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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. Well.... Speaking as a swordswoman who gets paid to fight, (meaning I use my weaponry a great deal) I'd not say they were the greatest on earth. Truth is the del tin's I've used I've had to replace with other, stronger blades that take more wear. They even state that they are for collecting for the most part, not for use. I've learned that if I need a weapon that will REALLY function under hard use I have to have it made. Del Tin is nice to look at though. (shrug) Just a working lass' opinion 'tis all.
  2. WORKING title lass.... It could certainly change.
  3. (much eye rolling) That'd be the French.
  4. Such as ..... .........The RUM, for one thing! Now THAT... I be WILLING to share Capt'n!!
  5. Such as ..... (shrug) Nothing I can share.
  6. Precisely why I feel free to share! Especially the Kieth Richards thing. The writers are getting very cranky that that rumor will not go away. They think it takes the attention away from other, more fun things.
  7. Since the screen writers, Ted and Terry spilled the bilge at the screening tonight I will share it with you. (Ahem) The oficial working title for POTC 2 is: *DEAD MAN"S CHEST* And once again, they want to make it very clear the Kieth Richards is NOT in the movie. Night all!
  8. The Biggin's clan is a mite large to include in an open invitation but I'll see what the limits are for attendees. Since they will be feeding us and this is a charity I'm not looking to bankrupt the Foundations with hungry Pirates. As of this morning they requested simple Pirates. Nothing too flashy or scary as the little one IS Only 7 years old. Hollywood is well aware of the event as they are laying carpet in the street and sidewalks... and we are permited to carry peace tied weaponry. However... as I said the little one is very young so I'd not over do. After all, we are there to be her loyal subjects and doubt we'd have a need to be so armed in a Kingdon as sweet as her's. If anyone plans on attending let me know ASAP as when we reach a cut off number that will be it.
  9. Alright mates, here's your chance for you local scallywags to do something really special down on Hollywood and Highland on Saturday, January 29th at 4pm. Make A Wish called me this morning with a request taylor made for Pirates. There is a terminal 7 year old girl who is being granted her wish to be a Princess. Not just ANY Princess but a Purple Princess. She will be arriving in Hollywood by horse drawn carrage and what she needs is... loyal subjects. Make A Wiah has asked for as many Pirates as we can muster to come and spend the early evening with her. It is being catered by Spago's and yes, you will be fed and watered as well as adored for coming. Spread the word as they need everyone that can come. Again, the date is January 29th at 4pm til.... who knows! I will be compiling a list of those of you coming. Please email me and let me know if your bringing a special prop such as a bird, games to play or such like. They welcome EVERYTHING we can do! Okay mates, lets show them how big a Piates heart can really be.
  10. ROTDLMBAO!!!!!! Ahoy shipmate... so glad you've been marooned here! Here's to us! (and the whole bloom'n crew!)
  11. Aye, from yer own lips to Manannon's ear! How fine would a sea breeze be when your dressed to the top mast in velvets!? And swinging a sword to boot! Aye, indeed... here's hope'n!!
  12. Psssst!... avast mates. I'm told it's already sold out but ... I was wonder'n if any of me mates from the Pub will be attend'n the Special screening of POTC with the Q/A afterwards with the movies writers (Ted and Terry) and Mr Lee *Pintel* Arenberg?? I will be there and was hoping to see a familier (or new, soon to be familier) face or two. Hoist yer flags if yer a go'n!
  13. No... not trying to keep you in the dark. Been dealing with real life. I have no way of knowing all the questions but the ones sent to me by some folks here abouts in emails. Be advised I CANNOT and WILL not talk about things that cannot be discussed. Besides... why would you want the movie ruined for yer selves?? I know a good deal and can only talk about a tiny fraction. That said: Filming begins in mid Feb There are sets being built now here on the lot. HUGE sets. I cannot tell you the title. Kieth Richards is not under contract so I'd still say no. Barbossa will be back. (As if they could make it without him) What did I miss? Nice to see that you all still play fair. (chuckle)
  14. And what a crew we have here. So far three folks from the pub have sent suspect auctions. I'll forward them to legal on Monday and let them have their wicked way with them. :) Well done mates, well done.
  15. I don't even remember going PAST most of yer ages!! I am a content 55. I can still hold me liquor and dance the buckles off me shoes in the pub. And can still outfight the youngsters with rapier and main gauche. The two handed broadsword???.... not so much anymore. Although.... most days in the office can make me feel like 90 Yeah, Old age and treachery WILL overcome youth and skill!
  16. I have to suppose the being married hoop'la come from the fact she stated she was the wife. Just to clear that up for anyone. As was requested, take it outside children. Use IM or emails but as difficult as it might be, show the Flint a little respect and do what he asks. We all know how everyone stands. If you have a deep seeded need to discuss it further do it in private. Besides, I think Merry ate ALL of what remained of the popcorn. (Wench!)
  17. decides to stay out of the fight, but will pick over the remains of the loser for gold. Women who behave, rarely make history m'love! Atta girl
  18. (sigh) If this has got to continue.... take it to IM or emails. Give Flint that much respect at least.
  19. Now.... ya see? I DON'T have any bad feelings. I even said as much when I offered to still senf your stuff. I work with actors and their egos every single day. It's why I keep forcing the act like an adult issue. Force of habit. I never take this nonsense personaly. Don't worry about me mate. Not in the least.
  20. Facinating!! You take a name that belittles someone who has in issue with doggie and your very first post is in his defence. Like... no one can see through this. Hitch up yer knickers lover... it's all about his having a last word and a dislike for being *outdone by a wench* as he put it. No one was trying to out do him. If he'd kept a civil tongue in his head it would have rolled over to silence yesterday. It's not about trying to make m'self important (I just do my job mate...) It's about not being bullied. On this thread OR in private. Good night Gracie.
  21. Do what?? Look past your utter nonsense and mean spirit and agree to send your stiff anyhow? Oh brother.... All you've done is bully me and the others. You know nothing of my kind. That would assume you had the ability to see past yourself and your own interests.
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