee bit of foot tapping here) Kids!! They never listen!
  15. Be that as it may.... the writers say no, no Kieth RIchards and they are not WANTING to use Kieth Richards so (Shrug) I guess the world will have to go on guessing. Personally, I could care less.
  16. People can only tell people what they themselves have been told. They might have tossed that titale around at some point early on but believe me, *Dead Man's Chest* has been the working title for a long time and just may stay as the release title as well. Would I bet my dog on it?? Nope. I likt it though, I hope they keep it. Given the entire story line of the second movie... it just REEKS with innuendo!!
  17. Naw... I think that's just Pirate sweat.
  18. Anything can change. It's the magic of the movies.
  19. Fear not, the original ride (in all it's glory) will remain intact. The Ghost ride will be on the boat tracks that currently run *behind* the scenes. Where the boats are stored, if you will. Like getting two ride for one. One runs int he daylight (the original) but after dusk.... *Yo Ho, Yo Ho a Pirates life for me...)
  20. (Holding up m'hand...) No, no... no need to worry on that score young missy. The sets are under construction (AMAZING THEY ARE!) I've had contracts come across m'desk and they are MOST certainly making POTC2 I'd not worry too much about POTC3 either. They smell money in the aire!
  21. One thing of which you can always be certian with Disney.... Nothing is certain. And I've had 35 years with the comapny to be certain of THAT!
  22. I guess the key there is *supposedly* voiced by Johnny Depp. I remember when Harrison Ford was signed sealed and delivered to voice Indiana Jones out here in out Park. Even recorded it all. (chuckle) Fell through. (Sound of an enourmous thud) Couldn't even show his face on Merchandise for a year or two. Still..... they get a figure. If they get it, we'll get it PLUS a whole new ride into the bargan. But like everything around here, I'll believe it when I see it.
  23. Are you talking about the 18 inch Capt'n Jack figuire? Sorry to tell you me hearties, that is not Johnny Depps voice. Sorry. SOOooooo sorry mates. Be at ease that he has not sold his voice or his Soul to Disney. Yet. And the ride, it's all still in concept with a few models constructed. I like the idea though. There is plenty of room for two rides.
  24. And... this is all terribly legit. Drink up me hearties, Yo Ho!! http://www.jimhillmedia.com/mb/articles/sh...cle.php?ID=1263
  25. Aye, Jamaica and I are in the Port Royals together so I let her know stright away.
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