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Iron Bess

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Everything posted by Iron Bess

  1. No, this is not from the film POTC. I would have your friend tell the seller she now has doubts about it's authnticity (COA or no...) and is going to have it verified by the studio. If it's a fake she will be not only asking for her money back but turning him in to eBay. Yeah, go there.
  2. He's running ahead of the sharks..... he's changed most of his descriptions and stopped short of saying used in the film. Think he's trying to use wording to save his hieny. More to come!!
  3. No one ought to bid for anything on eBay from POTC without checking to see if its the real thing first. Never shy off from asking me mates. I'll find out for you.
  4. Yeah.... life is good today.
  5. This just keeps getting better and better... The guy answeres my email with my eBay account name on it. I had included my Disney email address and asked him to contact us. He sends me a memo that is 80% mis spelled, tells me that he's already spoken to *insert my real name* over at disney and has worked with her on may occations. They know Jerry personaly. Everything is fine. I wanna be there when the attorney calls.
  6. Wait... looks like he simply moved his sales. okay, on to the lawyers. (shrug)
  7. ROTDLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I emailed him this morning and when the Bruckhiemer people went to check the site, he had pulled up stakes and run like a rabbit!! All his auctions are closed. No one else will be cheated for now. (Bowing from the waist) Thank you, Thank you!
  8. I've already met you so I'm runn'n like Hell from high tide when I see you!!! Josh'n!!!!
  9. Jeffrey tried to take our dept with him to Dreamworks. There is no other Studio system that has an office to do for the Talent and Production deals what we do here. He wanted us to go... but I couldn't give up the years I already had in my retirement. Been with the company since 1970.
  10. Oh they do keep a weather eye out... But sometimes, we find it first.
  11. Actually... I real talent behind all those hits was Jeffrey Katzenberg. Frabk was the go between... he was able to keep the peace between Jeffrey and Michael. When he died there was no buffer anymore and in time it all imploded. Jeffrey LOVED everything Disney! He was crushed when he found out how Michael really felt. No, all credit goes to Jeffrey for the re birth of our animation. Michael just killed it again is all.
  12. The deed is done. His entire offering has been sent to the Bruckheimer attorny office ans I wrote and asked him to email me as I would like to discuss the *authenticity* of his items. We'll see that happens.
  13. Hhmmmm... I'll send this guys address off to the Bruckhiemer lawyers in the morning. Should I.... send him an email tomorrow from my Disney server? Scare the barnicales off him?? If he has any? Whay say ye to that??
  14. Oh, and Geoffrey by the way is still living in New york City and just presided over the wedding to some friends of mine. What a wonderous , educated and gentle man he is Gee, maybe it is all in the familiy.
  15. All true... If they had stuck with Walts original idea of keeping it int he family, meaning to promote from within, the dept heads would have a history here and KNOW what the hell was going on!
  16. Hmmmmmmmm... no. I think that they have so much money that they have lost track of what is *real* in the world. The powers that be here have NO IDEA how reg people live or what they really what. They pay outsiders to tell them. (shrug)
  17. (Wry smile...) Oh I'm not m'lad..... I'm not
  18. Yeah... and like the fine Pirate she is it was sorta thieved!!!
  19. THe model of the black pearl (which was HUGE mind you...) is sitting in Jerry Bruckheimer's back yard. The hull from the working model was sold off in pieces to several places.
  20. Well, send me a PM when your coming down and we'll hook up. I will be OUT of the Studio from Aug 19 to the 27th....
  21. Just as an asides mates... You really, really ought to consider the possible nvolment of others on the board before you out and out bad mouth something. Perhaps... temper your hatred a mite until you know? I'm not by any means saying Swashbuckler is the worlds BEST Pirate movie, but lambasting it to that extent is a little hurtful and.... unfair? I have family in that film, up on the screen and I, for one, am very proud of the hard work done on it. It was made when no other Pirate film COULD get made on Robert Shaws and James Earl Jones names alone. In it's day it was really a success. (Shrug) THat is a simple fact. The worlds BEST Pirate movie? No way. The Worlds Worst?? It made more the three times it's money back. Stupid scrip? It was so-so but I've seen worse. Bad acting? At times Cheap sets? You BET! but hey... it was about PIRATES! (Shrug) All a matter of personal taste I grant you...
  22. In the end, I do believe his Karma will even the score.
  23. Most likey they are being sold as a pre order. If not they were... pirated!!
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